Its really funny

Its really funny

Its not.

It is

jews and niggers the show

I made it through two episodes. Where is my fucking medal, I suffered brain damage from this shit.

I'm in the middle of binge watching it on Hulu right now. It's actually pretty funny. I think I'm near the end of season 2 so hopefully it stays this good. Really enjoying Captain Holy now that he occasionally gets in on their goofy plans

Why do I want to obliterate that Jew pusy she’s not even hot but my god the things I would do to her

>it's a Detective Santiago episode


It's really not.

is the show ending after the wedding? it better. there's no point to continue a sit com after the primary love interests get together.

hell, they should have just ended it when they first started dating. and this is coming from someone who likes the show

because deep down you want to know if you can get her dad you get you that cushy job at American Express taking phonecalls for 500k a year

It's very sit throughable.

>tfw so autistic i don't know if 500k a year is even enough money to convince me to talk on the phone

The ratings are too low

They're ending it

I like at least a season of their life together, because after seasons of blueballing it feels good.

I have that thing with this show where I know that all of the jokes are technically funny, but they're not all that funny to me. Rarely did I ever laugh out loud watching this show when I watched seasons 1 and 2.

like YEAST!

That's how i am with everything i've watched over the last decade. I'll never laugh out loud, even if something is kind of funny. I've come to understand though, outwardly enjoying something is plebian

Man, that sucks. I hope you get better.

Season 3 sucks, but the show improves again in season 4 and 5

Thank god they got rid of the hairy Mexican dude.


Remember OP, nothing with a budget is actually funny.

Best sitcom on tv right now (inb4 15 year olds try to say curb or sunny or family guy you're not fooling anyone buddy.) The comedy is based mostly on Jewish fast talking so I doubt the ratings are great. Hope it stays on the air until it becomes unfunny.

Fuck Gina, marry Rosa, kill Santiago


t. brainlet

It's like 30 rock, season 1 is meh but then it gets great

> Tfw this show ran its entire duration with no lewds of Santiago's bountiful bosoms

The blouses only make me harder.

It reminds me of Parks and Rec. The characters don't really develop naturally instead the show just Flanderizes their foibles more and more each season until you kinda start getting sick of the characters.

Funniest characters coming through

The face might be a 6 but the body is 9 and that ass is 10. Rounds out pretty well to me.

disagree because of
first season they could do a lot more with the characters
the show has had so many writers they couldn't develop things much

but the craig robinson and halloween episodes are all kino

came here to post this
you can tell they are jews by their deformed faces on the poster