is marvel really nothing but quips and jokes?
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is marvel really nothing but quips and jokes?
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It’s not that it doesn’t have emotion, it’s that they ruin it by adding some type of joke or remark afterwards.
Marvel has lots of young actors with no emotional trauma to pull from. Except Robert Downey Jr. RDJ hugged the cactus and redeemed himself, and that colors Tony Stark - the regret, the anger, the relief, and the determination never to go back to that place. Every plot decision Tony makes is rooted in the absolute urgency never to repeat a tragic mistake he made.
>Becomes Iron Man to redeem the legacy of his arms dealing company
>Creates Ultron to avoid repeating the horror of an alien invasion against an unprepared Earth
>Signs onto the Registration Act because of Ultron and because of the impact he had on the world, with influence from Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch and that cameo scene by the elevator
>Takes Peter Parker's suit back to avoid the same fate his friend War Machine went through when he attacked an enemy with superior technology.
If you think about it, Tony Stark the comic character has many characterizations but few are as humongously remorseful as Tony Stark, the movie character that literally saved RDJ and made him the most beloved celebrity on Earth.
They're too quippy to get emotionally invested to actually feel the emotions implied by those moments. Only exception is Captain America because those are the only non-quippy Marvel movies (Airport fight notwithstanding).
That emotional moments are pretty corny if you ask me.
>Asgardians are watching as their home is being destroyed
>Korg: We can rebuild Asgard from it's foundations and it will be a haven for all alien life
>Asgard is completely destroyed
>Korg makes a joke about it
Bravo Marble.
It's not that Marvel doesn't have emotional moments, OP, it's that autists (aka DCucks) have problems recognizing emotions.
Was thinking about that shield line on the way home from work.
Made me tear up.
Nah. Marvel movies work because they always have a solid story with plenty of emotional beats. Even in the crappiest ones, there's usually at least one moment that makes you feel sad for someone.
all of these are terrible, except GotG
Except none of the moments in the OP have quips.
This Marvel quip meme is real but over exaggerated.
only one I give you is the shield one
cap was overly pushy with bucky and the rest sucked
The problem isn't no emotion.
The problem is the quip lifestyle takes over the emotion.
Focus more on an engaging story. Not making every character in your fucking movies a C-list comedian.
>my father made that shield
What? Wasn't that his grandad?
ANYBODY GOT ANY ORANGE SLICES? needs to be included
The quip meme is good persuasion from Marvel haters but there are far more emotional moments that arent ruined by quips than ones that are.
>quip after Peter Quill's mother died
>quip during the final fight between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers
>quip during any emotional scene between Bucky and Steve
Nope, nope, and fucking nope.
I feel like Marvel hasplenty of emotional moments that are overlooked
>Steve visiting Peggy at the hospital in Winter Soldier
>Loki confronting Odin when he learns what he is
>Cap learning he can't even get drunk after Bucky "dies"
>"I had a date" at the end of Cap 1
>Friga's funeral in Dark World
>The scene where Drax talks about his daughter and Mantis feels what he feels and starts to cry
>Peter learning the truth about Ego
>Yondu's funeral and fireworks while "Father and Son" plays in the bg
There's a lot of good stuff that people dismiss because "LOL QUIPS"
If this contrived shit qualifies as emotional moment you would probably start cutting during Marley&me and outright down a gallon of bleach when confronted with actual tragedy.
spoilers for ragnarok
quip fest as thor/loki and all the asgardians watch asgard being destroyed
>Implying you want Marley & Me levels of sadness in a capeflick
>Implying extreme sadness is the only emotion that qualifies for "emotional"
The absolute state of Sup Forums contrarians.
>If you tear up and say lame shit in between quips you evoke emotion
>implying any adult would give a fuck about any of OP's "emotional" moments, contrived and quip framed as they are
The absolute state of Sup Forums cape-infants.
>the scene where Loki's illusion disappears to reveal his prison cell has been smashed all smashed up, as a clear metaphor for how Loki puts up a front to hide how he really feels about things in general
Not to mention he was genuinely grieving over the loss of his mother, Friga. Adoptive mother, yes, but still his mother: the woman who raised him his entire life.
No one did.
>Yondu's funeral and fireworks while "Father and Son" plays in the bg
That's that scene they interrupted with quips once or twice right?
I hate him so much
Yeah but the scene is inherently ridiculous. They're throwing a funeral for Quill's blue mohawked space dad by feeding him into the laser confetti machine, when suddenly fifty more ships teleport in to make fireworks
It's a touching scene, but the essential absurdity of the whole story is not undermined by Drax saying "on the inside", especially since he isn't quipping, he's being serious but it's funny for that reason
They ruin all those moments with quips and poorly placed music.
well shilled my man.
Okay now play each of these scenes where they're immediately interrupted by quips.
The movie's tones are too up and down to ever become invested in these moments or even convinced that they come from a real place. So many of Marvel's jokes and quips stem from random bits of banter needing no context. When humor elevates drama, it's because the two work towards the same purpose. Marvel's jokes are just random digs that could easily be swapped between movies. Their "emotional" moments feel perfunctory, sudden, and unearned, because there's hardly ever any genuine build-up.
For comparison: the original Spider-Man 2 has a scene where Aunt May wants to give Peter 20 dollars. It's a sad moment. But it's also preceded by numerous visual gags about Peter's poverty, narrative moments about Uncle Ben looking for work, Peter looking through a newspaper for a cheap ass car, etc. That one emotional moment isn't just a random fucking cut-out. It has so much leading up to it, funny and otherwise, that makes it punch the gut. It has context. The humor has context. It makes sense and is thus a far more sincere, and better, move for it.
My two pennies.
Marvel or any superhero capeshit can never come close to making me tear up, except Watchmen. I have no idea what kind of person "feel" at those dumb scene. Unless you have the emotional dept of a pothole. The fuck.
not a single character in any capeshit is compelling enough to make me feel any emotion. yet this makes me cry like a kid:
Theres no investment, theres no risks. sometimes characters mean something to other characters, but they don't mean anything to the audience. The secret to emotion connection is to be unique yet universal. Marvel creates characters that are not unique, and very specific.
But there wasn't one when Odin passed.
Triggered faggots like you are why the soyboy term even exists.
Out of all of those, the only one that really affected me was Tony's stuff in Civil War. I know people make fun of him for being the asshole quip machine, but a lot of his baggage in the movie felt like it was seamlessly carried over from all his past films and it really showed through in his actions/reactions. I don't know, seeing the reckless billionaire playboy nicknamed the "merchant of death" we saw in 2008 be reduced to just thrashing around over the cause of his parents' death felt really sad.
i did
This. Tony spent most of the movie worrying about his legacy as a mentor, a surrogate parent, and making authoritarian decisions out of a parenting urge - confronting his old allies, imprisoning them to make them stop resisting. In the end, he is suddenly and shockingly forced to face the demon of his childhood nightmares, the mysterious instrument of dharma that took his parents away and forever imprinted the shame of being a bad son on him, and that wrecks his self-control when Cap admits he knew
Korg was a fucking horrible character
>>Yondu's funeral and fireworks while "Father and Son" plays in the bg
That scene actually made me tear up,
fuck that song
Does it count as emotional that Im gonna cry because Infinity War is finally here?
captain americas death in infinity war part 1 could be pretty emotional
I generally don't mind when Tony quips because it fits his character. It's just incredibly annoying that they felt it necessary to give every character stupid out of character quips because everybody enjoyed the Iron Man movies.
Korg wasn't an asgardian
>C'mon spider-man
i'm taking the bait
Finally some good analysis on Sup Forums.
I just realized that this is a fucking pasta.
Only one that actually impacted me was spidey. Really just felt like a helpless kid in that scene.
Someone needs to tell
The soyboy term exists specifically to replace the term faggot and sanitize the internet
Think about how many offensive terms like whore and slut were replaced by roastie
There is something even more tragic that most fail to grasp, mainly because there is ONE moment in every single film featuring a stark where a tiny sub-story about 'tony' is playing out for the final blow.
After Cap sinks the ship, Howard's crew finds the tesseract, but Howard doesn't care, ordering them to keep searching.
Howard was a part of this, was friends with Steve and helped him save the world. Howard's actions, behaviors and mannerisms here and even in Agent Carter put in perspective that he would move heaven and earth to get steve back, would it have been feasible for him to do so without resources running low.
Tony is a spoiled brat who behaves as if he has zero regard for his family's name and is mostly an egotistical snob, which is all the justification for Stane to have a hit placed on him, because Tony was a massive liability.
Tony Disses the super soldier serum. (first solid hint)
Tony views his father in poor favor and mocks the prototype shield by using it as a prop for a level.(Second Solid Hint)
Tony first mocks, then rolls eyes at steve in annoyance before he flat-out states it. "That's the guy my dad never shut up about?"
At this point, it's not even subtle. Howard was obsessed enough with Steve that Tony felt he was being overshadowed by a person who never existed in his life, like an older brother who dad always said to do the right thing, but was never around and who the world apparently admired.
Even if you thought you dad was the smartest guy ever, you'd think he'd get the hint that it's not a bright idea. It must have drove tony mad every single time. In IM2, tony even made it clear that all his efforts to do impressive things felt unappreciated compared to whatever reverence was being placed on Steve.
Tony hates loss. Parents gone. Soldiers he bonded with slaughtered before his eyes. Yinsen sacrificed himself. Stane betrayed him. He may have made a few new pals with the avengers, but this insignificant terrorist jerk called mandaring almost took Happy from him. Those closest to him are in danger and he doesn't want to lose any more since he has the power to stop future losses.
He trusts Steve enough to finally understand why his father spoke about him so much. The moment Steve told him down at clint's home, he had the epiphany that steve spoke from experience and (thanks to IM3's man in a can speech) he finally acknowledged the 'older brother' seniority at play. Steve was less than a friend here and more like family.
He can't stand always being in the wrong, however. Wanda-visions or not, Stark is in clear enough frame of mind to use his head to outweigh emotions. Distanced himself away enough from Steve to counter-op Ultron since fury's guess lead tony to suspect jarvis was still around. Counter-op succeeded with result of vision being created. (even though tony had a pissing match with steve about it, gong behind his back the time Steve felt it was a bad idea. Steve was fallible here with emotions while stark won with logic. This is a very large victory tony loves having over Steve. Now, they're even.)
That victory doesn't last long, though. Ultron and Sokovia is all on Tony's hands. Guilt and burden of responsibility with the weight of a great mountain saddle his shoulders.
*He and pepper are "taking a break"
*He has some passing knowledge of Barnes, but is likely not touching the issue since Stark also knows how it is to have a friend named James in Danger. (IM2)
*Steve with his righteous attitude again trying to question tony at a time and place tony feels is alien to Steve where for once Tony has the objective moral high ground.
>Zemo encounter
wait, the fuck is this shit?
steve, the actual fuck, man?
You fucking KNEW? Opted to tell me jack shit?
After all my dad told me about you and the world sang your fucking praises?
Your motherfucking 'best buddy' murdered my parents and..
>-1 closest friend and family and + 1 greatest enemy in same instance.
Fuck logic, you sick, lying sack of shit. Fuck you.
Pretending to be right and just and you smile with me like you're a comrade, come to where I offer you a home and you just...
Maybe there's some logic in where he doesn't want to be the one known for killing captain america, but even Heimdall saw that Bucky was fair game and he was probably asleep at the bifrost when it all went to shit.
We were outcasts.
Do Homecoming now
I don't need to because Steve had zero direct impact on Stark in that film's duration and Stark wasn't acting out in animosity against what he felt was a massive and heart-rending betrayal in CW. In fact, the vacation he was on looked to be something to calm his mind until he felt peter was lying to him.
The only thing I'll give you is that Tony was possibly not even aware of how close he was to giving peter a backhand slap for mouthing off. Tony even rubs his wrist subconsciously, as if it might have been considered if the conversation went a different way.
Peter:"I just wanted to be like you!"
Tony:"I didn't want you to be like me, I wanted you to be better!"
Peter:" mean like Captain Ameri-"
Tony: *slap*
Besides, all of this "pain" Tony THINKS he's feeling now will be an even bigger tragedy by time avengers 3 rolls around and Thanos knocks him senseless with that Titan Haymaker so bad that it knocks him into last decade like it was an angry beavers episode... and then only end up getting suplexed through an entire galaxy to his death in Avengers 4.
I mean "the other" made a threat to loki on what "pain" was in the first avengers and in GOTG, Thanos threatened Ronan with bathing the starways in his blood. How exactly do you expect a being legally classified as "mad titan" with the physique of three Heihachi Mishimas combined to fuck up Stark once he knows Tony had a hand in thwarting his attempt at acquiring the Tesseract?
Tony would be lucky if the impact that does him in doesn't also collapse the local star system they inhabit because the guilt alone would kill him a second time in the afterlife.
too bad none of your headcanon is even remotely showed in the movies. Nothing about Stane is ever brought up after IM 1 for example, and Tony being mad that Bucky was literally brainwashed is the stupidest thing ever.
>only 4 "emotional" moments over 14+ movies
>one of them is the death of character we meet literally seconds before they die
4 moments over 17 movies. Wow, really impressive.
Top and bottom were shit though. That's only two good moments out of 17 movies lmao