Anyone else miss adventure series like Xena and Hercules? Comfiest shows in the 90s
Xena: Warrior Princess
Stargate was the last of these sorts of series. I miss it so much.
Shit, even the trash tv like "The Relic Hunter" was good for some background noise.
ena waw way better than Hercules. And I didnt even fapped to her.
true. BSG ended that period
One of my earliest waifus.
>that star
what did she mean by this?
The lesbian stuff seemed kind of lame and aimed at men/boys too cheap to get cinemax.
>The lesbian stuff seemed kind of lame
> lesbian stuff
>kind of lame
watch your tongue soiboi
Nah that was prime era of parading supposed lesbians around to entice little boys who were too low test to watch straight porn because they were afraid their dicks were too small.
if you think that this was bad lesbian theme you should watch SGU. Xena had very good lesbianism or something???
Watch Legend of the Seeker. Its basically a better version of both shows
shut up fag the hot lesbian subtext was the backbone of the show
I don't know man, later on when they got desperate for ratings they got really rough.
god demn it
Worst outfit, and only like the #3 or 4 waifu for the show. Pic related is best grill.
good stuff in small doses, but much like early power rangers it's unbearable to rewatch now
You mean worst girl. Terrible actress, awful hair, and always had a stupid look on her face.
Just from her outfit, I want to be that woman's slave.
>it's a gabrielle episode
>no battlescars on body
>f[/spoiler]lawless[/spoiler] face
>teeth are white
>chakram defies the laws of physics
>no whorehouses
Nice universe and immersion xenafags
do grils really do stuff like this with their friends?
Yes, all of them.
can you post the famous webms?
girls don't actually have friends, only enemies/rivals they keep close
Of course, why do you think they always go to the bathroom in pairs/groups?
bridget regan is literally the most beautiful human being ever
fuck my life i will never breed her
reminder that Carl urban was in this wearing a lojncloth
Exactly what you thought she meant
Just the ones with genuine daddy issues.
>It's a Joxxer episode
She just kept getting hotter and hotter as time went on.
its fake, the boobs its very small and there not mole between them
My GF and my mistress often bathe together.
>slow clap
>when you realize "fake nudes" were so prevalent back in the day because actresses weren't all whores who showed it all for free anyway
The fuck do you care if someone you'll never meet is a whore?
Hey feel free to keep crying over women who don't even know you exist.
It's because you assume some traits that the actor/actress have are part of their personality, and sometimes the likability of the character goes only inasmuch as you like the actor. For example JLaw is a stupid whore and people don't like her anymore.
Awww looks like the little soyboi got so triggered it had to whine to its mommy and daddy.
>waaah they're being mean to me on the internet!
>not waifuing callisto
did they ever actually lez out or was it all subtext
I just miss comfy campy syndicated shows in general. I started watching Andromeda from the beginning and am surprised at how solid it is.
It was heavily implied but never confirmed
>it's a hot springs episode
It was a different time
I stopped watching when the blonde cut her hair.
>tfw tv-channel shows airs two eps of both shows on Sunday afternoon, making a perfect comfy hangover-kinoing
Hercules is one of the most entertaining shows ever. Plus it had Sam Raimi behind it so it was really self aware
Looks like tits. I mean tits. Damn it, TITS! No, tits!
Ah, fuck it.