This is my son, big hoss
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Literally no one has ever called him Big Hoss
this is a s i c k american rifle
>that episode where Hoss slits Pop's throat with an antique dagger
what the fuck was his problem?
imagine being so fat that big replaces your first name
>tfw he died and no one said anything
>tfw when you're dweeb stoner friend becomes more famous than you.
has anyone ever clicked to find out why?
>Big SAUce
Dances with Swolves
I’ve been Big Matt since middle school. That was almost 20 years ago...
Can someone explain pawning?
I saw a guy sell an OG Les Paul for 90K when it's valued at 150+ at auction.
Why not just sell it or take it to auction yourself? and potentially make 200K?
lol leave your hometown then man
I did...moved across the country. Still BigMatt user
auctions take a cut of the money and it can take much longer to sell depending how many times a year the auction takes place
They're just trying to astroturf retarded people into selling valuables to scheming kike pawn shops. That store itself is just a TV set and a gift shop, they buy valuable items from complete mongloids (not the staged ones) and sell them on internet auctions for insane profits.
>moving from one rural village to another
you're doing it wrong Cletus
inb4 I'm BigCletus
What did chum do to hillary to deserve this?
This is my ƧoS, big ƧoSS
actually it's providing a valuable service to the community
not funny
Auction houses get a commission for whatever you sell at their house. Ranges go from 10-20% depending on the auction houses owner. After it sells, you have to wait til the end of the auction until the new owner pays for the items then you get your money. Auctions can last anywhere from 1 to 4 hours. At a pawn shop you get money in hand right away, no waiting
.t auctioneer
I bet you'd say the same about EX money payday loan stores too, Chaim. You fucking parasite.
wasting my damn money
Still, why not privately sell it?
On this episoda soda stars
fucking hilarious
>I'm Rick Harrison, and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I've learned in 21 years, you never know WHAT is gonna come through that door.
>tfw read it in his voice
Moved from nj to Vegas to Houston to LA. Always follows me user.
You still have to find someone and go through connections that's willing to pay for it, and you're not going to get auction prices.
imagine being so fat that small replaces your first name ironically
In real life, because people going to their store want to gamble/drink immediately.
As far as the show goes, it seems like most of the actually valuable things they never bought, it was more of the owner bringing it on for free advertising for a better price if they could get it on tv
What’s your height and weight?
6’5 280 give or take
>draw a portrait of us
>draws a bottle of pills
>this was made before Chum got busted for drugs
God you are fucking retarded
You’re unironically a big guy so I wouldn’t take offense, sounds like they mean all-around large rather than fat.
originally it was "This is my son, some people call him Big Hoss" in the intro, then it turned to just "This is my son, Big Hoss". Either way you're right no one called him that ever
please, use brainlet
literally you're wrong, but yes most of the time they just call him by his name
I'm sure Chum has at least called him Hoss, but then Chum probably calls a lot of people hoss, and, well, it's Chum
Most pawn shops are located either right in front of casinos or in poor neighbourhoods, they buy from desperate peoople