This man blows your bodyguard. What do?

This man blows your bodyguard. What do?

be polite and blow him back

wow those construction guys actually look like they're behind that fat guy.

i could have swore i've seen this pic with star wars shooped in the background

i don't understand the memes from this board

meet him at the yankees game


the camera is focused so intensely that it creates the impression the background is a green-screen

Literally did nothing wrong

Ask if it was just a prank

There's a lot of sarlaac pits in Tatooine, and a lot of problems are buried in those pits

>aotc in the background

queers don't go to ballgames

First Post, Honest Post

The framing is a standard shot reverse shot style that is common in star wars that compounded with the sand color that is the same shade as Genesis evokes star wars style imagery

also the taller gold figure and shorter blue figure look vaguely like r2d2 and c3p0

I miss watching soprano. I used to make kraft mac and cheese but with ketchup. I'd pretend to be eating at the table with Tony and carm

someone PLEASE post the webm of this

cut off his pizza deal and feed it to him

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a Jedi. To me, being a Jedi was better than being Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Senate. Even before I first came to Tython for training, I knew I wanted to be a part of them. It was there that I knew that I belonged. To me, it meant being somebody in a galaxy that was full of nobodies. They weren't like anybody else. I mean, they did whatever they wanted. They double-parked in front of an astrodroid and nobody ever gave them a ticket. In the summer when they played pazaak all night, nobody ever called the cops.

i punch his fucking lights out


That is very homophobic