how you holding up Sup Forums
How you holding up Sup Forums
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not that gr9
fine, working on a test right now and i'm probably gonna be falling asleep in class tomorrow but at least i wont be a college dropout
Not good. I had a heart attack last month and owe 5 grand in hospital bills that my insurance won't cover and the hospital won't forgive or lower.
i'm trying
stop being fat or old
and stop being pussies, i bet you dont even have a hard life you're just sitting in your room all day everyday and wondering why shit doesnt change
That's what you get for not taking care of your body. Heart disease is a preventable disease.
Nice try m8, it's genetic. The muscles in my heart are not formed correctly apparently. They are talking about me getting a pace maker.
get better genetics
I’m literally writing my suicide note right now while browsing Sup Forums
Star wars 8 and the Avengers!
include me in it, talk about my nice ass
no need to be such a dick jesus christ dude
Not great, I'm fucking up so much at University that I can't sleep well, i think I hate what I'm studying (engineering) but I'm 23, and the idea of start over frightens me to no end, and I don't think I'm going to have a choice since i'm going to fail my last class and get kicked out or pushed back another year
are you me (24 and also studied engineering) but I already dropped out.
best of luck
I'm starting to lose interest in every single board I visit, and I'm not sure if that's just me becoming more and more cynical or if the boards really have died right in front of me but I can't escape. I'm thinking it's the latter.
Everything is just so inane now. I've seen every thread and every discussion. Very few things that are new and interesting.
just b urself
Is finisteride worth it lads?
Then I discovered AMC's hit television series Hell on Wheels.
Do what makes you happy at all costs.
Ha. Me too, but 21. I'm riding on the good graces of my ex bosses boss who is putting in word for me so I can work at the University without being a student.
I'm in limbo right now and basically the good future for me rests on him at the moment.
>Hell on Wheels.
never seen this, are you memeing or is actually breddy gud?
The only reason I want a gf is because I want someone to lovingly touch my face. Every time I see that in a movie or show I get extremely lonesome.
Put it off in payments, put down like 25 dollars a month in payment and die before you have to pay it off. debt doesn't follow you into the grave and your relatives have no responsibility for it.
It's one of my favorite shows, after MASH
>end this meme
Not that guy but I thought it was one of the most bland shows I've seen. I stopped watching it midway through season 2 and didn't even realize. It wasn't a conscious decision, I just forgot about its existence.
People in general need to be better at being comfortable in their own company. It helped my depression when I analysed and evaluated that aspect of my own life.
Hope you all find happiness within yourselves. That's the only true constant in life; you.
I thought it was pretty good
Colm Meaney is a great actor. It's also got a great soundtrack
I passed trig by spending 4-5 hours a day 5 days a week studying in the math lab. This was on top of homework and labs and shit. I AM NOT GOOD AT MATH, but by the end of the semester I ended the class with an A out of pure frustrated will power to NEVER FUCKING TAKE THAT CLASS AGAIN.
I was in that funk a couple years ago when I came to the realization that Sup Forums was utterly unsalvagable. A while after I almost was in a crisis over how shitty Sup Forums had become in general. I grew up on this shit hole since 2005 and seeing it turn into such shit really took a toll on me. I scrambled elsewhere, scurried around the corners of the internet for a decent forum to visit, even lowered myself to going on somethingawful for a short while.
I do have to say Trump absolutely revitalized this place, and I've been content in my shitposting ever since.
trying to make an album and for weeks you think the stuff you've been making is great but then you realize how shit it is and how you're a completely talentless retard
I quit my job at 32 so that I could pursue my hobby as a career. It's scary, but I feel fulfilled.
Point is; you still have a LOT of time to find out what you want to do.
Ok I guess.
I'm on a bit of a roller coaster at the moment. Many highs and lows, often one after the other with no middle ground.
Feeling good at the moment.
>>I do have to say Trump absolutely revitalized this place, and I've been content in my shitposting ever since.
Revitalized, maybe, but at a detrimental cost. Thanks to Sup Forums bringing in a biblical flood of t_d niggers, much of this site has taken a turn for the worst. It's just so easy to spot newfags and redditfugees that it's become utterly tiresome. They bring no original content, or at the very least quality or humorous discussion, and just shit the whole place up, bringing their unfunny faggotry with them.
I'm so tired of it all.
>literally mfw
I honestly like Sup Forums feel threads. It's a breath of fresh bantz in a sea of useless capeshit threads.
>in b4 this thread gets b&
This. Nothing is as relaxing as being alone.
best Emma always makes me feel all warm and fuzzy
life is both shorter and longer than we think man. relax, do your best and even if you fail and start another degree, ultimately who gives a damn?
people change careers all the time and at different points in their lives. I am a teacher but I did not attend university at 18 (just worked), I did it after 21 when I realised it is my calling.
and after many years of teaching I can tell you this: degrees/diplomas etc are just papers, they will only ever open a door for an interview. what happens after that is up to your personality and brain, not that piece of paper that opened the door for an interview in the first place.
tl;dr : do not stress yourself out about a degree. you can always retake lessons or pick another degree, it is literally not the end of the world.
I meant it for him, sorry buddy at
did we win the emma wars? I feel like I haven't seen someone post an emma other than best emma when they mention best emma in a while
Feel like shit.
Anyone got any movie recommendations based on this song?
better, im tapering off weed and stopped sabotaging my gains. gonna suffer some sleep loss from withdrawals and have to study for finals which will be awful
I don't know or care honestly
I just love best Emma so much
I'm about to hurt someone
Had a fucking dream about Sophia from IT and that I fell in love with her and kissed her out of the blue. I don't even get it because I'm not obsessed with her or something. The dream was really nice though...
>large prostate
this is fine
Ausfags do i need a seperation certificate to get on centrelink if i was just a casual?
post brunette variant
how can I help user
>they will only ever open a door for an interview
Wish mine could even do that.
buying me a BLACKED pass
>breddy gud
Kill yourself
i just want a zack snyder cut
She has a nice face there.
Also, is that green pea soup in a bottle?
[spolier]Captcha: abogado[/spoiler]
nothing makes sense to me anymore. nothing. all I can do is attempt to see the humor in the absurdity of life. day by day human life just becomes more and more absurd. the anchor points I used to have to reality are just dissolving in front of me. I can't relate to other people in the slighest. their intentions, motives, thoughts are empty delusions to me
Just diagnosed with psoriasis, I didn't get laid anyway
>ywn breed a woman like this
>you will probably settle for a fat chick with two kids when you're still a virgin in your late 30's
I want to die bros..
Welp. That seems about right.
Fuck off
Find a way for me to get my own space. I'm tired of being around goddamn people
Fuck off
Helping me find my true self, my true gender
She was in scream 4, right? She is ok looking, I'm not familiar with her body of work mind
what is ur problem man
do you work?
Muh edge
You fuck off, user was talking to me
she looks so good in this set
It's whatever rich people drink.
>She was in scream 4, right?
do you live in an area where you can go camping? before I coulda afford to move out and living with my roomates and prior to that my parents was so insufferable I'd take days and just go camping by myself. it was pretty therapeutic just to get away and do nothing and listen to nothing but nature.
muh unjustified sad feewings
he was clearly talking to ME
Mental problems and hunger
>do you live in an area where you can go camping?
Yeah I live in New York City so I can just go to the hood and camp out under a bridge with some niggers
wow that's decent, but the tits are actually too big
I'll be brutally honest: one of the main reasons I come to this board is because I like to gossip about actors and celebrities like a fucking housewife. I just wouldn't dare do it with an actual person because I have a sense of shame. So I come here, where I can do it anonymously.
I bet you're enjoying the MEW threads then.
omg user did you see that uhhh ryan gosling was wearing clothes!!!!
Not well. Just found out I'm losing my job 3 days before Christmas.
>It's whatever rich people drink.
I don't think rich people have 'a drink'. They have 'all the drinks'.
Looks like something that healthy people or people becoming healthy would regularly imbibe though.
Ring up and ask. Don't bother going to their centres because the staff often don't know half their own policies, and are perpetually overworked and pissed.
>tfw want to not go bald but too scared of soft dick syndrome
You deserve every bit of loneliness and misery that befalls you. Unempathetic piece of trash.
cold af
is there no room in your heart for anyone but emma?
Different user here.
What do you regularly do with your free time?
boo hoo im in tears ;( poor user can't get a gf oh how sad ;((((
what do you want me to reply with? I said sure in agreement to what you said.
Why do you want to kill yourself?
I want to be creative. I have so many ideas for little short films and skits I can do that I know I'd enjoy doing. Just can't find the motiviation familia. Lost my job recently so I got even more free time to make something, it hurts to be so lazy.
look at the filename, this is before she started bodybuilding which includes chest exercises
watching mad men, i dont know what to expect.
play basketball or smoke weed, anything beyond that is too expensive
Jobs are everywhere, user. Don't stress it.
Getting high and watching Magus Bride and Land of the Lustrous with a bro.
nothing interesting, that's for sure