In Logan Lucky....Is singing Country Roads during a West Virginia preteen beauty pagent pretty much cheating?
In Logan Lucky....Is singing Country Roads during a West Virginia preteen beauty pagent pretty much cheating?
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Christ that's an ugly Cunny
First tell me why you think it'd be cheating.
Because it is the state song of West Virginia
it was ok for man to cry during that scene
Almost Heaven
I feel like it'd pretty much be a requirement in the pageant. Like there's a talent segment and then there's a separate "sing Country Roads" segment.
Is there a rule against singing it in child pageants? Were other children forbidden from singing it?
generally at these types of things they do not allow performers to repeat songs. I know I judge child beauty pagents as part of my prison work release program.
This movie was 9/10, I would watch 5 Joe Bang spinoffs.
Sounds like some "gorillas on comic book covers" shit
I want that Gremlin X
Was it typecasting to cast a girl with fetal alcohol syndrome as a girl from west Virginia?
moonshine is fucking delicious though, no joke.
Nothing better than making a years worth of party liquor in a weekend.
The most expensive things are the cinnamon sticks.
That's a pretty sweet deal bro
Why was it so slow though. It's a pretty formulaic heist movie, but slowed down 50% for some reason. It's like it thinks it's a drama when it's actually a heist flick
Cool banal fact about your life
Because unlike those shitty Oceans Eleven movies, Logan Lucky didn't sacrifice its characters for the sake if efficiency and "swagger". The movie actually gives a shit about the people in it and the setting it takes place in.
keep paying for popov your majesty
>Is singing Country Roads
a millennial meme that was happening 2015 - 2016 and this lazy movie took advantage of it?
good performances by the britfag and cruise's ex but the other faggots were try-hard community theatre actors
Those characters are just comic book tier caricatures though. Not any deeper than Ocean characters, making it slower doesn't make it smarter.
That's where you're wrong and the fact you can't tell the difference tells me you just went into this movie to not like it.
>Walk out on stage
>It aint me starts playing
I went into the movie expecting a fun heist flick which is what it was advertised to be. Maybe don't advertise your film falsely if you don't want people to be disappointed. It was still fine though, just not as good as Ocean. Really didn't have anything new to say, very formulaic, but also so full of itself it couldn't be properly fun
>just not as good as Ocean.
Ocean's is fuckin thrash. Why people like it? bland and glamorous, feels like commercial
oceans is probably the best heist movie there is
>2 movies in the same year starring Channing Tatum have someone singing this song at the emotional climax
What a strange coincidence
The point is she dropped fucking Umbrella for her daddy's song. Because he came to see her, showing that he cares.
I loved this movie. Easily Soberderp's best in 10 years
>praises the fucking Oceans movie which is the definition of a mediocre soulless cash grab
Good on you.
>feels like commercial
For Vegas, duh. Why do you think all those casinos let Weintraub and his gang to film there?
A lot of it is excellent David Holmes score and musical choices
as a person who has been to west virginia, i hate this song because it makes me think of opium addicts walking around in broad daylight and some of the most disgusting white trash you will ever see in your life
Disagree strongly.