What are some movies about a depressive guy with no hope in life who has an experience that finally gives him a purpose?
What are some movies about a depressive guy with no hope in life who has an experience that finally gives him a purpose?
i need to impregnate a girl and have a child to fix all my problems!
I really hate this movie, though.
why? it's fun
Blade Runner 2049
The Blob remake.
The Last Samurai
Just kill a guy and cuck him
Full of clichés, Samuel Jackson was unfunny, inconsistent mix between drama and action and I found the protagonist extremely unlikable
Blade Runner 2049 unironically
Randy Quaid in Independence Day
>it's fun
Little Miss Sunshine
Wristcutters: A Love Story
>not watching movies for fun sometimes
You know you're going to die one day right?
Generally being able to not only attract a girl but also to get her to stay with you and keep her around long enough for you both to even consider getting offspring typically entails having your shit together and future basically more or less made already
So yes, it's kind of the ultimate long-term goal to be striving towards all things considered, not to mention it being the literal meaning of life itself and reason for your own existence
no i need to trick her and trap her
Blade Runner 2049
Pinning your whole existence on validation from another is what inevitably drives them away you fool.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Welcome to the NHK
>What are some movies about a depressive guy with no hope in life who has an experience that finally pushes him over the edge to an hero ?
The Catcher in the Rye