Animation movies cant be ki....
>inb4 Sup Forumsfags say its propaganda
Animation movies cant be ki....
>inb4 Sup Forumsfags say its propaganda
I liked it, didn't seem that heavy-handed with the TOGETHERNESS though.
This movie was boring as fuck
It's an okay kids movie.
>>inb4 Sup Forumsfags say its propaganda
only naive manchildren dont see its multiculturalism reference
Inb4 I wanna fuck that rabbit.
Best talking animal movie since Ratatouille
But the oppressed meek people were the villains in the end while the strong and confident overlords were the misunderstood.
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>Hey goy, dont worry about your cultural heritage, you should diffuse your identity as much as possible.
Aimed at children no less. Disgusting.
>Hey goy, don't worry about other people's cultural heritage, just celebrate your individuality and those of others
>Stand up against popular opinion and hysteria
>Overcome your weaknesses because no one else will do it for you
You bitch, get an identity other than your race. Are you really that uninteresting that the only significant thing about you is something you had absolutely no power over?
Dubs don't lie
I love multi kulti after I saw it.
Coco was better furfag
I don't know how you got that message out of the movie unless you went in prepared to hate it for being multicultural jewish communist zog propaganda or whatever the fuck. Which is probably exactly what happened.
Nothing is as dangerous as a weak man and before the genocide of a people there often was a victimizaton of the perpetrators beforehand ("they started it; we're just defending ourselves")
Kids movies should have a simpler story than that.
I don't think little kids get much out of a murder mystery and government conspiracy plot.
This may be true. I saw Starship Troopers when I was young and only thought about "ooh, Scary Bugs" throughout the entire thing before I developed a sense of politics.
Kids enjoy the funny talking cute animals.
The story makes it bearable for parents and older siblings and ensures that the kids can return to the movie years later and find they still like it, even if it's for new reasons.
>the only significant thing about you is something you had absolutely no power over?
like your dubs
This movie is a perfect allegory for the crack epidemic in the 80's, down to it being backed by the CIA.
Ghost in the Shell (90s) is pure animation kino. If we're talking specifically western animation I'd say the first Toy Story and Monsters Inc were both fantastic
Why the fuck is it called Zootropolis in Britbongistan?
It's obviously an allegory for race relations in the US, but a very bad one at that.
>biological difference between species is vast and deterministic of their basic capabilities
>species are divided into predator and prey, only a thin layer of civilisation keeps the predators from following their nature and murdering the others
>different species need to be segregated in seperate boroughs in the city depending on their habitat
>this is unavoidable and unassailable. A polar bear could never live in the desert area due to its very biological nature
>the film makes a point out of saying animals are merely socialised into following their species' stereotypical behaviour, e.g. the fox is a sly swindler. Yet in reality the film makes cracks about animals' biological natures all the time, and the nature of an animal seems to confirm its characteristics. Hell the mayor is a fucking lion
>although there is some weird love developing between the rabbit and the fox, we know by just looking at them that a functional relationship is wholly impossible, again because they are completely different species
>as such, race-mixing in the world of Zootopia would be laughable, plain disgusting, and just impossible
So if we apply the allegory onto our real world, we are supposed to conclude that different ethnic groups are biologiclly enormously different, their race determines their entire way of life, some groups would immediately overpower others if society didn't tell them not to, racemixing is bad and frankly not possible, and that segregation is necessary and good.
Has any film ever been this retarded in delivering its message?
leftist multiculti propaganda trash
>So if we apply the allegory onto our real world, we are supposed to conclude that different ethnic groups are biologiclly enormously different, their race determines their entire way of life, some groups would immediately overpower others if society didn't tell them not to, racemixing is bad and frankly not possible, and that segregation is necessary and good.
wtf I love zootopia now!
Lots of sci fi movies like to do that thing where they use entirely different species that evolved on different planets as an allegory for human races.
Thats even worse actually. If we ever encounter aliens it would be completely retarded to just assume we could live with them as we would probably have almost nothing in common and our basic needs might clash in countless ways.
It name s the jew tho.
I wonder (((who))) was behind this movie
Look it up on imdb or something.
>using the (((worldwide))) web
Good goy
>using the reddit parentheses
No user those are literal different mammalian orders living with eachother thats beyond multiculturalism period.
>what's an allegory
If your one choice for animated Kino is the CGI animal version of Crash then you seriously need to leave, you philistine.
>Zootopia is a unique place. It's a crazy, beautiful, diverse city, where we celebrate our differences. This is not the Zootopia I know. The Zootopia I know is better than this. We don't just blindly assign blame. We don't know why these attacks keep happening. But it is irresponsible to label all predators as savages. We cannot let fear divide us. Please, give me back the Zootopia I love.
Yeah, no complaints about that literal unused DNC speech whatsoever. Fucking hell.
Once again, op was an enormous faggot
>we celebrate our differences
"Thank God I'm not a nigger"
Me on the left.
Pic related is the epitome of kino when it comes to animated movies
Slit your throat.