We have hologram concerts, why not hologram movies?
We have hologram concerts, why not hologram movies?
Other urls found in this thread:
>fake people for a fake event
Computer, create 100 fully self-aware Hitlers with a complete knowledge of the schematics of this ship, expert level programming skills, and their status as holograms.
Computer, disengage safety protocols.
Rate my cat Sup Forums
Computer, create a nazi masturbation machine.
very soft but no wow factor desu
Computer, create nazi rape dogs.
Computer, create a nazi death laser that can incinerate 20,000 jews instantly.
Computer, create a crematorium that can cremate 400 jews in just 5 minutes.
VERY cute if it likes being petted 8.3/10
Looks alarmed
Looks attentive
Lovely face and chest pattern
Unique eyeshape with classic cat-mascara
Slightly boring colour-scheme otherwise
Looks a bit autistic
Might not like being petted
Nose too pin and melts into face - cat noses should be more distinct
No ear-point tufts
Computer, create a cage full of jew eating bears and eagles.
Computer, create 100 foot tall mountains of human ash and 14 nazi acid lakes. Scare the neighbors.
Computer, create a combination dunk-tank/electrified floor with millions of volts that will instantly vaporize jews into ashes.
Computer, create a nazi hospital to treat hungry jews that are too weak to be executed.
Computer, create dentist offices to clean jews teeth before we execute them.
Computer, create jew sausage machines.
Computer, create a nazi jew spanking machine.
Computer, create a nazi jew tickling machine.
Computer, create flammable jew blood.
Computer, create a jew killing nazi roller coaster.
Computer, create jew baby soccer balls.
this thread
Computer, create 6,004,000, jews.
Computer, create Hitler.
Seems like a catnormie.
fuck that I want my hologram card games
I just want my Ana de Armas holowaifu
>Computer, recreate Holocaust as it actually happened
This would be incredible to watch
Ripley's believe it or not could do this shit with a little mean leprechaun like 15 years ago
Pros: looks soft
Cons: is cat
>germans later picked apart by the Russian Bear and American Eagle
1. Never answered the question
2. I still waiting for the proof that torture of the 8 million nazis interviewed in a single year after the war occurred, let alone to any defendant at the first Nuremberg trial.
3. No I was speaking to any of them who recanted anything they said about their testimony. There is no law anywhere prohibiting that.
4. No, it is not name calling at all. I was just wondering why a supposed scholarly institute would have the same mailing address as those scholarly media companies.
5. How could both be inflated by millions? I am sure you have proof of this.
6. That;s what I was asking, what did they mean by "special treatment"?
7. The ones who entered the camp had their hair shaved, the ones that went from the trains straight to the gas chamber did not. Once again you didn't answer the question.
8. Check the sources at the bottom, you will get right to the report.
9. At most there were 60,000 prisoners at belson-bergen...unless my math is wrong, that comes up to 3 million pounds of potatoes using your 100 pounds per person per year to feed 60000. And this food was purposeful set aside for the camp.
10. Fake, how so? did you even check out the links to the originals? Remember, if you are pinned in a corner as a naziboo just call it fake.
11. You didn't answer the question, where did they go?
12. Civilian non-combatants are prisoners of war?
13. The delousing chambers were located a few hundred yards away. What were these structures used for?
14. Once again, didn't answer the question
15. You can read the letter if you wish.
16. I don't understand your point, but regardless you never answered the question.
17. >it has been exposed
This should be good, tell me more
18.Vernichtung f (genitive Vernichtung, plural Vernichtungen) destruction (the act of destroying)
annihilation, extinction (the act of annihilating or state of dying out)
These are all faked by white supremacists to give the survivors a bad reputation. Nice try.
Looks like a total cunt
Is this porn please tell me this is porn
haha, this heeb is asshurt
19. t4 was a program signed by hitler authorizing the euthanasia of the mentally handicapped. it was carried out by state doctors in state facilities and was only shut down when the German public caught wind of it. Seriously, you haven't heard of this?
20. Proskuriv was the Ukrainian spelling you double moron. I know they had been dead for several years, the point being how did they end up dead all on the same day?
21. Did any of the SS men who transported Ukranians or Poles into Germany to work as slave labor have to swear an oath to not speak of it? Why only with the transportation of the jews?
Did those 100 Hitler clones do anything wrong though?
>#4 answers a question with a question
>it's only point is claiming the original question used incorrect logical tools
I can see nobody's trying tonight.
Hey, cool it with the anti-semitic remarks
I see JIDF has arrived.
Just google a bit of the titles or paragraphs to verify them all, jew. Most are cited right in the snapshot.
if i could kill myself and in doing so take every polnigger with me, i would.
>amazing, we have the technology to have 3D holograms give tours and informative talks in museums
>the future is amazing
>what should we do with this technology?
>Well obviously the first thing we should do is get holograms to talk about the holocaust!
/his/, buddy
Expect thread deletion within 5 minutes. That's usually the window after JIDF shows up. Their main tactic: spam reports while spamming the thread with pro-jew propaganda until the thread is gone.
I am willing to bet $20 that that image is fake (same goes with any "quote" infographics posted), but I will gladly eat my hat if I am wrong.
how does this have anything whatsoever to do with this thread, jew straw man buddy? care to address anything that was actually posted?
Eat his yarmulke
That image is fake its a troll account. Hes pretty funny
>that image lookss fake
No mention of the links, huh?
you do realize that guy is not jidf but a Sup Forumsack right?
god people are really waking up to the (((media)))s lies and I cant be happier. the fact so many of you are younger than me. and that many of them speak different languages and are darker skinned really makes me hope for the world.
why so triggered/violent?
It is a letter written in response to oft-posted stormnigger infographic """""proving""""" that only 270-ish thousand jews died in the holocaust.
take anything pic with a quote in it and search for the name and the quote on duckduckgo and 80% are either complete bullshit or manipulated to mean something other than than what was meant.
The pics work, because the person who made them know that the people who will repost it will never look it up to verify.
Were their crematoriums? Yep. A handful. Millions were interned in POW camps at various times. They were good-sized cities. It was a necessity.
Enough to cremate 6 gorzilllion in 3 years? Nope. Not even close, a ridiculous proposition. In fact the handful there actually were were multiplied many times over by fake ones built post-war... and still not anywhere close to enough. This is all thoroughly documented. Plus it's basic math.
Were jews treated for disease and delousing? Yep.
Were jews "gassed" in some sort of overly complicated Rube Goldberg method of mass killing? Nope.
Did jews die? Yep. Especially towards the end of the war as there wasn't enough food and supplies to take care of the Germans themselves, much less jew POWs. Why do you think the allies found camps full of ALIVE albeit starving jews? And the dead jews found, dead due to starvation? GASSING DOESN'T MAGICALLY MAKE YOU SKINNY.
Did 6 million die? Nope. Again, basic math in regards to the jew population post-war. 300,000-900,000 died in camps do to a combination of disease and starvation. There was NO multi-million scale organized mass killing.
Is history written by the victors? Yep.
Has the holohoax been used to maintain jew control upon the world? Yep.
>you will never tell the computer to make two hung shemales who want to rape you and disengage the safety protocols
Why even exist, Satan clearly won.
>It is a letter written in response to oft-posted stormnigger infographic
ah, so a straw man that has nothing to do with anyhting
>take anything pic with a quote
lying hebe, i'm about 75% down the list and every one is legit, which one is false? post them then kike
>Enough to cremate 6 gorzilllion in 3 years? Nope. Not even close, a ridiculous proposition. In fact the handful there actually were were multiplied many times over by fake ones built post-war... and still not anywhere close to enough. This is all thoroughly documented. Plus it's basic math.
I am sure you have proof of this of course. Because according the nazis themselves at Auschwitz, they could do 4700ish a day which comes up to 1.7 million per year...well within the 1.1 - 1.3 killed and cremated within 2.5 years.
However the company who manufactured the crematoriums (Topf and Sons) estimated a slightly lower figure in a memo to Himmler in which only 4200ish could be burned per day.
settle down buddy, it was only a letter written by the red cross. When has anyone ever gotten so excited as you by a letter from the red cross?
dont forget the rampant typhus plague rampaging through europe at the time. it was spreading through lice and rats, hence the "gassing" so the typhus wouldnt spread. all the super skinny sicckly jew pictures are typhus victims
>my letter and evidence is real but yours is all fake
you didn't post any evidence
I mean after the fiasco of Project Veritas, alt-right really has no place to hide. It's quite embarrassing to watch them actually.
i'm quite calm, i just don't like lying kikes like yourself
now continue to straw man, gas light and not address anything in a straight-ahead manner like you kikes do
is this what you want?
Strange, seems like their would be a shit load of hard physical evidence after 6 gorbillion people were gassed. Why is it so hard to come by?
you posted a perfect example why you don't rely on eyewitness accounts alone, but rather a convergence of evidence......btw, what did the rest of the book say?
Should be a shitload of evidence that 250,000 people died in the dresden bombings....where are the bodies???
>"German efficiency"
>wastes labour to melt down Jews instead of just letting them starve/get bombed
>hence the "gassing"
>get gassed with supposed poison gas 6 times
really makes me think
seems like a bullet or a club would've done the job?
Good night naziboos, I am sure we will meet again tomorrow. Feel free to stop by /his/ anytime you want to give us something to laugh about.
Those evil white supremacist Jews and their Holocaust books need to be stopped!
if the holodeck is so powerful could it create an episode of star trek that isn't autistic garbage?
>dresden bombings....where are the bodies
all over the streets, in burnt building and in bomb shelters for blocks on end with a wealth of actual documentation... because, you know... it actually happened
where is you evidence? where did the thousands of tons of ash from multiple camps go? why not produce it?
all you can produce is pictures of skinny ALIVE jew POWs and recently deceased skinny jew POWs as there was NO MASS GASSING, they died from starvation and disease. can you explain how gassing someone makes them skin and bone?
This is what your kind calls male power fantasy,didn't you get the memo on toxic-masculinity?
Oh you'll kill yourself eventually, alright.
>and humanities
really killed any potential that board had
>can't answer basic questions or provide basic evidence since there is none
>cowardly flees
I see like 7 bodies here. And 25.000 people allegedly died. Show me those bodies.
>all nazi war crimes occurred in soviet territory
really makes you think
>Expect thread deletion within 5 minutes. That's usually the window after JIDF shows up. Their main tactic: spam reports while spamming the thread with pro-jew propaganda until the thread is gone.
JIDF IS REAL? I thought it was just a Sup Forums meme.
The entire city got bombed to hell and back, retard. Not all of them were in one big group waiting to be cannon fodder.
Sup Forums is the wrong place to engage fash 12 year olds. Just wait and talk to them when they have a job in a few years.
what is with the holocaust? 3 million jews in europe died in WWII and around 40 millions total civilians were killed, the obsession with a small minority is strange.
This is fake news, many are from Bolshevik and Siberian Russian camps and most aren't even from the WW2 timeframe
Google image "Dresden", see photos of burnt bodies in Dresden streets
Google image "holocaust", see skinny starving jews that were being KEPT ALIVE or ones recently dead of starvation and disease
wew lad