Actors who tricked Hollywood
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>Biggs was born in the Pompton Plains section of Pequannock Township, New Jersey. His mother, Angela (née Zocco), is a nurse, and his father, Gary Louis Biggs, is a shipping company manager.[2][3][4] Biggs' father is of English and Italian descent and Biggs' mother is of Sicilian descent. His last name is derived from his English ancestry.[3] He was raised Roman Catholic.[5]
Holy fuck
How pissed were the kike producers when they found out he wasn't one of the tribe?
He looks just like Adam Sandler and a lot like Zuckerberg.
Why do all Jews look the same?
He asked me if I wanted to go for a nosh!
The point of the thread is that he isn't actually Jewish.
pissed enough that he doesnt have a career now
the eternal italian strikes again
jews btfo
They thought he was a liberal but he was a mole for continuity of Bush policy
Woody Allen? Very.
>How pissed were the kike producers when they found out he wasn't one of the tribe?
Based rapists
John's a great actor so it feels like he earned it
I felt the same way about Adam Driver
Joy behar
That's understandable since Italians have large noses
Id rather call her mommy
Kristen Schaal
>that face
>that name
>not Jewish at all
looks like a pole
This one was big for me. That last name though.
And Bush was a far better president than Trump.
The greatest one ever pulled.
Makes sense. Trump is an amazing president who is building off of Bush's legacy - and Bush was a very good president.
>She said in 2011, "My mother did not name me Whoopi, but Goldberg is my name, it's part of my family, part of my heritage. Just like being black."
>Henry Louis Gates, Jr., in his book In Search of Our Roots: How 19 Extraordinary African Americans Reclaimed Their Past, found that all of Goldberg's traceable ancestors were African Americans, that she has no known Jewish ancestry, and that none of her ancestors were named Goldberg
>Results of a DNA test, revealed in the 2006 PBS documentary African American Lives, traced part of her ancestry to the Papel and Bayote people of modern-day Guinea-Bissau. Her admixture test indicates that she is of 92 % sub-Saharan African origin and of 8 % European origin.
The absolute mad woman
>Levi is a Christian and has been since childhood.
>He chose his middle name as his stage name because his agent told him that "a guy named Zach Pugh would not be going far in Hollywood".
He tricked the jews into thinking he was one of their own.
>who is building off of Bush's legacy
>Trump is an amazing president
He's worse than fucking Bill Clinton and is a continued tarnish on the office status that started with Obama.
wtf really?
>jews used to change their name to pass for white so they could work in hollywood
>now whites are doing the reverse
what a time to be alive
>He's worse than fucking Bill Clinton
monica lewinsky detected
makes no sense, most of hollywood's biggest stars are non-jewish without jewish sounding names
>implying Bill isn't the worst modern president in the last 30 years
Adam Driver and Oscar Isaac both tricked JJA, two tricksy goyim in the same movie, it's quite impressive!
I always assumed he was Jewish
Wow this is also amazing
>the only people who were saying Adam Driver was jewish were neo-nazi shills
Are you seriously projecting neo-nazi internet shilling onto JJ Abrams? Jesus, the cringe.
If this thread is teaching me anything, it's that all my favorite hollywood jews are not actually jews
>most of hollywood's biggest stars are non-jewish
you aving a giggle m8?
Hemsworth, Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Damon, Decaprio, Cruise, and so on.
How low is your I Q that you're obsessed with gossiping about celebrities and still believe you need to be Jewish to make it in Hollywood?
Tom Jones is the most Jewish looking non jew I've ever seen.
>Robert Downey Jr
Oscar Isaac too, the kikes are now hiring goys that look jewish and have jewish sound8ng names.
>curly hair is a trait in billions of people
>brainless stormtards think everyone with curly hair must be jewish
that math REALLY makes me think!
To have any control you have to be Jewish, also you're wrong about RDJ, he is half Jew.
But yeah, kikes realize they need actual handsome non-jews.
Downey is 1/8th Jewish, if you're a shill who thinks Jews "aren't white" and someone is 7/8th white, 1/8th jewish then obviously they are white and not Jewish, by your own logic.
Jews can't be this handsome, fact.
This one is mind-blowing to me. I always thought he was Jewish, especially since Chuck, just like Seth Cohen from the OC, is basically a self-insert from their Jewish creator Josh Schwartz.
Biggs played the Woody Allen self-insert and I believe his character in American Pie was supposed to be Jewish, the dad Eugene Levy certainly is (the filmmakers were Jews too). Meanwhile two of the other cast members from American Pie were Jews and looked less Jewish than Biggs but as they got older, their Jewishness exploded. He really did fool them all.
this guy
Jews probably have the same exact percentage of people that handsome as other groups within random deviation. The only fact is that you're brainwashed.
Since when is tribalistic nepotism logic.
>wants me to waste time naming every Jewish actor
No one is buying it putz
>group that intermarries more than any other group on earth
full retard
>Jews probably have the same exact percentage
>can't even be bothered to add one example as pic
If you're a tribe that accepts people who are 1/8th, are you really tribalistic? To illustrate my point for a neo-nazi drone; would you accept a black person who is 1/8th white as part of your tribe? Hopefully this helps you understand how retarded you are.
Individual examples aren't arguments you closeted homosexual moron. You can always search google for Jewish models and the like if you're interested in being proven wrong, which you definitely aren't because you're the conservative variant of SJWs.
one drop rule
you're still infected
It's not common in western Europe you retarded heeb. Combined with his dark skin, green eyes(more common in Jews than western Europeans) and facial structure and most people would assume he is atleast part Jewish. He's actually from the British isles.
The one drop rule is inherently contradicting, you irrational woman. Anyone can make their own "one drop rule" that is just as logically and scientifically valid as any other, creating instant contradictions everywhere.
Hey bud, relax don't go all strawman on me. I just thought an example could give your argument some weight. Nice trips btw
This shattered my worldview, he's NOT a jew?
This is a good one but who pulled reverse-jew the best?
All Jews are genetically third cousins at their most distant.
>If you're a tribe that accepts people who are 1/8th, are you really tribalistic?
Jesus you word everything so carefully. You blatantly ignore the dominant number of current and past Jewish actors and actresses, from Scarlett Johansen to Jesse Eisenberg to Kat Dennings to Natalie Portman- the list is endless. Jewish CEOs hiring their own making sure they inherit the studios they bought out or built, they're all scum.
>retarded you are
You wish I was dumb enough not to notice this.
Is this the age of the crypto-Goy?
the reason jews aren't white is not genetic, it's because they've been inherently adversarial to white (european) peoples for hundreds of years
he's a bigg guy
You are retarded though, you aren't "noticing" anything apart from what confirms your agenda. Jews have the highest intermarriage rate of any group. I can't think of anything less tribalistic than that. You're stupid and probably overweight. Learn about basic fallacies and biases, here's a good place to start for a brainlet mental midget.
>the reason jews aren't white is not genetic
kind of is
>the reason jews aren't white is not genetic
So race has nothing to do with genes?
> it's because they've been inherently adversarial to white (european) peoples for hundreds of years
Wow you really took that neo-nazi fan fiction seriously. Your mom must have been hitting the bottle 16 years ago.
Jews are related to Italians
> The family was dominated by his abusive father, whom Cruise has described as "a (((merchant of chaos)))."[15]
>The word "Cruz", as well as "Vera Cruz" ("True Cross") and "Santa Cruz" ("Holy Cross") are used as surnames and toponyms. Its origin as a surname particularly flourished after the Alhambra Decree of 1492 and the increasing activities of the Spanish Inquisition, when New Christian families with Crypto-Jewish, Moorish, and/or mixed religious heritage converted to the state-enforced religion of Catholicism and subsequently fashioned and adopted surnames with unambiguous religious affiliation.
pseudo-genetics with no actual basis in objective science
lmaoooo based leftypol destroying stormcuck /r9k/ poltards ITT. BTFO
How? Weren't most Jews from Poland?
I can't tell if this is satire, but in case it isn't, the word merchant has nothing to do with Jews. You should leave your neo-nazi SJW hugbox once in a while so you actually understand the world at some basic level. The rest of your post is just pure ridiculous speculation and implying nonsense with no relevance.
Would it be more correct to say Zionists?
Ashkenazim men can be very handsome actually. Sephardi's and mizrahis are disgusting looking and tend to age badly .
Merchant? Chaos? Cruise? Come on, you have to see it.
> Sephardi's and mizrahis are disgusting looking and tend to age badly .
I seriously doubt this, I'm betting Israel has the same mix of good looking and ugly people as everywhere else. No idea where you pseuds get these claims from.
holy shit stormtard kill yourself. stay off the alex jones its rotting your puny white brain.
He's clearly Italian. You are just getting muddled up because a lot of the crypto-kikes try to pass themselves off as being Italian. This is because both Ashkenazi's and Italians are semites. Additionally there was a lot, and I mean, a lot of interbreeding between the two as a result of the huge number of Jewish slaves that were acquired multiple times during the Empire.
>am straight
>was absentmindedly stroking my dick through my jeans to relieve stress while browsing Sup Forums
>saw pic of Chris Pine
>did not stop stroking dick
The word merchant has zero relationship with Judaism, it's just something nazis say
That's because Ashkenazism are Aryans. The Judeo-Aryan master race.
No jew is this handsome. You assumed wrong
I live in an area with a lot if Israeli migrants. Sephardi's men tend to have the premature balding gene. There's a few good looking Sephardi twinks but Ashkenazim's are the Chad's of the Jewish world
He's fucking Spanish.