Aww yeah! Go Noah!
Aww yeah! Go Noah!
Who would win? Tony or charcoal?
He's the embodiment of every negative thing a human can be.
He had balls tho
Balls to back down from a fat middle aged man after getting BTFO'd
AJ is worse.
Noah is a chad.
lol meadow was a roastie idk why Tony even bothered
AJ was the better, sincerer and more honest, albeit weaker child compounded by the fact that he was the male heir to a mob boss.
If Meadow was male she would be Jackie Junior with her vanity and self pity and would have got her shit rekt just like Jackie jr did.
He's lucky Noah didn't punch his lights out.
Whos that guy on the poster btw?
am i the only one put off by how obviously gay this guy is IRL?
Noah, Tony never had the makings of a varsity athlete.
But T has experience.
Not really, user. Do you want to share something with the group?
Faggots shoukd kill themseves
T beat up his poor man vin diesel driver you mongoloid
your faggot can barely chew his daily soy ration
you don't raise your hand to a made guy or you die
how do you think he got away with smacking georgie around?
Paulie Jr could have taken that midget Chrissy at the card game but instead let him put him through a window.
Once you're a capo you can get away with wild shit - that's not to say it won't come around to bite you.
i'm not the only one put off by it?
at least T did feel bad about it and later kinda apologized to the guy.
You didn't even get the quote. I wonder what possesses mouthbreathers like you to post on these threads.
you really think you 45kg noah is going to beat T ?
Bring mixed race is negative? Being Jewish is negative? You're a piece of garbage.
Its being proud of those things thats the issue
half nigger half jew and he wears flip flops?
tony is a cuck.
You have to most of these faggots never even got in a scuffle at school.
I think being a nazi is a issue.
Not for some. Its a view. We're allowed have it. Perhaps not as good as sharing it as (((them)))
>friends and family asking me to stop acting Italian all the time
>tfw just made a special order for gabagool because they weren't bringing in any
jamal ginsberg, the hasidic homeboy.
>Bring mixed race is negative?
>Being Jewish is negative?
See, you get it.