What are some movies about a group of men unwittingly becoming the cause of their own demise?
What are some movies about a group of men unwittingly becoming the cause of their own demise?
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I thought soy sauce was barely soy.
It doesn't even matter because cooked soy has no effect on people. He's just another Sup Forumstard spamming stupid memes he doesn't understand
>used a packet of soy sauce on some rice today
How fucked am I?
Isn't it ironic that the ones who push these memes so hard are neckbeards with sedentary lifestyles?
For that matter, why is it that the greatest champions of the white race are always the worst examples of it?
May as well start HRT
>one tablespoon has about 850 mg of sodium
Damn, and Chinese food is already salty as it is.
you're a soygoy if you eat your steak rare
Kettle meet pot. Cooking soy is pointless and does nothing. FERMENTING is the defining process of alteration. And even then that just gets rid of the poisonous compounds, not the "estrogen" compounds.
Soy sauce has fermented soy which is not estrogenic.
Anything over Medium is a waste of a good steak
>there are people who eat their steak well done
Sickens me.
some types of steak are objectively better well - done. like skirt steak for example. Why would you want your taco meat to be red like some sort of degenerate?
You're that idiot who pours extra soy sauce onto your rice, aint ya?
>eating rice at all
Enjoy your simple carbs and empty calories.
I eat quinoa.
literally the most reddit food after kale
Not this shit again.
>when normies run soyboy into the ground, we will call them Kikkomen
>if you can't afford to tip
>Not eating your cereal with half and half
Sugar smacks never tasted so good.
I thought it was 'soya sauce' and soya was different from soy.
almost every movie ever made.
>100% chance of contracting parasites
>80% chance of contracting parasites
>70% chance of contracting parasites
>60% chance of contracting parasites
>40% chance of contracting parasites
>safe to eat
You're fat.
Do you ever get self conscious about your intelligence?
I don't even understand what happened. The first guy fell for no reason and the second just started swinging like a drunken weed whacker
keep your eyes on the chad with the black shirt/white button shirt with the chain, he knocks them both out
Is soy sauce with sushi ok or am I a soy boy?
lmao at the manlet trying to take on 2 chads
you growing titties yet?
why not just eat the fake wasabi they give you? i bet you own a whole bottle of soy too. why don't you get yourself a training bra already?
>parasites in the muscle fibres
>i bet you own a whole bottle of soy too
most people do...
And if you eat a steak well done you're a retard with no tastebuds.
Bacteria only grows on the outside of beef unlike chicken. As long as it isn’t ground beef and you sear the outside completely beef is safe to eat.
How have you seen pictures of these people?
No you're the retard because a well done steak by a competent chef is delicious and not an uncommon order except by literal retards like you who only thing 'derrr medium rare or nothing'
Best one. Catching them with the old man straights.
>a chef can magically alter the properties of overcooked meat
lol, have you ever even cooked a steak you soyboy?
>fully cooking something is overcooking
>still using "soyboy"
I'm no longer wasting my time with you.
>being this retarded
And with that, steakautist was defeated, vanquished to his life of soy-based snacks and ill-prepared meat.
I'm going to go as far as to say you burnt a steak you were cooking and someone saw; you've been living a charade ever since that you prefer it that way.
might as well just end it now, user.
Good Time
Daddy Longlegs
Star 80
Barry Lyndon
The Shining
Mesquito Coast
American Made
Reservoir Dogs, Trespass, Shallow Grave
>chad stoklasa
Stop being such a pussy
It takes a real degenerate to take x aspect ratio clips, extend them to 16:9 and then add that blurred ass extension shit to fill the space they didn't need to fucking add to begin with
Alpha chad manlet
This post
>100% chance of being retarded
why are they barely reacting?
because chads knock each other out every weekend, it's like going bowling for them
Why is mike so based?
Why don't you go to asia with your weird anti soy crusade where people actually consume it in large quantities?
Deliverance is the correct answer
Things to do in Denver when you're dead
>cantaffordtotip .com
>bitching about someones steak preference
>bitching about tips
It makes sense now.
>tfw super scientist /fit/ bro & been preaching the soy/estrogen meme since 2011
glad to see people are waking up, now lets go after Corn since its literally the devil & the most shit tier food source on the planet.
Unfortunately I have a stomach condition that causes me to become violently ill if I consume animal blood of any kind. Trust me, I would eat steak as rare as possible if it wouldn't slowly kill me every time.
My life.
reddit immigrants, such as OP, killing Sup Forums
>posting the gif
>there is blood in steak
When will this meme end?
Drinking soy sauce is actually really unhealthy because of the huge amounts of sodium in it.
It's NOT funny you fucking cucks. You god damn KEKS
It's just a meme, soy doesn't do shit:
I thought unless you've already got high blood pressure you don't need to worry too much about your salt intake. You should only be having a little soy sauce anyway.
That's true, but sometimes you hear that people drink a bottle of soy sauce for fun and then they have to go to the hospital because their kidneys start shutting down.
It's myoglobin not blood that comes out of a rare steak. Think about it, do you see blood coming out of a "rare" chicken breast?
>living in poo land or portugal
nice try gains goblin
>Mike "Third Reich" Stoklasa