Just saw Eyes Wide Shut for the first time, what did I think?
Just saw Eyes Wide Shut for the first time, what did I think?
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You think that the guy who tried to fuck Nicole Kidman at the beginning has a big dick
Lol suave mother fucker. Cannot blame him for trying.
Spoonfeed me, did the society actually present a danger or were they just facading as dangerous. Did they kill Mandy?
you thought it was really bad except for the nudity
Lol my roommate watched it the other day and said the same thing. He thought it wasn't profound, a good movie, and was just weird for the sake of being weird. I really don't know what to think of it.
You want to be Nicole Kidman and have a threesome with Tom Cruise and some marine.
David Cronenberg's Crash is a better movie!!!FACT!!!
did you suck his cock
I thought it was blah blah blah profound but I have an affinity for conspiracy theories and like the implications about the higher rungs of society
Yeah, but I hardly see how that relates to the movie.
What was the best nude scene?
You both sound like insufferable faggots
(((you think nothing of it)))
>Just saw Eyes Wide Shut for the first time, what did I think?
it's about jews and the hollywood illuminati according to kubrick
the one at the beginning where we get to see Kidman's bare ass
somehow that scene always disturbs me
is she our girl?
then it did its job.
You thought you were going in for a Christmas movie after one of those threads that pretend Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie.
what does insufferable mean? i'm stupid i dont know what it means
Thinks they're better than everybody else