This is powerful

This is powerful.

Looks like her career was dead anyway when she stopped being cute. Might as well go for broke.

Based Ratner

tl;dr: The Career

This is truly disgusting. She was only 16.

>remember embarrassing moment
>try to spin it as some kind of grievous assault
>hopes career picks up again

Why do millennials get so triggered at the mere mention of sexual activity?

16 is legal age in the best half of the world desu

>something happened that I didn't like but I didn't do anything about it
Should have done something about it

Listen, except under exceptional circumstances, you either have principles, or you don't.
This is not something you drop out and pick up later, that's what make them principles.
So you either stand up for youself right then and there, or you shut up forever.

Two or three salient sentences entombed in endless paragraphs of mind numbing social justice boilerplate.

imagine actually thinking like this, what a horror

1. Why does all this shit comes out years, and in some cases, decades later?
2. In some of the cases like this, who the fuck cares? The guy said something rude, she was embarrassed, that's it. It's not some fucking aggression.

Well unless you dropped out of highscool, you probably noticed that a lot of people think this way.

1. They're fucking cowards
2. Attention, a sense of belonging, restart a career.

Power is an inherently scary thing. I think of power simply as the ability to make things happen. Things like silencing whomever you please so that you may exploit whomever you please.

When I was a young boy my mother was still a model and she and her model friends would casually take off their tops with me in the room and reveal their upper skeletons.

hoes are great at that. I don't know how they do it.

She's an ugly little dyke!!!FACT!!!

Eighteen year olds are old enough to be conscripted by the government and forced to fight and die on foreign soil. It's pathetic that she acts like a sexual remark to an eighteen year old is some sort of heinous act. Remarking that someone is gay is not homophobic.

Unless Brett Ratner had some personal, insider knowledge about Page's sexuality, he didn't out her. He speculated correctly, but he did not violate her privacy.

>Consent to things you don't like in order to further your career
>Come out years later, when you are not in a vulnerable position anymore, and say you didn't actually consent
Yeah nah, it's not like these directors, actors, etc. were politicians and these people were doing it to feed their families or some such.

If you were in their shoes, you'd be a coward too

she's actually very attractive

she has been cast multiple times as the lead love interest in Hollywood movies. You may not think she's attractive but the general public deems her attractive enough to be a realistic love interest in the most superficial industry in the world.

you use that word as if you understand it
anyway, all of this just shows that hollywood is a place that should not exist
the solution is to erase it from this earth

tl;dr couldn't Ratner's bantz

>I didn't know I was gay but I knew but I didn't!

Oh fuck off. She knew she was gay. I bet the same whore is probably thrilled about outing gay men in Hollywood.


Why would anyone want to fuck Ellen Page?

thread winner

Except those were quirky comedies where the attractive leading male was Michael Cera.



Ratner is a piece of shit.

Sure, tear it down, but don't pretend to be enlightened by saying
>you use that word as if you understand it
How do you define it then?

in those movies the female is way way out of the league of the guy. They're basically jewish fantasies. In what would do you think a guy like Micheal Cera can woo a woman like MEW? Ellen is at least a hollywood 6 or 7, which translates to a 8-9 in real life.

Pfft. You can't know how you'd act if you were actually in that position. No one ever does. You're just an internet edgelord.

Didn't this guy fuck up in the past and his apology was "I'm just a jewboy.."

Why are all of these people jewboys?

Oh wait don't answer that.

You mean being pressured to do something or else suffer the consequences? Pretty sure I did face such situations. Only I didn't shut it like a little bitch and started talking shit years later.

>they were mean to me
>Basically I have (had) ptsd

Why are all these vocal women such weak willed, affirmation dependent, emotionally unstable, fragile and overall fucking pathetic creatures. It's like the whole bra burning, equal rights/equal responsibilities generation didn't happen.

dykes are fucking worse than faggots

she should have been raped

very nice write up actually

>women are weaker
>so it's okay to abuse them emotionally hahaha
make up your mind, which is it

She's talking about the Corey Haim's of the world you kike loving rat. Can't wait until the degenerate hollywood kikes help uncover pizzagate.

The world would be a better place if they didn't. Walking around in verbal circles is so fucking tiring. Not to mention it trains people to think the same way until they can't carry any goddamn conversations that don't include repeating their disorganized thoughts over and over.

also known as essay

>so it's okay to abuse them emotionally hahaha
This has fuck all to do with what I said. Have you tried reading a post before you reply to it?

Are you actually retarded? She's crying about Ratner being mean to her.

That conversion ratio used to be true, but the up and coming crops of leading actresses have seriously deflated the value of the Hollywood-to-RL exchange rate.

What sheltered lives they must lead to think this is worthy of any kind of sympathy.

Normally I wouldn't care but these hollywood kikes push feminism and leftism while engaging in exploitation om the side

See, the intelligent part comes with those who know how to turn it off and where to put that knowledge. Seeing social media comments that attempt to do the same just becomes useless verbiage. Some fucking brevity is desperately needed.

she's still a millionaire and i don't give a fuck. just because someone said mean words to you. What a pussy ass generation we live in.

she was asked to fuck for roles if you actually read the thing

>she's still a millionaire and i don't give a fuck

it has absolutely everything to do with about 90% of the posts in this thread, including yours

you can't claim women are weaker and then justify abusing them at the same time

that's what virtually everyone in this thread is doing

watch out user. you may get the dreaded "reddit spacing"

It goes with the territory. These thing happened because it was tacitly understood by all involved that IT . GOES . WITH . THE . TERRI. TORY

Now that will have to change and probably irreversibly alter the way mass-produced films are made. And thank god for that. They are all garbage anyway.

i don't care about Sup Forums memes, and i even know that one

i come here once a year or so

I haven't justified shit. I also haven't said all women. If you are weak you get exploited, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, race and economic situation. That's neither fair nor good, it just is. So you can whine about the cruelty of the world and remain a victim of circumstance or you can toughen the fuck up and take responsibility for your actions. If you don't want to be surrounded by morally bankrupt scum at 16 maybe don't work in a cesspool of superficial excess and degeneracy like Pedowood.

This newest installment of infantilizing people and ignoring the responsibility that comes with their agency serves no one, least of all those that are too weak to stop others from taking advantage of them.

Give us an excerpt of the text that you think is unnecessary

I got bored after the first paragraph.


>I'm an ADHD autistic millennial fuck. Please spoonfeed me

When I was a kid, my teachers embarrassed me in front of the class all of the time. Where’s my sympathy?

>Dear diary, today a man said something mean to me
>Dear diary, it's been ten years and I'm still suffering from the horror of this man's words

Blah blah blah blah

Dude, it literally reads like a tumblr blog and I don’t care enough to read a 5,000 word essay. Female writing is always boring within the first couple of sentences.

glad i scrolled down to this post

shes just mad she didn't hop on that dick and get better roles

>if you were a coward you'd be a coward
really activates my flight or flight

>Bret Rattner outed a then 18 year old Ellen Page while filming X-Men 3
>Ellen recounts multiple occasions when she was a teenager and people with studio influence (or people working around the set) sexually harassed her.

I'd love to join in shitting on her but Page grew up in small town Canada, I've never met a lesbian from my po-dunk locale who had it easy figuring themselves out. Imagine being that naive and thrown around fucking Los Angeles. If you don't feel bad for some kid getting molested at 16 then kys

she got molested?

>brett (((ratner)))

>If you don't feel bad for some kid getting molested at 16 then kys
>I'm not vegan
>So you endorse the practice of human cannibalism

The absolute state of Sup Forums brainlets

>I knew I was gay but didn't know
Faggots, ladies and gentlemen.

her career has been dead in the water for a while shes now into politics.

I suspect ellen would still fuck a guy if he sweet talked her enough

after I read how she pissed herself while walking around the film stage at inception I lost all attraction towards her desu

>shes now into politics.
That and Vice's painfully stupid DUDEWEED channel.

most college educated kids do as well. 99% of anyone between 1-32 are so stupid its like theyre inbred


>a guy took me to dinner and hit on me
the horror

couldnt epstein just buy some pretty ukrainian girls?

its 16 in most of the US as well.
hollywood just rolls with 18 most the time.

She claims she was, and her refusal doesn't seem to have hurt her ability to make millions in movies.

>t. pitifully unimaginative naive person

>i want a unhinged world where the next meaningless sexual encounter is just one tinder-swipe away, taboos dont exist and nobody judges you.
>i dont want men to hit on me or make any remarks i might not like though.

when will society realize its mistakes?

le smart knowledge man

why are white males such sociopathic autistic dicklets

but why then doesn't she name names? She's protecting them too.


>Ratner was born and raised in Miami Beach, Florida, the son of Marsha Pratts (remarried), a socialite, and Ronald Ratner. He grew up in a "middle-class Jewish family".

Ellen Page needs to take a clue from lesbo Kristen James Stewart (literally her name, wonder why she's a lesbian) and exploit white male fantasy. Grab those nerdbux $$$

All i got from that message was that even before she admitted to herself that she's lesbo, ratner had pinned her as lesbo the first day he met her. That's pretty funny.

You cannot thrive without us.
You cannot innovate.

Operation Epstein was a Mossad kompromat blackmail operation, so you're missing the point

The most out there thing about the Ratner stuff is what gave that fucking guy the sense of invincibility to pull all that shit? He hasn't earned a thing, his career achievements are a joke. Wow impressive, the guy who trainwrecked the X-Men movies for half a decade?

I havent looked into all the accusations of all of these people. But it seems like a lot of these guys didnt really do anything other than be a creepy asshole to these girls. That is undesirable, sure, but it isnt illegal or all that big of a deal.

Take Wienstien... He invites a girl up to his hotel room, strongly implying or out right stating that she will then get a part in a movie. SHE GOES TO HIS ROOM. Gets creeped out and leaves, or goes through with it. He didnt force himself etc. It was her choice to do that if she wanted the part. Again, is this an ideal or healthy situation, probably not. But is it some sort of shocking, no it is not.

cute af puppy.



lol trump and his leave me alone face. very smart to not date those sluts.

There are major ethical issues with him implying that they can fuck their way into jobs.