This was incredible

This was incredible.

Who /pushinganelephantupthestairs/ here?

Jim can seem really pretentious, but he's obviously a chaos magician who manifests the world through his will.

I very much enjoyed it
Meta as fuck

It was quintessential Reddit-core. I guarantee there’s a thread on it in /r/movies with 12,000 replies drooling over it.

kill yourself. seriously.

Unironically this. Or as the redditor might say it "Woah so meta haha bazinga".

End this.

I called bullshit twenty minutes in. No such thing as being in the character too much. They were just practicing their characters in the mean time and normies eat this shit up. It was Reddit.

> Havent seen Kaufmans comedy
> Havent seen man on the moon
Why is so obnoxious? Why is Jim so involved in what seems like early South Park type comedy?

This brought me so many feels.
Its one thing to be in a state where life seems meaningless when you are a loser.. but its another to have your beliefs backed by someone who achieved all his dreams, and yet feels just as empty.
Brainlets, normies and contrarians will just dismiss it as Jim being pretentious of course.

Dude, if you don't know anything about chaos magic or hypercrisis you obviously wouldn't get why this movie is so good.

Aparently he grew up watching and was inspired by Kaufman. Might be bullshit, the guy rubs me like someone that only speaks lies

I cant tell if hes really cool or so ego driven he could drop down and suck his own dick at any moment

>Havent seen Kaufmans comedy
opinion immediately trashed


it's both. He is truly based as fuck, but there is a part of him that is still human. His ego. He is obviously full of himself, though he would claim to not care.

>Tenants of Satanism
>One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason.
The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo your own.
Beliefs should conform to our best scientific understanding of the world. We should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit our beliefs.
People are fallible. If we make a mistake, we should do our best to rectify it and resolve any harm that may have been caused.
Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word

wow so bad

That beard though...

>when his father gave up becoming a jazz musican and became an accountant.
>when his dad stills fails and becomes homeless despite giving up his dreams

nihilism will be a prevailing philosophy in the coming dark times, or even the current one, but it's only a viewpoint. Jim is based, but his word is not law. I liked everything he said, but I'm still not a nihilist.

Ah, so thats why he was acting like a cook on Norms show, he was plugging this garbage.

I love you

He's wrong though, it's gotten barely any mention on Reddit. at least, that's what their notoriously bad search function returned.

Have you lost your ego yet, Sup Forums?

It was interesting. Even though Batman Forever was 4 years earlier I totally get the Tommy Lee Jones meme now.

Yea probably is wrong but still captured the essence of Reddit in that post. Bravo.

>>One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason.

Except, it is inherently irrational to act with compassion and empathy. Both empathy and compassion are irrational feelings. So it's just a way to say "don't worry about being nice to creatures".

Except of course if you want to impress someone who likes people being nice to animals THEN you can use reason to at least appear compassionate and empathic.

Only thing I could think while watching that was pic related

Its interesting because as was alluded to in the doco, we all have to put on some kind of act in our lives, in work or relationships.
I feel as the same, in the way that I try not to give in to pure nihilism. Grabbing on to various ambitions to create meaning for my life.

It feels like Jim is a case of a man who put on so many acts and masks for so long, he simply burned out and now he bares nihilism on the surface.

>pull over jim, I'M taking the wheel now
>kauffman actually said this to me


>when you're an honest realist but you're so cool it causes everyone who observes you talking about yourself to shit their pants from paradoxical thinking

Hola reddo

who the hell wouldn't suck their own dick if they could?

I wish I had a clone so I could suck and fuck myself all the time

>Its one thing to be in a state where life seems meaningless when you are a loser.. but its another to have your beliefs backed by someone who achieved all his dreams, and yet feels just as empty..
I'm glad you understood. Almost anyway.
Join us, user. Giving up your ego is not about emptiness. If you feel that you're still holding on to something selfish.

Kaufman's comedy is trash. The documentary stands alone to show Carrey's unrelenting capacity for empathy and understanding.

i bet he browses /x/ 5 times a day

absolute brainlet opinion

never seen something this contrarian on Sup Forums. congrats.

I had no idea how badly playing Andy fucked Jim up.

I wish I was like Naruto who could poof into existence shadow clones. I'd have a literal orgy with myself.

If Jim thinks he's good at method acting he should see my day to day life.

When i last gave up everything i was a teenager and felt suicidal.
I forced myself to pick a path so my life had a purpose. Its been a hard journey and ive been a failure thus far (not helped by the fact my ambitions are artificial). Giving in would send me back to purely suicidal thoughts.

Maybe itd be easier to be content with life if had the basic comforts of gfs, friends and a stable job.

nihilism will consume the weak. The strong will be stoic in the face of meaninglessness.

>"he's been trying to play the same character as a normal person every day for years but he just can't nail it"

Stoicism is not nihilistic tho

I never let anyone close enough to me to tell.

>reddit talks about everything
>everything becomes reddit
>can't enjoy anything anymore
life on Sup Forums is hard

That’s a joke right? Someone created that text for a joke.. right??

it's not but you can live a stoic life in the face of no meaning. I was a nihilist for years and stoicism changed my perspective despite feeling there is no intrinsic purpose to anything.

I'm the same way. I don't actually know who I really am anymore. but I know that when I let my real self show for only a glimpse it repels people far far away

It was really comfy to watch because it has that certain late 90s hollywood vibe with courtney love, the playboy mansion etc.

It feels more like sucking dick than getting your dick sucked.

stay strong

Threw me back as well
Chuck Zito, Andy Dick, Arsenio Hall,... the list goes on

Was Lawler genuinely pissed off with Jim using an inaccurate interpretation of someone he respected to fuck with him. Or was he just in deep with the kayfabe?

method actors are tards and I still don't understand why people lionize this stupid approach to acting.

This was a big part of what I had a problem with in this doc. Jim was method acting the *character* of Andy Kaufman, not the person. Plus, Jim decided "all is vanity" once he was already a multi-millionaire and could afford to. Dealing with that idea when you've got no choice but to keep plowing ahead through normal life is a much different proposition. I don't think he's especially smart or perceptive; he should have been able to figure it out without having to go through the whole rigmarole of becoming one of the biggest stars in the country first.

I figured he came from wrestling and dealt with the crazy schedule and ridiculous storylines for most his life. Jim's fuckery could not have been that bad, and imo part of the reason Jim was so rude was because he knew it was towards a guy used to dealing with that kind of shit.

Two things:

1. Define "rational"

2. Why is it irrational

Otherwise you have said nothing

This made me cry. I can relate too much to Jim. I play characters for my family and friends. I make videos. I write stand up.
It's like an addiction to be the comedian, being someone else. Making others happy and letting that being your only responsibility.

So yeah... i liked it...


Yeah same thing happened to me last time I went full nihilistic/anti-natalist.

Deep down I still think those beliefs are rational, but they aren't a blueprint for living a happy life. Maybe someone stronger than me could do it. I'll keep living in denial.

Right now my only goal is to get through life without hurting the few people who matter to me, so feeling that way isn't an option.

>Lights, camera, TREASON

You seem like a retard.


Not even that user, and he did write it in what might seem embarassing but you are outing yourself as someone who understand comicians only on a superficial level.

>in accordance with reason
You idiot.

So is this why Jim doesn't really act anymore?

I can only imagine how it was being on set for that film.

too blackpilled now. It's amazing he hasn't necked himself yet.

I really want Jim to play a Hard Boiled Detective in a sci fi noir. Brb, writing shit screenplay.

Pretty much. Him taking on all these characters and investing so much energy probably fucked with him mentally and long with the suicide of his ex gf it probably sent him down a huge spiral. Maybe in a few years he'll go back again and do some dramatic roles but right now he seems pretty much done

But imagine the pay off of being in the making of a film within a film that will touch people years later

Jim was a retard, Andy wasn't always in character.

He basically explicitly said he's done. Unless he just changes his mind.


You are a retard. The way Jim portrayed Andy was uncanny.

I still think he will do a few more movies before leaving for good. To me he's probably waiting for the right script.

>can't help himself and drools over reddit with his 12,000 posts about it.

No, Andy was a normal guy who didn't play his character in private. Jim went overboard and clearly didn't understand him properly.

It kind of crushed me a little to see Lawler's reaction to Jim's offscreen antics.

Idonicly that

I'm just bullying anons. English doesn't seem to be your first language either.

Rationality is the ability to make reasoned judgement. Reason is based on logic. So a rational judgement is a judgement based on logical reasoning.

irrationality is any judgement that is not based on logical reasoning. For example any judgement based on feelings or arbitrary rules like a coin toss.

Woah, that's pretty cool that you knew him

nihilism does not exist. what there is hedonism and creating spooks is part of it.

>Rationality is the ability to make reasoned judgement. Reason is based on logic. So a rational judgement is a judgement based on logical reasoning.
This is what rationalists have been claiming for centuries, especially the liberals. Turns out they are retards claiming to be empiricists.



It's a definition not a claim. A definition can not be wrong. And why bring empiricism into it? Or rationalism? Neither of those have anything to do with rationality per se.

It's like when people talk about taxes and then suddenly bring in taxidermy and islamism. Both which do have SOME relation to taxes of course and one of them even have "tax" in the name, but that's not what we are talking about.

I was kind of underwhelmed. I expected more of Jim being an asshole to his coworkers