just came back from a very early screening of incredibles 2
just came back from a very early screening of incredibles 2
How much of it is about the fucking baby?
Was it in line with the original or was it a SJW mess of its former self.
about 60% of it
the family is unaware of his powers until about halfway through, mom only knows towards the end
elastigirl bob and vagine yes?
Nice try faggo. I2 isnt even finished yet
it is way more in line with the original
no SJW pandering even with new characters (but could change based on feedback)
half of it is storyboards and unfinished animation
98% of the voices are there, 2% stand-ins
Is it actually good ?
if you were expecting more than the first movie, you are mistaken. if you enjoyed the first movie, then it's going to be good for you
I have doubts about the truthfulness of OP, but it could certainly be a WIP version or something like he suggests. Such a thing isn't unheard of.
Were there any shots focused on Elastigirl/Helen's butt?
God you guys are such fucking retarfs falling for this obvious bait.
is the only one to get it.
If it were real OP would have given the full plot already. Disney would neverallow someone to see an unfinished film.
very much a WIP. was told it was the first screening that they have done for it
a lot of the movie focuses on action with elastigirl, so there are plenty of shots worth replaying if you're into that
>about 60% of it
No thanks
>Disney would neverallow someone to see an unfinished film.
they've done plenty of screenings including moana
Do we get to see the mom's dat ass again ??
And yet OP has not spilled the plot...
beginning: the movie takes place immediately after the first movie. the underminer is defeated by the family within the first 10 minutes, never to be mentioned again. violet's love interest is zapped MIB style and forgets who she is because he saw her without her mask
city arrests them after seeing the damage caused by underminer, assuming they did it. back into hiding and staying a motel for the time being. frozone comes to them and mentions a tycoon played by bob odenkirk.
tycoon wants superheroes to be legal again and uses resources to persuade world leaders to sign an initiative. he enlists elastigirl with his technology to record her doing good to change public perception of superheroes. tycoon's sister makes all of her technology and she makes a new suit
Oh, no, quite likely BS, given how he even censored the title on the invitation. But such a thing isn't unheard of, and I doubt the average /tv poster would care about the confidentiality clause at the bottom.
tycoon believes frozone and mr. incredible are too high-risk after running damage analysis, so mr. incredible is at home dealing with the kids.
violet's love interest forgot who she is so she thinks he flaked on his date with her
jack jack is manifesting powers again including going into another dimension and walking through glass windows and walls. really funny scene with him beating up a raccoon and dad finally sees he has powers, but doesn't tell mom because she's on her mission
>the men stay home and the story revolves around the women
any fappable moments?
is Elastigirl still thicc?
Has Vi developed?
pls respond
main villain is named the screenslaver. can control people with hypnosis by hijacking tv streams. elastigirl thinks she figured out who it was and put the guy in jail but the guy has no idea what she is talking about and no memory of what happened after she takes off his goggles and realizes there's hypnosis screens inside
oy vey the goyim know!
all i care about is elastigirl's ass. is there any ass shots?
>family is unaware of his powers until about halfway through, mom only knows toward the end
That doesn't make sense, does this take place during Incredibles 1? They know at the end of the first film.
elastigirl tells tycoon sister what she found out and tycoon sister puts goggles on her and controls her. she coordinates a plan for when bob odenkirk is having a press conference with world leaders and superheroes on a big cruise ship. bob has no idea what his sister is doing and is genuinely confused when she controls all the superheroes in the room.
mr incredible comes to save her but gets hypnotized too. frozone goes to save the kids at home but is hypnotized. the kids go on the cruise ship to come save them and they pull off all their goggles.
tycoon girl escapes on a jet stored in the top of the ship before steering off course and headed to the pier.
kids and dad stop the ship from hitting and elastigirl stops her by shooting out the jet windows
>about 60% of it
blunder of the century
that's what i thought but no one remembers this
i put this in the survey they gave us
essential role reversal of the first movie. parent kidnapped, kids come to save
duh plenty
>sequel is the plot of the first movie but with the gender roles reversed
edna mode babysits him for one night and loves him. makes him a suit and he copies her mannerisims, such as her smoking but he imitates it with a big lolipop
How do you attend such screenings?
i didn't say i liked it
was waiting in line for tickets last week and worker from disney was handing out fliers. flier didn't have the name of the movie, so figured out it was incredibles way beforehand. they didn't announce until everyone was seated waiting to see whatever it was.
it was either going to be incredibles or wreck it ralph 2 because those are the very next ones
you better be telling the truth
she definitely gets the most solo action of all the characters, getting in a lot of positions and stances if you're into that
Is it BRAAAAP-kino?
i just want more of stuff like this.
her new suit from bob odenkirk and his sister is essentially this, but the red is a grey/blue color and she has an EG logo instead of the incredibles one
Do we get to see Edna?
she is in it about as much as the first one
mr. incredible goes on her tour showing jack jack's costume
she built in sensors connected to a tablet that can sense when his power is about to change and let them know a few seconds ahead of time
>For this screening, you and your guest MUST be between 13-40
So if you are 42 you are a fucking Nothing to Disney?
Should Brad Bird stop directing any more movies ever?
different screenings with different demographics of viewers
ghost protocol was good but tomorrowland was awful