Remember when DC movies were good? Why is Batman the only character DC can seem to get right?

Remember when DC movies were good? Why is Batman the only character DC can seem to get right?

because nolan was involved

Wonder Woman was great.

There was a mediocre movie, a great movie, then an abysmally shit movie. Then after the abysmally shit movie, four more abysmally shit movies.

it was alright and captilized off famenisim, gadot is a limited actor and rode heavily off pines performance

batman begins and the dark knight were decent flicks but they weren't good batman movies.

studios don't mess with nolan lmao. and none of that expanded universe bullshit putting limitations on directors

From a certain pov.

It was ok and It was surprisingly less sjw than I expected, at least less than spiderman, but yeah gadot is too weak to be the main actor and Pine was pretty much her babysitter though the whole thing

But to be fair cast her was not Patty idea, another shitty Hack snyder decision.

I'd argue that Begins was a good batman movie, but not a great flick, while Dark Knight is a great flick, but not a great Batman movie

No one put limitations on Snyder until justice league.He got way too much freedom actually.

You mean from the same pov that sees all MCU movies as 90% RT gems?

Face it fags if Nolan's movies were to be released today they would score lower than Snyder stuff.

Rises was great, charismatic villain, good pace, great twist, good quotes, good special effects etc.

It easily stomped Avengers quality wise.

Rises was released only 5 years ago

Thats a big rotten tomatoes score.

It was a different time, when the MCU movies weren't comedies.

i didnt know that lol shoot. i wonder who else was in the running, maybe the amazon looked like israel

DC is poorly suited to cinematic universe movies because of the enormous tonal difference between its various comics.

you were 12 when you saw it.

it was total trash

snyder does whatever hes told. WB thought a darker/grittier, more realistic tone would be profitable because of the nolan trilogy, so snyder made what they told him to make. It was shit. So they thought they needed darker and more of everything. It was shit again. So they thought they needed to lighten things up. It was shit. So they thought they needed to be even lighter, they finally got a tepid success because they didn't meddle as much due to the lower budget, emboldened by this, they meddled on JL so intensely that it was the worst thing yet.

WB is completely incompetent and its a testament to modern capitalism that they haven't collapsed yet.

Because DC heroes are plain boring. The villains are much better. Batman works because one, he has the best villain lineup of any superhero comic, and two, he himself is arguably a villain. Funny enough Marvel has the opposite problem, however it is easier for them to get around their issue.

its near perfect with serious smudges that annoy but nothing that affects its structural integrity, like the fight choreography needed help and the way bane lost to a quppy catwoman was cardinal sin in my opinion but still a great film, this film suffered from unforeseen levels of hype as well, it was following beloved joker film and had hype ever since the second ended and tons of marketing, people needed to be reasonable when going in to see it


its utter gibberish from start to finish with nothing resembling a coherent plot, point, or purpose, filled with showcase after showcase of total incompetency.

People scored it high because TDK was so good. That's it. They ignored how it was total garbage because TDK had them thinking it couldn't be.

>rises was great

>Charismatic villain
for you.
>great twist
you mean, the Marion "she is totally a new character not Talia Al Ghul,lol" cotillard twist ?>good quotes
"you're a big guy"
"for you"
"I'm coming back to stop you"

it was trash compared to The Dark Knight.