ITT: Secondary characters who amassed cult followings for no logical reason
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ITT: Secondary characters who amassed cult followings for no logical reason
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Fuck Lando Calrissian. Uncle Tom nigga.
how do you go from that to this?
was a guy like Lando not black enough for Disney?
Honestly, I just thought his costume was dope.
pretty much every jedi that isnt a main character from the prequels.
Especially big tits secura
is this image canon?
Overview of Lando's role:
>betraying Han
>trying to get jiggy with Leia
>saying the obligatory "bad feeling about this" line
>busting up the Falcon
>blowing up 1 tie fighter in the Battle of Endor
Truly a legend
>watch Star Wars films
>thousands of characters
>only 2 black guys
who did they get away with this?
Does Boba Fett count as a character?
Seek help
Well, he was very charismatic.
>Charismatic, yet i intially traitorous, character who redeems himself by becoming a hero in the end.
>No reason.
Boba Fett did nothing except stand behind Vader occasionally and he died like a bitch to a flailing blind guy
He actually did shit and had a great past. Boba fett made no sense at all.
help for what, being heterosexual?
idk but this one is.
>only 2 black guys
Mace Windu
Lando Calrissian
Jar Jar
For your perverted lust for inhuman cartoons. That's the exact same as being a brony.
He did help free Han too.
>paint a human blue and put tentacles on their head
I think you might be retarded
He blew up the second Death Star.
Vader was black and nothing will ever change that. Beautiful black skin. BOOMING BLACK VOICE. BLOWING SHIT UP DEDICATED FIGHTER PISSING OFF THE LITTLE NAZI POSTERBOY.
I will FOREVER hate Lucas for sullying Vader's legacy.
did you skip ROTJ then?
Lol did you even watch the original trilogy. Selective memory having faggot. Kys.
You what? He's white
Only Mace Dindu and Lando Calrissian are black (I haven't seen the new ones)
Vader is black. Seeing him again in all his Nubian glory in rogue one was satisfying.
no seriously, what are you talking about? i'm not mad at black people, I'm black kek
>no logical reason
he's han with a cape. better reasons for being selfish (he wasn't, he was looking out for his people). much better motivation than "I only look out for myself, unless there's a pretty woman to impress"
>handsome, cheery, yet bit nasty
>literally ape
why nu-Wars can't get niggers right?
dear lord.....
>cult followings for no logical reason
That's how they work, stupid.
If that turns you on seek help. There's nothing sexy about physical abuse you deviant.
Have you ever even heard Vader's voice? The guy is clearly black.
Lando is literally Black Han Solo. That's why he got a following, His character was just a carbon copy of an already popular one just in case the other guy decided to leave.
hot af when she gets the foot out of the way. Thank you.
No nigger gives a fuck about Landon they all claim Vader is still black though.
Lando is the man we all want to be.
Is he in Last Jedi?
In the Battle of Endor he did that dope ass swerve under the medical frigate.
Confirmed not to be in it.
>Han is a luckless smuggler who dumps his shipments and amassed a sizable debt with a crimelord
>Lando is a successful gambler who became the chief administrator for a floating city
There should be buddy movies of the two if Disney is smart. Think Lethal Weapons but in space.
Lando is a model of success and his character was introduced nearly 40 years ago. Finn should be seen as a step backwards.
Maced Window exists entirely because SLJ wanted a part in Star Wars.
>for no logical reason
>There should be buddy movies of the two if Disney is smart.
Isn't that what the next year's Han Solo prequel movie will be?
They wanted someone who was the opposite of Billy Dee Williams, who was attractive (for a negro), charismatic, and can act.
He's a suave black man who is a self-made man. He's black gentleman. Today black men in movies are either angry motherfuckers or comedy quippers.
Lando was a charismatic black man with authority. Billy Dee nailed the charm and wit of Lando IMHO.
So, like Force Awakens, rehashing the OT while not following up on any of its characters and plot strands.
Its what it should be, but wherher that's what it is I don't know.
>movies made by white people consumed primarily by white people in a majority (for now) white country
>why are they so white?
Hell, it's amazing that they had any PoC's at all when you look at the demographics of the fans. Pasty white men all the way down.
>Why do people like charming, likable character played by a charismatic character?
>B-but in the e-expanded u-universe he's c-cool
Fuck off this is a television and movies board. We don't want your fanfic comic books
>following the millennium falcon is the only thing he does in the entire trilogy
>has the humiliating death in all of Star Wars and no EU fags I don’t care what some novel or comic happens after
>has a distinctive looking costume and nothing else
>successful gambler
Didnt he lose the Falcon in a bet?
What's a Nubian?
An unnamed X Wing pilot blew up the second death star
>conveniently forgetting blowing up the fucking death star 2 with wedge
back to _thedonald with you
>TFW This franchise is getting worse all the time.
Lando? Fucking Lando? Characters that fit the description of "Secondary characters who amassed cult followings for no logical reason", in the Empire Strikes back, and you pick fucking LANDO for that?
How did we go from
>Says four lines the entire movie
>Shoots at Luke for a few seconds
her french accent and dem hips holy FUCK
>Follows the Millennium falcon
>Treats Vader like his bitch
>Hears Luke around a corner and shoots at him
Those were all cool. His suit is cool, and so his voice, and his spaceship.
>Treats Vader like a bitch
Vader talks to him like a shift manager at Starbucks lecturing a high school kid about company policy. Boba is the bitch
>Entering the cavernous reactor core, Calrissian told Antilles to destroy the power regulator on the reactor's north tower, while he used the Millennium Falcon to destroy the bottom-most component of the tower.
cool armour for the toys u manchild
Race aside, Finn was just goofy and impossible to take seriously. I'm surprised tumblr didn't throw shit over him being "le silly black man" stereotype. If they want a social justice hero to idolize it should be Billy Dee because he was one of the first black people to become a sci-fi icon, and it didn't have to be forced because of what a cool cat he was.
There's some thoughts that he killed owen and beru
Since he was on tatooine at the time, and burned them to ashes, and then got scolded by vader for disintegrating.
Literally no reason for him to be in the movie. He didn't affect the plot at all after the first ten minutes, and his character Arc makes no sense at all. He is traumatized by the violence at the Village, so he easily kills at least 30 people escaping. On top of that it was directly stated he was raised since birth in the first order. How was he not indoctrinated
>literally ape
user all humans are apes
all that happened in the movie is that he fell in, we have no idea what happened to him therefore discussing it perfectly logical you turboautist
I like the idea but it seems like a huge stretch, burning villagers seemed like empire tactics even before Disney
>dies like a bitch
>is somehow adored and people want a spinoff
You mean Bobba Fet, right? Lando was suave as fuck. Williams made the character work.
>On top of that it was directly stated he was raised since birth in the first order. How was he not indoctrinated
Well, I would say that it's because Star Wars is a space opera with "inherent good vs inherent evil" morality, but that isn't the case anymore since Rogue One introduced Vietnam moral grey shit to the world of the mainstream movies. If we're going by the realistic wartime psychology Star Wars is apparenly aspiring to, Finn would have no qualms about killing the villagers since he would have been raised since the time moral ideas form to believe they were not deserving of personhood or mercy, as it is with all child soldiers and victims of totalitarian brainwashing.
Looks like a literal Space Spartan, that's all.
Do you think people like Vader because he's a good character? No, they like it because of the distorted voice, the cyber Samurai helmet and the fact he can choke people by squeezing thin air.
Is he wearing Han's clothes...?
Why is he wearing Han's clothes...?
You are retarded, Lando is beautiful and charismatic as fuck
pic related
>Literally no reason for him to be in the movie.
Fish out of water character for the audience to relate to and find out stuff at the same time as he does
Token black character to appeal to sjw critics and trigger Sup Forumsirgin Sup Forumstards
>Today black men in movies are either angry motherfuckers or comedy quippers.
Independence day 1
The pursuit of happyness
Seven pounds
Get out
Civil War (T' Challa)
First Class (Darwin)
Off the top of my head, in 20 seconds
vader is not particularly deep but he is definetly a good character
a hateable villain who is really being manipulated who has a change of heart in his last moments. Pair that archtype with an original design and you got a neat character
I sincerely hope this is bait
Remember when they tried to replicate this blind fanaticism with another character.
mmmm orange buttcheeks.
it was clearly a team effort
All I wanted was Brienne of Tarth in space, was that too much to ask?