Is she right?
Revenge of the Sith is the greatest work of art in the last 30 years
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Unironically yes
I'm not watching your youtube video.
Do you really believe that OP is Camille Paglia
What did they mean by this?
>senile old woman rambles for 6 minutes about art as if she understands it
Last 30 minutes of RotS are magnificent, but it's not high art. Themes are good, emotions are good, music is absolutely perfect, but visually it's too much. It's supposed to be a personal confrontation, not a circus act. It's well done technically, it's a spectacle, yes. So she's correct only technically - that combination of powerful themes and emotions with powerful visual spectacle haven't been done since. But it's not an achievement. It hasn't been done because other artists know what taste and restraint is.
Sorry, I only watch patrician prequel video creators.
It's only better these days because Ewan cucked Riley
is this real holy fuck
>those animations
>those lyrics
>those names of dance moves
>that fatso in cargo pants desperately trying to keep up
This is such incredible shit.
Many fans believe that prequels would be better if it actually had a love triangle.
yeah she's a bit whack
and she's getting married to her first bf whom she met through the youtube comment sections soon!
amazing. what a world we live in
Obi cucking Anakin would have been truly a masterpiece for the ages.
Opera is the poor man's Jizz.
Whenever I see crazy people on the internet I kinda feel sad, but I'm glad that story has a happy ending. Good for her.
oh shit she loves duros too. SHRIV GETS ALL THE LADIES
>Last 30 minutes of RotS are magnificent
God, no. They're some of the worst shit ever put on film. What possesses someone to even pretend any of the prequels were watchable, or even tolerable? It's not like you're discussing some obscure piece of media you can change in your head and no one is going to call you out. Everyone has seen them and has access to them. Those last 30 minutes were visual diarrhea, and no amount of denial can change what's on film. Everything from the special effects, to the pacing and especially the dialogue are like when fire meets a dumpster.
> Those last 30 minutes were visual diarrhea
I know, read the rest of the post.
This is the greatest thing I've ever seen.
They're into some weird shit.
the space battle at the very beginning is kind of impressive, but the film turns to shit as soon as christian haydensen and natalie portman open their mouths.
greatest meme movie of all times indeed
fuck the haters, it was fun and memorable as fuck
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting