Whats the deal with Annie? Why can't David drink? He hasn't done anything dumb.
Whats the deal with Annie? Why can't David drink? He hasn't done anything dumb.
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David can't handle his alcohol.
Also that one guys gay black brother-in-law was an ass.
Annie knows nothing about anything
And david cant drink because he obviously has emotional problems that he self medicates with alcohol.
>tfw no hardcore christian gf to make all my decisions for me and picket abortion clinics with
How come 26 year old David can contact a 15 year old for sex and he gets a tv show but when I do it I'm a sex offender?
David hasn't done anything stupid while drunk. I don't get why she gets all crazy.
She crazy. Why do you want crazy?
Because she's a goddess
She loves brown penis though.
Unfortunate but she's repressed so I'll give her a pass, she'll probably fuck anything she can fit a ring on at this point
Makeapp when? She has to much make up.
Do they have sex. What's it like?
Annie tops.
You have horrific taste and she has an awful personality.
is that a shemale?
I will not be swayed
What's up with the blondes sisters? Fucking whores
Evilyn wants to talk about sex
David spergs out and leaves crying
I thought it was jazz jennings
Can't make her flatter if you tried
>wtf I tried to not freak out too much when david said he has tried better apples
the one with the chad fiance?
Whatever bro, more for me
Whores by definition. The ultimate redpill
Selfish cunts, the Russian dude was being so relaxed and holding his own at that dinner. I like how the dad said the difference between him and her sisters husbands married when they were already successful implying the Russian dude wasn't, I'd fucking punch those 3 cunts sideways if they talked to me that way especially knowing they were full well on camera, almost like they were provoking him for a reaction or to submit to what they wanted
They wanted Stripper cocks.
Yeah the one with the eastern european bf. Her sisters were baiting him into losing it but he kept his cool. They were like "uhmm no sweetie we ARE taking her to vegas and we WILL have strippers and get drunk and dance with random men, what you don't agree? wtf this is the american way !!"
Paola is best girl, fight me.
That's post prime Paola, black haired Paola is GOAT tho
She old and washed. She needs to fuck the producer to get a role.
gold digging whore
whats her problem?
*cheats on him* TWICE
"Wtf why don't you trust me"
Fat, white trash, seems kinda mentally disabled.
He's gay
Hes going to punch her one day isn't he?
This was so obvious within literally minutes.
Old burger with huge bags under his eyes, young thai who looks like she used to be he.
If this isn't true love, I don't know what is!
The burger is a fucking loser, he's unemployed and has no savings. I'm not sure what the fuck are they going to even do, the ladyboy is going to go back in no time
Lol. They would cuck you hard
>The burger is a fucking loser, he's unemployed and has no savings.
Surely tlc must pay him for his involvement in the program. I hope he's the next Bruce Jenner. (Who's more famous for raising sluts and becoming transgender - on tv - than being an accomplished sportsman.)
They pay them about 500 USD per episode
why did that one dude call him a ninja turtle batman penguin?
not cool man, not cool
Topkek, if this is true they are ripping him off.
>tfw no model asian gf
How did he do it?
Looks like a trap in that pic
Her mum is way better looking.
thats enough to pay back her family.
why are they obsess with being around with other guys even though there married?
pls no bully
She's got many years to improve into an even more incredibly beautiful woman
you're damn right
She a hoe. doesn't want to talk about sex.
I love that pissed off look she makes whenever david says anything
she's pure and sweet
>old white guy and a young asian tranny
so this is like Sup Forumss dream?
Every mans dream
Yeah she's a sweetheart
i feel like there is some truth to that
oh god, can you imagine if he never had sex with her or anything until their wedding night and then he pulls down her panties only to find a giant cock?
I swear, all the whitemale/asianfemale couples in Japan all seem to have the exact same kind of guy.
Some average height, slightly chubby, balding brown-haired guy with glasses, who acts like a doormat and watches their children while the wife handles something.
If a guy escapes to Asia, or imports an Asian wife, for easy pickings, you know that there's something fishy about him.
are women the biggest meme ever?
meme eyebrows
>cute eyebrows
What did she mean by this
no, women are the biggest mamas ever.
>model asian
except they all look the fucking same
Jealous, jealous
that just makes it better
Yes. She had a great chance.
Are there any YouTube clips that show how crazy she is?
She's super cute and in the one ep I saw with her the only weird thing was that she sang like Kermit and her producer is probably a child rapist
she's generally creepy.
imagine wearing that outfit in 2017 and thinking you're sexy rofl(fucking)mao
Discount scodelario
Shes controlling.
British here. I saw this guy buy two buffalo and spend like $3000 on her. Why? Can't he just pick up a cheaper SEA?
Also the fat woman with the Muslim guy was hilarious.
fags pls leave
All women are
*All non-Christian women
Why doesn't she want to pay for his friend suit?
>non-Christian women
but not my muslim qts r-right?
is that anfisa?
i dont know, i just have these 2 pictures of her in my muslim qt folder
>Annie was a prostitute and she was only using David for money which he was getting from his friend
>Karine is cheating on Paul and sending nudes to other guys
Karine keep her greencard?
>See related videos
>Jackie Evancho´s sister is transgender
this is the end of DRUMPFs campaign
Trumps´ Little wife.
Is he gay for liking a tranny?
He is juliette sexual, you bigot.
She looks like a white snake groupie from the 80s.
I don't even know what that is.