Why didn't anakun just force abort the twins to save paddymay's life

why didn't anakun just force abort the twins to save paddymay's life

Because Anakin was a good boy.

because patriarchy is bad according to libtards

because anakin was still a bitter virgin despite landing prime napoon

Because he didn't believe in murder.

When actresses play pregnant characters, do you think the prop department guys look up pictures of their actual pregnancies for accuracy?

And do you think they ever stop looking?

Jedi are like Christians so it makes sense that Ani was a pro-lifer.

>kills yuenglings

But Natty became pregnant many years after Episode III

Can someone overlay a translucent evil Jew on Natalie Portman's tummy?

They are toddlers no fetuses they had they’re chance in life

What's wrong with her face?

no that would be very rude!

She didn't die giving birth, she just lost the will to live.


She died because she was sad, not because of the labor.


She really didn't want children then lol

does she has sex with her baby watching?

no she only has sex for the sole purpose of procreation

If women could die from being sad then we would have a severe shortage of women

so tired, is this true is she some kind of mega prude trad wife? or are you being a fag?


No, Annie broke her heart so hard she dieded.


It was Paplatin who used Padmês life force to sustain An akin until he could be put into the suit

They can it's called suicide and women try it 5 fives as often as men.

>force abort


>force sex
>it's rape

Is force abort considered a light side power or a dark side power?

Abortions are mostly used by niggers, so it's a dark side power

Men don't try to kill themselves. They succeed.


Keira Knightley > Natalie Hershlag


please do not haraam on the kosher board


someplace where she can balance

>pregnant women

Why are pregnant women so fuck repulsive?

Maybe she's born with it, or maybe it's methamphetamine

>durr no woman has natural eyebrows

saved hnngnh

so if anakin uses force sex and he's super powerful in the force would padme immediately get pregnant (just like my japanese animes)?


either women are bad at suicide or they just want attention (the latter)

how to do the force abortion?

Her autism is cute.

Because you're gay.

>tfw she will always be our secret autismfu

What horrible taste

You are a homosexual. Kill yourself

Her heart stops at the same moment Anakin's does on the operating table. Then Vader's heart starts beating a moment later. Sheev killed her to save his apprentice.

Why didn't Sheev just kill the babies instead?

Natalie Portman is the most overhyped, flat, unattractive nasty bitch hollywood has ever produced. If you ever thought she was hot kill yourself.

i dont get it

On the one hand it's sexy, but when you think about the biology of it it is pretty horrifying.

He tried, but he was no match for TWO Force babies.

he was too busy smashing that T H I C C ass preggo body

>reddit file name

>knowing what a reddit file name looks like
>reddit file name


only the male gets the force

I love how sluts inflate and give birth to future sluts

damn, Natalie Herrschdormf looks like THAT?

I'm not sitting on it

wtf is happening here?

>autist dating a Chad tho

Literal decapitation tier