>what if Harry Potter was actually good?
>say no more senpai
What if Harry Potter was actually good?
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Not Harry Potter. Not television and film. Not a straight OP.
bump true
>but what if LWA wasn''t shit
>got ya covered senpai
>>Sup Forums
>Not television and film
fucking retard
>babby's first anime
It's even on goddamn Netflix for fucks sake. Lurk moar, read moar manga, and watch moar anime you shitsucking pleb.
>>say no more senpai
>thinking I'm talking about "television" and "film" the mediums and not "television and film" the board
>acting pretentious about fucking anime of all things
What a fucking loser lmao. Did you forget you weren't on Sup Forums? tryhard faggot.
only reason to come here honestly
>hurr durr I jerk off to it so it's good
Please tell me what consequence being available on Netflix is on its quality.
The only anime allowed on Sup Forums is DBZ and Eva.
Anything else needs to be deleted and banned immediately
I thought this place was pro-white but I constantly see posters cock sucking 3 inch Chink dick constantly over children's cartoons? Isn't it sad?
>mobile poster too
Fucking christ Sup Forumseddit needs to be purged
pretend as much as you want. we know you love niggers
>I can't think of an comeback so I'm just gonna call you a mobileposter!!!!
I fucking hate nu/tv/
that's not what madoka is about
I'll post something more accurate
Not even, just saying that if someone came onto Sup Forums boasting about how much they love Big Bang Theory and the MCU you'd call them out on their shit taste too.
Sup Forums only hates the MCU because it's popular
>anime pro
God you’re a fucking loser. I get this is Sup Forums and all but imagine thinking you’re better than somebody because you watch more chinese cartoons. Pro tip, kawaii pantsu adventure 3 moe blob edition isn’t on netflix or adult swim because it’s fucking trash like you
Those three have nothing in common except for the fact that they're popular.
What gay weeb cartoon is this? Asking for my faggot girlfriend
Boku no Pico
pretty sure its little witch academy
Akko no Pico
Quit being a try hard over cartoons
>le eva
fuck off reddit
It's pretty fucking cute.