Im getting drunk. I need a good drinking movie. Whats your go to drinking move Sup Forums?
Im getting drunk. I need a good drinking movie. Whats your go to drinking move Sup Forums?
Aiden Collins
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Christian Long
Watch the blues brothers, it'll make you happy.
Levi Butler
you looking for a feel good comedy or a cathartic sobfest?
Jace Mitchell
sobfest, maybe even with a hint of comedy
Jaxson Harris
i take that back, i wanna cry, desu i havent cried in about a year
John Cruz
Dallas buyers club
Life of Pi (great to watch high, never tried it drunk)
The Road
Click (guilty pleasure)
Saving Private Ryan
Colton Turner
Leaving Las Vegas
Aiden Murphy
This, it's the only choice OP.
Gabriel Turner
Every movie I watch is a drinking movie because I'm a terminal alcoholic
Cameron Lee
ive already watched that twice sadly