What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
He was the designated British villain.
Tavington was based as fuck, what are you saying.
Also hot
He cared about his country
traitors to the crown was his problem.
tavington is one of my favorite villains
he was pissed at the revolutionaries being such treacherous faggots and wanted to teach them a lesson.
hes a tribe member, of course he would hate based mel
not his country anymore, m8
Being a literal kike
wtf did the british really do this?
no wonder the americans revolted baka
Jason Isaacs is Jewish and Mel Gibson is Mel Gibson.
it made a point in the movie to emphasize he was more brutal than his colleagues.
So if he actually went and faced Mel in an open battle, is he still an oven dodger?
Dubs confirms.
Yep, but not because Gibson is attempting a character assassination. Gibson just knows them.
what the FUCK went wrong?
Yes actually. I never read anything about putting civilians locked up in a church and burning it like they are the SS, but the southern theater of the American revolutionary war was pretty fucking brutal. The loyalist down there were fucking monsters and there are reports of pregnant women being gutted open and also cases of officer raping young girls
Reminder that this is a Civil War.
No, no Brit could have gotten away with this without being immediately discharged and hung. Same would have happened to any men under his command who complied with the order.
Nope. Mel made it up because muh evil englishmen
Mein neggers.
>What the fuck was his problem?
>(((British villain)))
a true english hero
>tfw you will never be a british officer in colonial times raping qt american girls
wasnt he like every cromwell stereo type or something
His IRL counterpart banged picture related but then started leering on her daughter
seems legit. Cromwell was a kike puppet who let them back in.
>the eternal anglo played by a jew
I'm sure based Gibson made that possible.
unironically one of cinemas greatest villains he may even break top 10
>almost 20k sailors dead
>42k sailors deserted
how the fuck does that happen???? the us barely had a navy during the war
French Navy mutherfucker
You're welcome.
Britain was fighting against France and Spain worldwide too.
He is genuinely wants to free the slaves. He is supposed to be the hero, not Mel Gibson.