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he was so annoying am I right reddit

Why was cousin Ed flying a plane to save the world from Aliens again?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Randy Quaid.

They abused him, sexually

This is now a JoeysWorldTour thread


Friendly reminder that he's on the run from Hollywood assassins with his wife, living in motels or in an RV or some shit.

This was a nice scene

The aliens from this movie terrify me



The thing I never see anyone comment on is that he was obviously insane, there was zero reason to believe he'd ever been abducted at all.

Yet people watched the movie and seemed to think it did happen.

In reality a nutcase is given a plane and suicides himself over something that never happened.

>In reality
"In reality" there's never going to be an alien invasion in your lifetime

>In reality a nutcase is given a plane and suicides himself over something that never happened.
This is why I like him. Despite w/e happened in his fragile mind, he was more than willing to sacrifice himself for others.

If something ever happened like Independence Day kamikaze pilots would be required, their families kidnapped etc to force them to do it.

>Yet people watched the movie and seemed to think it did happen.
What? I've never met anyone who thought he was legitimately abducted. He was clearly portrayed as a vet with untreated PTSD that manifested in abduction beliefs. That's why it's never brought up, because it's so clear and therefore there's no discussion to be had.



It’s said in the movie the aliens were there for decades and all those xfiles conspiracies were true.

So it’s ok to believe he was really abducted.

What makes you say this? In the film they already had alien bodies in the Area 51.

t. dumpass amerimutt who was too busy eating nachos and drinking beer to pay attention to the movie

Kill yourself reddit




At this point your obsession is a dangerous mental illness

Emmerich is usually pretty good with the first act then goes full retard.

get a load of this dumbshit

This scene used to make me shed (un)manly tears every time I watched it.

Why didn't they just nuke the alien ships once their shields went down?
Or shoot them with conventional SAMs and ballistic missiles?

Because the aliens had taken out their missile system along with Cheyenne Mountain. Without that infrastructure they had to use conventional air-to-air delivery because of the timing needed.

>ID2 could have been about the ground war against alien holdouts in the Congo jungles
why do they always fuck up

Even if the land-based ICBM system was down, which they never say it was, air-launched and submarine launched nukes still exist. You don't need Cheyenne Mountain to coordinate tactical nuclear strikes.