Why does everyone hate this movie again?
Flawed, yes. But it's not close to a bad movie.
Why does everyone hate this movie again?
Flawed, yes. But it's not close to a bad movie.
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I couldn't tell what the human's facial expressions were supposed to convey and they droned on, particularly the wizard guy.
Pretty sure nerds were mad because the story isnt faithfull to the piece of shit game
The father/son plot was ridiculous.
Costumes felt too plastic-y.
Gamora looks absolutely retarded.
Besides these 3 complaints it's alright. But it's most likely going to age like shit a la Avatar.
it is literally 1/10 movie
for a video game adaptation, it isn't awful.
that being said, there aren't a great deal of good video game movies.
Avatar hasn't aged poorly at all.
>The father/son plot was ridiculous.
Weaker point of the film, agreed, but minor.
>Costumes felt too plastic-y.
If you were expecting realistic armor in a Warcraft movie, then it wouldn't be Warcraft. I disagree with this point, and thought they looked great for the universe.
>Gamora looks absolutely retarded.
She did in previews, but it just about worked in the film. They could've done a better hybrid job, but it wasn't that distracting. 50/50 point
the sexy orcs make me feel weird
can't handle a strong orc woman?
not talking about the women...
my man
I'm no warcraft lore expert, but isn't it lore rape that there were good boy brown orcs during the invasion?
Nobody relevant gives a fuck.
>lore rape
Lorefags should kill themselves
Besides, the movie isn't the same canon as the games
>the movie isn't the same canon as the games
Oh, well that's something atleast.
I wonder why they chose the same meme actors from Preacher for the movie, really bad pick.
The orc parts were great, but the humans were terrible. The clash between the CGI orcs and real humans was too noticeable. In general the humans looked like larpers in plastic armour while the orcs looked great.
It didn't help that the writing of humans was also sub par.
pretty sure they were cast in Warcraft before preacher, don't mind Cooper but Ruth Negga is an awful actress
>fucked with the plot
>WoW aesthetics
>plastic armor
>brown orcs
>humans phoning it in
>no iconic Warcraft I units save for footmen
It is an awful movie
Fans like me didn't like the movie because it wasn't accurate to the World of Warcraft games. I mean, what was this story, even? Why make new lore for a prequel no one cares about?
as someone who spent years playing WoW, it was nice seeing a live action adaption of places i've been to in game, but other than that the movie isn't that great. Orcs were pretty good tho.
Warcraft 3/Arthas Story would have worked much better for a movie and potential sequels
Why do people dickride Arthas so much? Aside of the fact Warcraft III was their first Warcraft game
Warcraft II had the superior story
It's terrible
The warcraft lore has already been raped to death by Blizzard themselves for over a decade. Brown orcs was always retarded
I think going with a movie of wc1 first was the correct choice.
Starting smaller, you don't need to have as much information and context to make sense of it.
But they managed to bloat it up and ruin it anyway.
>>no iconic Warcraft I units save for footmen
The orcs should've been way smaller and knights should've been a big deal
I never played Warcraft II and my first real introduction to the character was the freaking WOTLK cinematic.
The guys pretty much what Boromir would have become if he had managed to take the One Ring. A heroic warrior who would sacrifice everything for his people.
Of course he's a character that women and soyboys wouldn't understand.
>I'm a WoWbabby
Say no more
it was rushed. you could tell that they cut some stuff out that would have otherwise made the movie a lot better. i think it's an ok movie but they really fucked up the characterization for the humans. the main thing that stood out to me was how cheap the human world looked. it didn't look grand and it didn't resemble the concept art at all. the orc stuff was great though.
Didn't this movie got pretty decent reviews? I saw more 6-7/10s than bad scores.
it's an abysmal movie, in the same dark trench as TFA.
The only way it could've been good was if they stuck to the literary source. But that was probably impossible since they got Ragnar first and probably sold the movie on him as Lothar. The problem is Lothar did fuck all through the First war so they had to make shit up for him. Also, the movie was supposed to appeal to WoWfags and Hordebabbies would cry if the movie was from an Alliance viewpoint. So they had to add orc storyline. Now they had two storylines that actually didn't interconenct much and Metzen probably breathing on their necks to make Durotan into a martyr and orcs into a bunch of dindus corrupted by demons.
Yes but that's because bad movies are the norm today
The cgi orcs are better actors than the real humans.
>Durotan into a martyr and orcs into a bunch of dindus corrupted by demons.
I never got that narrative even as a horde fan.
If you take a drug you are responsible for everything you do while on it, even if that happens to be itnerdimensional conquest and rape.
Neither did I. I liked the that about the Horde. Afterall, control of the Horde by Legion puppets ended when Doomhammer rekt Blackhand, caught any Shadow Council member he could get his hands on and made Gul'dan into his bitch. What was his next step? War on the Alliance.
>add an orc storyline
what the fuck are you talking about you literal cumsock? they've had an orc storyline since warcraft 1 its the literal canon of the first game
but you'd know that if you ever actually played any of the games
the point is they were tricked into it, they didnt realize it would make them slaves
it would be as if you went to the store to buy what were labelled as simple painkillers but when you took them you became brain dead
>The only way it could've been good was if they stuck to the game source
I've played all the Warcraft RTSs and Warcraft I had a very barebones story. Most of it was in fact retroactively added in Warcraft II. But just how you don't play two campaigns at once in Warcraft, you don't put two storylines which intersect very little into a movie.
The game's story is hardly something to make a movie out of. It's good enough for the game but it's insufficient for a movie.
If a dude with horns growing out of his back was selling it I think I'd abstain.
sure it did if you're comparing the story to games that come out now, they had to rush and fix change a lot of it when games workshop didnt let them turn it into a warhammer game which was the original idea
>comparing the story to games that come out now
But I'm not
he didnt have those originally
oh so youre comparing them to games that came out at the time? like lets say unreal with almost no fucking story outside of the absolutely minimal datapads and the generic "GOTTA ESCAPE" yeah warcraft 1 is sooo barebones compared to the other games of the era
Sequel fucking when?
Some of you guys are alright
Dont go to silithus desert this evening
people actually saw this movie?
I mean, it does fall out of the original canon, but considering that Blizzard basically went on a mad rampage through their entire canon since at least Cataclysm, disassembling everything remotely good about their lore to the point where the Dragons aren't even aspects and supposedly never were, but were just a bunch of cosplaying faggots who pretended to be; means that some brownies being brought along doesn't seem that bad.
Like seriously, everything since WoW's been slowly spiralling deeper and deeper into insanity with how the world and characters function in Warcraft. There being non-infected orcs who are seen as somewhat lesser to the green chosen ones is actually somewhat reasonable, though they could have done something a bit more interesting with it.
>since at least Cataclysm
Since tbc
Hence the "at least".
I named Cataclysm because while they've been changing things (the spiral since WoW's start) since the beginning, to my knowledge only around the end of Wrath did it get to the point where the majority of people started hating what they were doing.
I mean yeah, even in TBC a lot of things were retarded, like how there and since then constantly the Alliance and Horde are fighting world ending threats together, but they still act like taking control of Arathi Basin from the other is somehow relevant, and isn't just a pre-expansion story segment. But I don't think I heard too big of a public outcry until they started taking the biggest pillars of lore upon which the whole feel of the universe is built, and then going "You know what? What if this was never a thing?"
I clapped when I saw Ironforge
>humans need Dwarven handcannons to even hope to fight the orcs
there was an odd attempt at realism with this for a game universe where all the humans are as buff as He-Man
I don't care about the pre-WoW lore.
I want a movie where Alliance fight the Horde. Gnomes and Tauren and Trolls and Elves and Undead included.
>to my knowledge only around the end of Wrath did it get to the point where the majority of people started hating what they were doing.
Not sure if there's ever been a majority that have really hated what they've been doing.
People who knew anything about the lore were mad when tbc came out though, I think a vast majority of people never cared about that and only care about how fun/easy it is to raid or pvp.
Shit that takes me back.
The problem is not Warcraft being barebones (it worked for it) the problem is somebody trying to make a movie out of that barebones and changing even that barebones
Just like with their games ActiBlizz demanded it done as cheaply as possible for maximum return and it really shows
Also there are so few people willing to defend this because you can't build a movie around sunk cost fallacy like WoW, Overwatch, and Hearthstone
What kind of adult """man""" spent money to see a film like this in theaters?
I'm assuming soy boys and nu-males?
Underrated post
Subtle bait. Good work.
>I don't care about the pre-WoW lore.
Then fuck off.
>I don't care about X source material and I just want to watch a good movie
"lol fuk off"
epic Blizzcuck
na its just a bad movie
not soy boys but nu males yes
>mishmash of races from the most retarded
>good movie
You just want to see capeshit in different form
>Flawed, yes. But it's not close to a bad movie.
No, it's a terrible movie
The entire movie should have been cgi. The orcs were the best part. Everytime a human is on screen it fucked the scene up.