What was his tax policy?
What was his tax policy?
Nobody nose.
Wizards don't take taxes. When you can create things out of nothing then it's meaningless.
Ironically Voldemort wanted wizards to be out in the open, and to rule the normies. This conflicts with the existing ministries endeavors to keep magic a secret. They kept it a secret because normies would hound them constantly for free shit and fix all their problems for them. Thus making the wizards slaves.
In the best case scenerio, Voldemort's idea would ruin the magical bloodlines if they came out into the open. Any normie who wanted magic merely had to seduce a wizard or witch to increase their stock in the world by having mixed mudblood children.
was it kino?
Wizards are shit at fixing problems though. They still use owls in the world of the internet. They literally live in medieval times.
This. Plus they had the advantage of literally stealing the other civilizations ideas.
Lower taxes across the board. Use muggles as slave labour for the government so the tax reduction doesn't affect proper government spending.
Was he really that bad though? I'm thinking that he was defamed by those filthy half-bloods (i.e. mutts) and most of the stories are fabricated.
At the end of the day all we know about him is through a fucking muggie cunt, who obviously has an agenda against pure-blood supremacists.
Wizard's can't just solve every problem magically. They can't actually create anything out of thin air. They can't magically make enough food to solve world hunger. A wizard army would get buttfucked by any modern army so they can't solve any wars. Diseases probably though can be cured magically, but you need skilled healers. Modern medicine would be far more viable.
muggles would make shit slaves in comparison to elves or other magical creatures
pretty sure that in voldemort's ideal society wizards wouldn't breed with muggles
he would have some system to keep this shit in check
imagine if he had squads of death eaters whose sole purpose was to hunt down muggles/wizards who were into each other
>Modern medicine would be far more viable
>when potions that can drastically alter your appearance or even your fucking fate exist
aren't enough purebloods in the world. Weaslys and Malfoys are somewhat related as well just because there are so few of them.
>weaslees are poor and have to use hand-me-down clothes
>voldemort starts to rule
>wizards now in the open
>muslim suicide bombers start detonating themselves in wizard-filled streets
how would voldy solve this?
It's because they never saw a need to innovate because they had solutions for everything that muggles had to work for centuries to develop.
Communicate anywhere? Just use a patronus or stick your head in a fireplace.
Travel anywhere? Fly, use a fireplace, a portkey or literally just teleport there.
Kill someone? Shoot a spell at them
Because they already had this shit long before muggles could come even close to something similar, they see Muggles as being backwards. And they grew complacent and condescending, whilst Muggles slowly began to overtake and innovate further.
A cool idea that I kinda wished could have happened was that it would be revealed that Voldemort hated muggles because he was secretly afraid of them and what they could do. Unlike most wizards, he was aware of shit like nuclear bombs and realised that muggles could wipe out the entirety of wizardkind in a heartbeat. So he experimented with radiation and dark magic to try and make himself immune to the threat of nuclear war during the fifties and sixties, which is why his face looks so fucked up.
polyjuce takes MONTHS to make and a highly skilled potion maker. Also it's effect's aren't permanent
Regrowing limbs, fixing bones fine I'll give you that. But I guarantee future medicine will make that possible too without magic
They eat like kings. What does "poor" even mean in the magical world?
>A cool idea that I kinda wished could have happened was that it would be revealed that Voldemort hated muggles because he was secretly afraid of them and what they could do. Unlike most wizards, he was aware of shit like nuclear bombs and realised that muggles could wipe out the entirety of wizardkind in a heartbeat. So he experimented with radiation and dark magic to try and make himself immune to the threat of nuclear war during the fifties and sixties, which is why his face looks so fucked up.
We should have gotten this instead of that shit heap Cursed Child
shield charms that can focus around the bomber
>muggles could wipe out the entirety of wizardkind in a heartbeat
They literally could not. HP wizards can make themselves (and whole areas) undetectable with minimal effort.
What about satellite imaging? heat detection? Spells weaken overtime as well, even that world cup they had to work overtime to stop the muggles from getting wind.
>Tax in a monetary system where the governing body is the one directly issuing currency
I literally don't even get how wizards can be poor
I don't get how the Weasleys are even poor, or how the economics of the wizarding world works
did you even listen to what moldy voldy wanted? there would be no racemixing and normies wouldnt be able to demand shit under the heel of the magical ubermensch
hardly a wonder he wanted to breed more then is it
>b-but muh poor mudbloods
>satellite imaging? heat detection?
If satellites could see it, Hogwarts would have been noticed by now. And even if they could see it, they still wouldn't be able to place it on a map. Anyway, spells in the setting generally work on a conceptual level. If something "appears to muggles as a ruin", it isn't something that just affects their eyes for some restrictive reason.
what do you guys think he could magically cock block every single wizard
Magic can't permanently create things out of nothing. So you can't make money or food.
>Just use a patronus or stick your head in a fireplace.
While teleportation is pretty neat, all their ways of long-range communication are utter shit.
couldn't they just make temporary things and sell them to muggles then buy food or clothes etc
all you have to do is let wizards rape a few muggles every once in a while, gets rid of unnatural urges and increases magic users. use your head
why would they want a bunch of 56% magic users clogging up hogwarts
Violates international statute of secrecy.
how would anyone know
Reminder that Hermine and Harry knew about guns and could have killed Voldemotd like a bitch if they used one.
>things shrink/disappear in front of your very eyes
Of course, most of the time muggles might think they lost it but only if it is a small trinket.
I don't think three teenagers without IDs could easily get guns in Bongistan.
>A cool idea that I kinda wished could have happened was that it would be revealed that Voldemort hated muggles because he was secretly afraid of them and what they could do. Unlike most wizards, he was aware of shit like nuclear bombs and realised that muggles could wipe out the entirety of wizardkind in a heartbeat. So he experimented with radiation and dark magic to try and make himself immune to the threat of nuclear war during the fifties and sixties, which is why his face looks so fucked up
You should have written the books. His motivations in the canon work were complete rubbish.
Invisible cloak, stun spell, memory erase, telekinesis spell, etc.
I suppose.
they tried that in like the first 5 minutes desu, didnt even scare a shit tier wizard like hagrid
where in the books does it mention traditional firearms?
Could a wizard defend himself if he was unaware of the gun? Sure, he can turn your rifle into a dildo if you point it at him, but not if you're a kilometer away looking at him through a scope.
Must have been a shitty one, it's only fitting for the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King
The muggle world is our world, Einstein.
I net you were aware of the existence of firearms at the age of 10.
Really? I don't remember that.
Mr. Vernon pulls a shotgun on Hagrid, admittingly it can't be considered much of a good scenario to judge it by. Though I don't see why wizards would initially fear guns at all, most people are probably hardly aware they exist if at all, considering they seem to have a hard time understanding pictures not moving.
Do you guys know what's absolutely fucking mind-blowing?
Muslims actually believe in something very similar to Harry Potter
They believe there exists a society of magical creatures known as Jinns, who exist in our world, but on another dimension, which can interact with our world, and have done so historically, and continue to do so today. They believe the Jinns coexist among our world, but are bound by their own laws to not to interact with humans, and humans (specifically Muslims) are bound by Shariah law to not to interact with jinns.
Jinns are exactly like humans in terms of free will, and there are predominantly good jinns, but some evil ones among them too.
The idea of humans doing "magic" is actually them just asking the Jinn to do things for them (either humans enslaving jinns to work for them, or evil jinns enticing/ensnaring humans)
They also believe that at an official level there is coordination between the governance bodies of Jinns and the governments of humans, and there are good jinns that fight evil jinns etc
There's actually so much lore behind this, it's pretty interesting, would make for some interesting stories
This would have made a better story than the time-travel joke that is cursed child
This whole muggles are scary thing is retarded because it creates the idea that there were no sperg wizards who used magic to amplify their scientific inventiveness to insane levels at all. Imagine what someone like say Newton could do if he had telekinesis to construct his ideas for him. Rowling is a fucking hack with no basis for reality at all.
>reddit spacing