First Lady kino

First Lady kino

Stroke faced bitch.

get outta here nigger

Caitlyn Jenner???

Lmao she isn't even fucking american and she looks like a mid-60s car frame that managed to get refurbished on one of those reality shows

she's a trophy wife and in some ways a tragic character but in her capacity as a functionary of the administration she's shitty and useless and she'll be scorned as complicit in the destruction of the american empire

Definitely the hottest first lady in the last 30 years AT LEAST. Probably ever.

>she isn't even fucking american
>wahhh you must let in refugees
why are libtards so hypocritical?

imagine giving a shit about whether or not your head of state has an attractive wife

That face is starting to look kind of rough.

mad af obongo soyboys

Wow how could you possibly be this xenophobic and sexist?

shes pretty fucking hot desu

>destruction of murrica

Economies doing great soyboy

Because the last one was an ugly fucking embarrassment

She made me ashamed when she'd show her nasty face to foreign people

Did they hire some teen ballerina to pose behind Melania for that picture?


find me a woman her age that looks half as good. I'll wait.

she's personally wealthy to the point of being able to move wherever she wants on the planet, because capital is global, moron. trump outsourced his fucking wife.

a) you don't know my stance on refugees, because context matters and "refugee" is a loaded term when right-wing fucktards employ it to mean "anyone who enters the united states on any kind of visa with brown skin"
b) I'll let in hundreds of thousands of taxpaying bodies whose children will westernize in a generation or two (like all of the poles, irish, christian arabs, indians that come to america) before I let in an aspirant aristocrat's trophy wife

guess which group will contribute to the economy in the long-run, lol

>tfw we can say merry christmas again

Goddamn right

she was a lawyer or some shit and clearly held her own, imagine giving a shit whether other people think your head of state's wife is attractive, can you focus on some shit that matters like, for example, the economy, for a minute instead of projecting your sexual insecurity?

>implying I'm going to read the ramblings of a reddit-spacing soy boy

Calm down you autist

her bolted on tits are awful

>we're not allowed to consider her attractiveness
>we must think about the economy 24/7 instead
>on Sup Forums
>on the wrong board
dude you're gay

The rich one that the entire debt-based economy is built around.

God, what an improvement.

the stock market isn't a meaningful indicator of the health of the economy. were you alive in 2008? what do you think a bubble is? how do stock market highs translate to long-term welfare for the majority of workers and working families? why doesn't the rallying stock market raise wages or reduce prices of consumer goods, meaningfully?

why the fuck is obama making that gesture, she looks terrible



two photoshopped images?

nice one


obongroids btfo

>what is GDP growth beyond all estimates
>what is consumer confidence
>what is lowest unemployment in 17 years
>what is lowest number of welfare recipients in decades
need I continue or are you just going to continue to play dumb regardless?

all economies are debt-based, what's the purpose of this tautology

her wealth isn't circulating in the economy so in fact she's not really doing much at all, but that's sort of the point

>Those traps on Michelle Obama
Holy shit I'm mirin

It's called a ballet dancer

Looks likke a trannie. Fuck off to your containment board

lol no, the ape really wore that

>been in office less than a year
>shamelessly claim credit for the work of predecessor
Is this the response you were baiting for? I gave you your (You).

>her wealth isn't circulating in the economy
You really thing she buried all of her money in the ground in tin cans and refuses to purchase absolutely anything at all? She probably spends more money in a week than you do in a year.



lmao nigger lover

just as racist to think niggers are "woke" and "hip" as thinking they're monkeys faggot

helium tank yourself already

GDP is a measure of national production and doesn't tell us anything about standards of living or the distribution of consumer goods, necessities, utilities, etc.

this is baby economics

>consumer confidence
ah yes like CNN's fear and greed index, reading the tea leaves. I'm not sure if this is even true.

Consumers are retarded and are not good judges of anything, I can't help but wonder if you meant to say "investor confidence" but that'd be a different issue

>lowest unemployment
shitty service-sector, part-time, and "sharing-economy" contract/gig jobs are all shit and account for the vast majority of job growth since the early 2000s. you'd know this if you knew jack shit about the state of the economy.

>lowest number of welfare recipients
I don't know what you mean by "welfare" (does medicare/medicaid count?) but I have no reason to believe this is due to increases in productivity and not due to cofounding variables like restrictions on access to welfare

Obama lady was ugly as well. Trump lady is an old hag now, and not attractive anymore.

I always thought the phrase "Happy Holidays" was supposed to include Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Years all into one package. It wasn't until Conservi-cucks threw their hissy fit that it suddenly meant a war on Christianity.
Also, at what point did Christmas become exclusive to whites? Pretty much everyone except Middle Easterners celebrate Christmas, whether religiously or commercially.

melania is sweet and nice. other is jungle ape

>claim credit for the work of predecessor
>b-but Obama is responsible for it all. It just took 8 years for it all to start working as soon as he left office!!
liberal logic, ladies and gentlemen

>Russian bride mail

All the cosmetic surgeries this bitch has had, fuck off.

That's not Ivanka

>inventing my narrative for me

Dumb Reddit bitch

Why are liberals so stupid


>I always thought the phrase "Happy Holidays" was supposed to include Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Years all into one package. It wasn't until Conservi-cucks threw their hissy fit that it suddenly meant a war on Christianity.
The fact that you openly admit to not knowing why the term is used and then make fun of the people who dislike it for that reason says a lot about you.


sick responses bro, I really get the feeling that you understand the nature of the questions being asked

every trump voter that suffocates to death on carfentanyl in the next 8 years, an angel gets its wings


Lol, you're a fucking idiot who can only argue along preconstructed narratives. But the great thing about liberals and lefties is they turn on each other as often as they attack us. You will be eaten by your own kind.

>no ACA repeal
>no wall
>no massive infrascructure stimulus
>soon to be no tax cuts for billionaires
>approval rating floundering at 30%

Here's to hoping that Mueller takes his time. The longer Trump reigns the more the GOP destroys itself.

The economy is doing great and my First Lady isn't an ugly piece of shit who embarrasses us with her tranny ass face

Two birds with one stone

He's extending his hand for her to take on to the dance floor. They must've been at some ball or something.

Make America /fa/ Again

Waiting on Sup Forums to reply to this user.

>w-were winning

Lmao pathetic

>that comma

>someone that hot marrying a man who cosplays as a tranny for votes

>approval rating floundering at 30%
LMAO @ your life

>"right-wing fucktards" are the ones that call everybody brown a refugee

Ok, three fucking points is noting.

What reply is there? Every indicator is up up up under republican guidance and dems have to move goal posts and deny every measurable metric till they find one that fits their narrative that everything is somehow worse.


>being too much of a dumb nigger to recognize context

how is it a pre-constructed narrative to point out that stock market highs aren't indicative of the health of the economy, or the solvency of family units in the long-run? what do you think a bubble is? finance sector growth =/= uniformly a good thing for the economy. again, what do you think happened in 2008?

I don't visit reddit

the right-wing wishes it could carry on the neo-nazi drug cartel aesthetic, unfortunately your base is now composed of incels and neckbeards insecure about their "whiteness" of all things

whose economy?

No, it is a deliberate attempt to erase Christmas

You are gas lighting

why do women wear heels?

Bruce Jenner?

>What reply is there?
A well articulated one by someone who clearly knows what he's talking about. You can't answer because all you know are the sound bites Fox has filled your head with.

>tfw you'll never be Barron

because it makes them look sexy

>whose economy?

Christ, it's like talking to Sam Harris. You must be insufferable in the few social interactions you have annually.

You think NK will actually nuke the US? Obviously they would get turned into a parking lot immediately afterwards but what do they really have to lose?

as if questioning whether the indicators you've used represent what ideologues claim they do is a bad thing.

what goal posts have been moved? what metrics have been "denied"? the point is that the metrics you cited obfuscate and in fact hinder people from understanding the actual complexity of things like the global or national economy

literally any asshole with a cursory understanding of economics can explain why GDP comparatively doesn't tell you _anything_ about how financially solvent people are as family units or the state of relative deprivation in a country, get real. even chicago school dorks don't swallow this shit.

>le fox!
>watches Colbert, Trevor Noah, and CNN

Why are liberals unable to come up with any new narratives? Have their puppet masters not given them a new talking point? No one besides boomers watch that shit. But keep gaslighting!

I hope they aim for the mid west.

Seriously doubt it but honestly hoping for it. I'm in Commiefornia and will gladly the the hit for you guys to experience the ultimate Happening

sam harris is a moron and has jack shit to do with the issue at hand. answer the question: whose economy is doing great? bonus points if you can define it positively and not just negatively based on what you think I believe like a coward.

she looks like a fuckin SNACK

It is a pre constructed narrative because I said nothing about stocks. You just wanted to copy paste an /r/politics talking point.

>right-wing wishes it could carry on the neo-nazi drug cartel aesthetic, unfortunately your base is now composed of incels and neckbeards insecure about their "whiteness" of all things

Another preconceived talking point. Not relevant to the conversation at hand.

I was kinda hoping they'd aim for Jew York City or some groid infested shithole like Chicago, but honestly I'd take just about anything at this point. Shit's starting to get boring. WHERE ARE THE HAPPENINGS

I hope they nuke California, every dead liberal is a blessing. I'm not even joking.

She plagiarize this too?

When you don't have to actively fight tooth and nail against billionaire media moguls you become complacent and stupid, incapable of forming your own opinion.

>and "refugee" is a loaded term when right-wing fucktards employ it to mean "anyone who enters the united states on any kind of visa with brown skin"

I've never heard the term refugee applied to legal or illegal immigrants in the U.S.

You're just making shit up.

lol, imagine pushing that wheelchair fatass off a loading dock or something, hahahaha.