One last ride .... JUST 3 more times I promise XD

One last ride .... JUST 3 more times I promise XD

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>just for fun checking RT
>yfw new shitty mission impossible ones are rated higher than early street racing ones

They're objectively better


The street-racing ones were trash trying to cash in on muh car culture. At least the new ones revel in their own stupidity.

Go to bed Dwayne

Should have ended here

FF > Capeshit and neo-Star Wars

but apart them, and that Jackie Chan movie from mid 90s, there is almost nothing about street racing sub-culture

The early ones were wiggercringe kino

i love how tyrese and vin are giving the rock so much shit for taking up the spinoff of because of muh #lafamilia when it's clear that if any of them really gave a shit about that, they would've ended it after 7 when paul died.

They're gonna CGI a full Paul Walker into one of those movies. Dom will be dying and he'll see Paul and itll help him pull through.

I just know it.

Should have ended with Tokyo Drift.

Well that explains why you like them then.

>Fast and Furious 10 will come out 20 years since the first one
>2021 is only 4 years from now


>Tokyo Drift
>tfw you will never go to japanese high school, hang out with cool dudes like Han, race cars against the Yakuza and get a smoking hot black/jap gf...

I keep thinking 2001 was like five years ago or so.

Kids born that year can drive now.

This franchise only really got good at the fifth movie.

Crazy stuff, eh?

If Fast 10 doesn't have the familia re-do Armageddon but with cars, the franchise is a failure.

If it's not called Fast10 Your Seatbelts, this will all have been for nothing.



Well, not really though.

>Hey, do you want several more million dollars?

You can't say no to that shit.

Will they finally bring back Lucas Black????

>not liking 90s silly action movies
I say this however I only liked the movies with Statham

>tfw in most parts of the world it's now legal to sleep with girls born after 9/11


Sure, but what would you know about that, user?