Eva Green would have made the best Wonder Woman. Prove me wrong.
Eva Green would have made the best Wonder Woman. Prove me wrong
Chanel Santini was the best wonder woman.
>every reason I have for no also applies to Gal
I guess I got nothin
but then she would be involved in capeshit..
shes fucking hideous
she has already been in sin city 2 and 300 2, comicbook movies but maybe not capeshit
The only complaint I would have had was that she's a little short.
But in an industry that manages to convince us that Robert Downhere Jr. is as tall as Chris Evans, I don't think that would've presented much difficulty.
Anyways Eva has the beauty, charisma and tits (and even Jewishness) to make up for that.
thank god I'm not the only sane person left on earth
literally the most reddit choice
I don't know about wonder woman but she sure would make a great foot mommy (for me)
She'd refuse the role because she's not allowed to get her tits out in family-friendly capeshit.
you two should meet, and fuck
Maybe she can be Giganta in a future Wonder Woman flick and step on people haha
>same dead face in every image
Thank God for those titties
She wouldn't work except she got any nude parts.
I wonder how many fingers that woman can fit in her googoo.
She would've never acceptyed unless her romantic lead was a little boy.
she's too old
>she figures out the password "shazam"
>in the middle of the final battle she sneaks up on captain marvel, grabs his crotch and whispers it into his ear
>the boy, billy, remains
>as does her hand
yes, replace one jew with another
great idea jew
Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks
5"6 is not tall for a woman but it's not a little short
In the US the average female height is 5"4
2 inches more than average, just the way she likes it.
Have you paid your daily tribute yet, Sup Forums?
it's short for wonder woman
who's the other girl?
Eva Green is objectively the sexiest woman alive.
Sad news too old
Basically any women can be Wonder Woman. She doesn't need any special look or body shape. Any white women I mean.
her gf
>not enjoying it when women appear displeased or upset
I've got some bad news friend
>Sad news too old
waste of her ability anyway
>thank god I'm not the only gay person left on earth
>Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks
She'd make the best anything imo
Lucy Lawless during Xena and Gina Carano could do it now.
Gina can't act.
How fucking new?
it's capeshit m8
That's just you burgers being brought down by the spics. The average white American is probably of comparable height to Brits and Germans.
Neither can Linda Carter or Gal Gadot.
Is that real? Where is from?
Eva threads again...
It's not real. Eva Green has never been photographed nude.
the dreamers iirc
She was fine in Deadpool tard and you're implying Gadot could ever act.
i agree, but can she carry a movie?
>>She was fine in Deadpool
If only we got to really see her tit(s).
>Eva Green has never been photographed nude.
oh that lucky, lucky guy
that's nothing, he even stuck his nose in her pubes
>Any white women I mean.
Sup Forums finally admits it
Wonder Woman
Starring Eva Green
Music by Danny Elfman
Directed by Tim Burton
Special Appearance Michael Keaton
Au contraire, she's actually never been photographed with clothes
I want to suck her cunt.
She's been in a movie as a main character before and if that freak from Freaks could do it then she can.
such despicable, crude language will make a woman cover up
That's rude and Eva isn't the type to be berated except when she refers to it herself while dirty talking.
>Live action movie
>Eva Green has a small scene as Shinji's mom
>people finally understand how evil Yui is
Fine women don't have cunts, you underage bag of hair.
You look at pic related
and tell me she is attractive. She looks like if a homeless meth-head fucked a sick cat.
Have her play Circe of Zatanna Zatara
>traditional clothing
Eva Green as wonder woman would have a confusing scene where she encourages a small boy to sexually molest her.
>t. pic related
Sweet lawd jesus
Underrated movie and Dark Shadows is underrated period.
I wonder what her hair smells like. Probably nice.
if I won, say a billion dollars. is there any way i could use some of that money to get Eva Greens attention? I just want a shot at dating her to ultimately fuck her and cum on her titties.
tldr how do i get her attention
a billion is plenty to finance a movie she'd love to be naked in
there's probably cheaper ways though
that looks like a man
See? Only trash can be wonder woman.
Everyone would be a better wonder woman than Gal Kikegot
hehe, woman
thats racist. you can't say that!
this picture makes me not want to wonder anymore