Sir Ridley Scott is 80 years old tomorrow. Say something nice about him.
Sir Ridley Scott is 80 years old tomorrow. Say something nice about him
He never banged my mom. I think. We're still not sure who my sister's dad is. Did Ridley spend a lot of time in San Antonio in 1980?
He's a Beavis & Butt-Head fan.
Prometheus was more enjoyable than most people said it was.
Sorry Ridley, but you became an old demented senile fuck who just keeps on shitting on your own life's work with every passing year. The less you do or say now the better.
I unironically love Ridley
Also, he made one of the best movies ever, pic related
Prometheus is pleb filter.
I hope he eats shit and dies as soon as possible. We don't need more of his $150+ million senile and demented alzheimer pants shitting flabbergastery
he lived long enough to become a villian
thank you for Blade Runner
Thank you for ruining Alien franchise, you old fuck.
That was James Cameron.
He is probably the most versatile director alive
I like all your movies sir, even the shitty ones. because the craftsmanship in your movies is always perfect even if the story is retarded
He looks pretty great for his age and also he's unironically one of the greats of modern cinema.
keep on trucking
and keep making more Alien
and it'd be nice to see Forever War finally get made
my last digit will tell how many years he has left
hey man, fuck you
good taste in women
Sure I understand how Dekard may look like a replicant to some.
He used to make good movies.
Walter > Bishop
You ruined your best films with shitty sequels. Fuck no, I won't say shit.
Alien and Blade Runner are my two all time favorite movies that will never be topped.
I think he's got one great film left in him. I hope he finds a way to stop fucking around and make it.