you have 10 seconds to name a better opening scene
You have 10 seconds to name a better opening scene
Tarantinos only good film, and theres many qual or better openings
btfo newfag
yuen your friends are dead
I'll answer your question op, wait a minute I have a phone call
Where is that light coming from?
Garbage opinion is garbage
>Tarantinos only good film
Is there a more pleb opinion than this?
The Dark Knight Rises plane scene
What kind of faggot dislikes Tarantino films?
There simply isn't one. It is a country mile ahead of whatever is in second place.
I really like Saving Private Ryan's
you are clearly not erudite and cinematically literate or moral person, muh gore and muh random dialogue does not make a film worthy of watching you shit for brains
I was just guinna say that, i cant belkieve cape shit is the kino of the
decade or century, its becuase you cant beat excellently executed fantasy, its got all elements for an enterrtaining story
It's probably his worst script and worst-structured film.
it's one of his worst 2-3. Man this board is retarded. It's a cartoon filmed with real life people, not even a movie.
Why does he wear the mask?
would you count cold opens for tv shows?
if so the one for Breaking Bad's "Better Call Saul" was great. (The one with Badger getting caught by an undercover cop)
>haha cause his COCK is bigger heehehehehehehehe
woah brava tarantulo
name 1 tarantino movie that doesn't fit that description
how is jackie brown not good
>reservoir dogs
Reddit-newfag detected
Because he hasn't seen it or hates blacks you decide.
>nominated and won awrds for best original screenplay
you're not intelligent friend, no use breathing any longer, you can stop
muh gore muh random dialogue is impressive or praise worthy you swine
i love blacks
That's not the opening scene
*is not
If I go by memory alone the ones that stick out for me are.
Mean Streets
The departed
Michael Clayton
Once upon a time in the west
There will be blood
And as a bonus for TV the openings to mad men and boardwalk empire.
Tarantino openings are great because any of those feels like a "beginning", he puts you in the middle of a random situation, stuff is already happening, and you don't know what is that. you get involved in the conversation between characters because you want to know what the fuck is going on, and at that point you have accepeted whatever is happening on screen, all your disbelief fades away, and you get smoothly on the ride.
The third act is hot garbage and you know it.
>Convinced my sister to watch this after me and her housemate have to beg her to not put on put on "Mark Wahlberg and explosions #800"
>plays on her phone the entire first 15 minutes complaining it's boring until we cave put on a braindead popcorn comedy she's already seen
My parents have good taste so I don't know what happened with her, she watches the worst shit.
Kind of wish the whole movie could have been filmed like this.
so dont watch movies with her then
im not here to argue subjectivity, it has structural integrity, if you dont like it, find another ride, i dont really like his movies in general, find them a bit derivative in some sense
But by the tenth time you know the scene is going to end in a gratuitous display of violence he became such a lazy writer.
he's obviously trying to fuck his sister's roommate and needs an excuse to be there
She's a white woman without a man to teach her good taste. You have failed as a brother.
your parents are fine
evade watching movies with your slut sis
Good, Bad and Ugly and Once Upon Time in West both have 10/10 opening scenes
Unironically his best film. Okay, maybe not, but it's still better than Django and Death Proof.
There will be blood for sure
Sup Forums (Sup Forums) mistakes gore for sophistication when in reality suspense and tension trumps gore 10/10, its a inbred focus group here my companion from another guardian
the actual opening scene is even better
Blade Runner
>on "Mark Wahlberg and explosions #800"
please tell her about "vietnam fucking shits" incident, and tell us how she reacts.
Dunkirk's opening is one of the most beautiful i have ever seen.
Django is actual trash, it having funny scenes does not stop it from being a lazy meaningless trite film
The Way Of The Gun
Star Trek: The motion picture
It's one of his best, for sure.
This movie is fucking great. James Caan is so fucking based in it.
No, you got it pretty much right the first time.
>regards, someone who only watched Inglorious Bastards and no other Tarankino movie
Everyone who likes Drive should see The Drive (1978). It also opens on a heist and chase scene that is very good.
This clip is past a few of the opening shots but it's basically the opening scene.
The Driver*
will do, cheers
Pretty much just Tarantino taking what Leone did with the Angel Eyes opening scene in TGTBATU and putting a deceptive layer of paint over it. Muh homages.
you just described everyone tino flick before inglorious
But desu the opening of 2049 was pretty great.
>Once upon a time in the west
It began with the forging of the Great Rings. Three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Dwarf-Lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of Men, who above all else desire power. For within these rings was bound the strength and the will to govern each race. But they were all of them deceived, for another ring was made. Deep in the land of Mordor, in the Fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged a master ring in secret, and into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. One ring to rule them all.
Super Troopers.
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Tell me about Bane, why does he wear the mask?
Shit because it doesn't explain why Elrond didn't throw Isildur into the fire
easily his best for true fans
>he rates tarantino
jesus christ how could you be this much of a pleb, a better opening by far is apocalypse now
why is his gun so long