When did actors get so thin skinned?
When did actors get so thin skinned?
Buzzfeed is a racist publication!
>getting offended by a bunch of soyboys
He needs to khs
thats called walking away, its the opposite of being thin skinned, thin skinned would be crying about harassment and reaching out for support and asking for money and shit
smart decision desu. these accusations require no fair hearing and he'd just rather disappear from limelight for a short while.
I think he just saw that he walked into the class with the retarded kids, decided he didn't wanna be there, and walked back out, as his Twitter experience.
>White man throws bitchfit because Buzzfeed called him a specimen of a white man
"Master race" indeed.
Deleting a Twitter account does not equal throwing a bitch fit
He did the smart thing. Twitter is a shit hole and no good would have come from arguing with the buzzfeed crowd.
Why'd they go after him in the first place?
What did they evzn mean by pedigreed?
Buzzfeed thinks he's a mediocre white man that's taking roles away from talented poc.
Taking after the President
He represents everything they want but can't have, like Sup Forums with Emma Watson.
What does this mean? Are they actually shaming him because he's white and comes from a good nuclear family?
Buzzfeed was right tbqh. Who else besides Taylor Kitsch has had as many flops and still gets hired?
It's probably the only thing he could do without inciting them further
Ignoring it is the opposite of thinned skin, walking away is what cowards do, generally ones what know their opposition is right.
Zack Snyder
most of the marvel cast
"Hammer's paternal great-grandfather was oil tycoon and philanthropist Armand Hammer. Armand's own parents were Russian Jewish immigrants, and Armand's father, Julius Hammer, who was from Odessa, Ukraine, "founded the Communist Party in New York."
Cara Delevingne
i think they're referring to his family
iirc he descends from russian nobility or something, and his father is a successful businessman
they're just saying he's a privileged straight white male, etc.
White men are so thin skinned these days.
He's a kike.
racist cunt
>giving a shit about buzzfeed
literally who
>pedigreed white man
>kikes are now referring to handsome white men as dogs
Yeah, nobody cares when he looks whiter than you, Paco.
When did trump delete his twitter?
Every fucking time
Armie is the quintessential Chad.
Call Me By Your Name was top-notch desu.
Wow that Buzzfeed article is absolute garbage, all the comments are tearing it down too.
STFU Krager. You are a disgrace to our race.
Sure thing, Shlomo. It's just a matter of time.
Because a white man defending himself is a crime. If only he were a nigger then he would get away with anything.
A couple weeks ago, and before that 2 years ago.
>It's just a matter of time.
Holy shit you're an angry person lol.
>It's just a matter of time
That's what I'm saying, first it was 56, then it was 52...
Not angry, but aware. The slow burn against Jews has already started and when they're not above attacks in Hollywood then it's a good sign it's spreading.
>A couple weeks ago
That was literally a disgruntled twitter employee last hurrah.
>before that 2 years ago.
Don't know about that one
>meanwhile soyboys like you are so addicted to social medias they can't even imagine deleting their accounts
If you ignore them on social media they will just keep posting and linking your name over and over until they get something out of you, and you will never win if you confront them, deleting it is the easy and painless way to kill the trouble in an instant, and then re-enabling it once they forget about you in a month.
>first it was 56, then it was 52
What are you talking about?
He didn't delete anything.
You use slurs. Trust me, kid. You're angry.
>ones what know their opposition is right
Would you even bother changing the mind of racists who have suddently decided to harrass you on the internet?
Kid? Projection manifest. It's a shame that such a brainlet as yourself can't see that you're doing what you're accusing others of, dumdum.
Fun fact: Kike, yid, etc. are proper names.
>t. kid
all he said was schlomo, thin skinned KIKE
t. yid
Maybe he was just tired of what twitter has become
>thinking high-level racism isnt automatic brainlet status
>caps lock
This technique does not work for men
Ooga Booga.
honestly i don't fucking blame him, i deleted my social media like 2 years ago because i was sick and tired of having to tip toe around everyones feelings, especially during the election. i had people unfriend me for some of the stupidest shit, like literally turn enemy because i didn't echo their groupthink.
since i deleted my shit my life only got better.
>people decide to stop reading your insane social media ramblings
>this means they have betrayed your most sacred trust and they're forever your enemies
You did them a favor.
Buzzfeed literally supports terrorism. We haven't forgotten that incident.
Thats the opposite of what he said.
Lol wtf. He said non of that
They know what they did.
it was more like i would respond to absolutely delusional opinions every once in a while on my feed and people would just UGH and couldn't believe it and would just unfriend me. This normally happened with people who were previous co-workers who went out of their way to find me on facebook and friend me, and then unfriend me when i decided to have a discussion with them about why they felt a certain way because they had nothing to lose. i usually never want to be these people's friends anyway but they seek you out and if you don't rumors start to spread around work about what you maybe being a dick or something.
it was all just dumb and full of drama all because people just wanted to be fucking right about every god damn thing even if they were so fucking blatantly wrong. i never ever went off about my opinions, always kept it to myself until one of these people popped up on my feed saying something so fucking dumb you just can't help but be like "uuuh hang on". fuck all that noise.
thank you.
until a little while ago I thought Buzzfeed was just a bunch of bots
>Pedigreed white man
He's not even fucking white.
Why the hell do we get the blame for EVERYTHING.
1. He's not white
2. He's pretty anti-white
>n-no they're the mental cases
Trust me, if you think unfollowing you on Twitter means you're being ostracized from society, you're the mentally ill faggot.
Kys Krager
again, how you got "unfollow" and "twitter" from "unfriend" and "social media" i don't even fucking know. learn to fucking read you autist.
>i would respond to absolutely delusional opinions
How much you wanna bet they were run-of-the-mill, milquetoast liberal comments you just HAD to argue against at every opportunity?
I know your kind, faggot, I know how difficult guys like you can be. You deleted your shit, not them.
>no you don't get it, this guy isn't white because one of his ancestors a thousand years ago came from a place just outside Europe
These fucking people on this website
>milquetoast liberal comments you just HAD to argue against at every opportunity?
>it was more like i would respond to absolutely delusional opinions every once in a while
>every once in a while
kill yourself and you literally don't know shit.
>how you got "unfollow" and "twitter" from "unfriend" and "social media"
>i had people unfriend me for some of the stupidest shit
From your own posts, retard.
Boy, I bet they don't miss your stupid ass at all.
No one said anything like that either
Unless it's for business applications or networking, Social Media is pure cancer.
That being said, to answer your question OP, most actors are literally owned by Hollywood, or whatever masters gave them the opportunity to be famous.
You'll find that the famous people who got rich for business before they became popular personality figures aren't really owned by anyone in particular or don't care to be the hottest shit around, because for many celebrities and musicians their image is all they have
>everything you're arguing about
90s born queer detected
>n-no i was actually very popular! it was them!
>*deletes all social media accounts*
keep going, by all means.
>walking away is what cowards do
Wanna know how I know your father didn't raise you right?
Turbo-contrarian pls dial it back. The occasional good point you try to make keeps getting lost in the maelstrom of your desire for replies.
Tl;dr - stop shooting yourself in the foot 100 times a day.
>Fun fact: Kike, yid, etc. are proper names.
WTF are you on about? Holy shit
>he honestly believes a functioning adult male sees fit to delete all his social media accounts
Sorry, if you play the normie game, you gotta play by the normie rules.
It's actually wrong. He's German, not Russian and he isn't a jew. He took the 23&me test.
t. I'm a close family friend
this post best post
ultra lefty thin skinned group think special snowflakes aren't normies.
You sound like an absolute insufferable cunt
I get that you have no friends, but we all know you're wrong.
i get that you love (you)'s, but this is seriously my last one, i need to get to bed for work.
have fun doing... whatever it is you think you're doing.
>y-yawn i'm tired i'm going to bed xD
Why do angry as fuck people love to write this shit?
>1/8th Jewish on his paternal side
>"this literally makes him a rabbi!"
>this website
Jews being Jews is a fact of life outside of this website. Jews were Jews before this website existed, and will continue to be Jews (unless we're lucky) after it ceases existing.
No, he's not white. He's a fucking Jew.
"White" colloquially refers to natives of Europe. This man descends from parasites who burrowed into Europe.
You think you're not a normalfag. Guess again.
>No, he's not white
>t. 52% face
>"It's okay to be white" Sup Forums says
>actor gets called white
>being this misguided
Are you bait posting or just ignorant?
>people itt are saying he isn't white