>He's not a Ding Dong Daddy from Dumas
He's not a Ding Dong Daddy from Dumas
Wonder if he ever fucked that actress. Also I think it's great how they filmed him saying Trump would win as a way to make him look silly but ended up making him look smarter than Nathan.
when is nathan going to stop his 'uh Im awkward its funny' thing and just be a normal person?
are escorts really like that
maybe I should hire an escort
>tfw you kill someone and you’re sorry that doesn’t bring ‘em back to life
>He's not a Ding Dong Daddy from Dumas
LOL. I love jews, they're just like me.
that's kinda his shtick
you really need to take a step back and literally go fuck yourself you tryhard newfag. What other amazing secrets do you have for us user? That Larry David is a jew?
Yeah he is
I was sympathetic towards his 'plight' until he went full on creeper with that phone call.
Holy shit that was so bad, I had a hard time watching it.
what did he mean by this?
>Wonder if he ever fucked that actress. Also I think it's great how they filmed him saying Trump would win as a way to make him look silly but ended up making him look smarter than Nathan.
Frances is active on twitter and pro Trump as well, they would have been a nice couple!
>tfw you dont understand sarcasm
literally get off the internet, you fuckin whore
She was married, she was wearing a ring
the moment they found her fb page he got full on creepy
Nice get but you’re an obsessed faggot
I've given this show a fair share of suspension of disbelief but there's no fucking way this episode wasn't scripted or constructed in some shape or form. It was too perfect of a story and real life doesn't work like that.
>Bill's character progression from being aggressive and selfish to realizing he was in the wrong and admitting he was shitty to Frances when he's role playing how he's gonna face her when he goes looking for her.
>Bill's conversation with Frances where we see, on camera, the exact moment where he grows as a person and accepts she's moved on and he has to as well.
>Bill's "The Fly-"esque moment where he finds a bee in the hotel room and won't stop chasing it right after his call with Frances.
>The actress immediately recognizes Bill on the phone mirroring his earlier conversation with Frances where she had no clue who he was.
I just can't believe it all played out so perfectly. You could really turn this into a legit movie. Fuck, it already works as a movie as it is.
That all actually seems very believable. You would recognize bill of you spent hours rehearsing a weird scene with him
I forgot, what episode is this?
yeah How many guys does she know have a weird ass voice like he does?
I can give you that as the call probably didn't happen that long after the rehearsal but how lucky can Nathan be to have recorded the call and have it play out the way it did? As far as we know his original plan was to have Bill talk to her alone and then the cameras would show up but instead we got to see the full conversation and it played out as a perfect textbook definition of a character arc's climax
>>Bill's "The Fly-"esque moment where he finds a bee in the hotel room and won't stop chasing it right after his call with Frances.
can you explain this
This episode made me really sorry about my future. Bill was such a tragic character and I fear that I too will grow to be a regretful lonely old man that craves to go back and change the way thing went. This episode did a fantastic job to capture his pain and desire to get those 50 years of his life back, it was too real and too hard to watch.
He wanted to feel useful. He lived a life as a bachelor instead of doing what nature intended and becoming a family man. It's a tiny victory that ultimately does nothing
>frances, did you hear me?
fuck man, I never thought of it that way. Good thinking.
I understood it as Bill forcing himself to complete this mundane task to keep himself distracted from what he just gone through. And the fact that he was chasing after a bee could be interpreted as him chasing after Frances as well.
>>Bill's conversation with Frances where we see, on camera, the exact moment where he grows as a person and accepts she's moved on and he has to as well.
nigga all you have to do when you have those circumstances is point the camera. at the point where he dialed the phone Bills actions were almost involuntary you really dont need to rehearse or guide that
Asking Bill to go up solo with no cameras when they had been following for all the months this took is like dropping him off in the deep end, it really shouldn't surprise you he took the hesitative way wrt to Frances. This is a guy who couldn't take the leap 50 years earlier it's only routine he couldn't now
Anyone else feels like while this episode works bizarrely well as a character study movie, it's rather weak as a Nathan for You episode? There were only 2 instances of over the top, convoluted schemes that I can remember and that's pretty much it and the awkwardness came mostly from them keeping the same shot going for longer than it had to instead of from the situation itself being awkward.
Hey, I didn't know he was from Vancouver!
I think it's the one where they make the kid wait for his 40oz until he's 21