Matt Lauer fired by NBC

Will you miss him?


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Literally who?

Another lefty pervert

this. leftist propagandist


how to get rid of someone you don't like. accuse them of sexual harassment. this zero tolerance stance is going to end up causing a huge power vacuum

Are things really this bad or is this a witch hunt like Woody Allen predicted?

It's all a push to get more women into these roles. Unlike men, women cannot be fingered.

Where in the world is Matt Lauer?

>Matt Lauer


>lose job

A bit of both

For example read the Charlie Rose allegations

Some are literally just women who didn't reciprocate.

But walking around naked in your office? If true, fucking get a hold of yourself. If fake, bullshit witch hunt


I think the problem was that they were getting fingered to begin with

Fake news

No, it’s all over Twitter. It’s apparently real.

>lose job
>career and life ruined

Is he next bros?

literally who (retweeted by

>matt lauer

Wasn't the guy cheating on his wife during the Vancouver Olympics? He's definitely a cunt in real life. Fuck him, good to see liberals getting theirs.


LOL Trump has already tweeted about it, the absolute madman.

You're going to see a bunch of comedians get smashed soon.
I'd imagine Jon Stewart is going to get announced soon. Lots of SNL alumni too. The only one that'll be clean will be Jimmy Fallon because he's too autistic.

i-is he here?

i love the guy



No, Trump only watches cable news. There’s no doubt Bannon and Don Jr browse Sup Forums though.

>women accused him for forcing them touching his nipples in public
>he tried to rape me by growling like a tiger

Oh no I can see that happening :(

are (((they))) purging the media purposefully to bring about a new regime and American mindset or is the left simply eating itself alive? what the fuck is going on?


Feel kind of sorry for him.

The show is nothing but women now. What a disaster for the network.

Is he the one that used to go on Conan and tell fantastical tales of being shot down in helicopters with special forces, until it was discovered he was full of shit?

20 fucking years on the show, one accusation and its over for him.

Nah, that's Brian Williams. Still has a job, remarkably.

why sexually harass anyone? He's got a ginger wife and a mistress (Jessica Biel)

I think its an old soviet trick, "you cant trust anyone! no one has integrity! so why should you goy"

It’s the left eating itself alive. (((They))) spent years tolerating and enabling sexual predators, and now the part is over. Lots more big names will go down, and it will eventually devolve into a witch hunt and moral panic, if it hasn’t already.

>"no way this is real"
>check to see if it's real
>it's real


holy fuck man that guy still has a job? He's literally a pathological liar.

Charlie Rose plays helicopter penis with a few dozen interns and he's gone but the guy who made up a helicopter crash still has a job....

fake news indeed.

Wait until they retcon this and claim Q predicted it. Q movie when?

i think of this every time i see matt lauer kek

Colbert will go before this guy does.


Fucking retard. He literally had the perfect job.
He gets like a million dollars a year for sitting on a couch each morning for a few minutes.

NBC even paid for daily helicopter rides into work every day for him.

If you really need to fuck a whore just get one of the millions of escorts that he has within reach in NYC.

How do you fuck that up?

Why are you framing this issue in terms of left vs right?

Problem is that's going to crash and burn. This shit will never work for very obvious reasons.


I was literally telling my wife a week ago that this faggot was next. He's always been a fuckin creep and a crybaby


Barron posts in Sup Forums Arsenal threads

He surely does and I defend all American posters in /arse/ for that reason.

haha! did you tell her son too?

>Matt Lauer gets attacked for being too nice to Trump during dueling interview he did with Trump/Clinton and bringing up Hillary’s email server
>One colleague complains and he gets canned

I think the network execs were pissed at him for a while. Just a hunch.

they are trying to get rid of all the bloated contracts.

Nobody watches network news anymore. Better to have Oprah's lover read the news for 1 mil a year than Charlie Rose or Matt Lauer for 10x that amount.

One of those two had a direct hand in cultivating an "allies," world view in industries that are insanely insular and politically homogeneous (and they're not rightwing) which is just ripe for exploitation. On top of that it also pushed the idea of believing any and all accusations of sexual impropriety regardless of degree or circumstance to the point it's starting to resemble "I saw Goody Proctor dancing with the Devil," levels. Most of these people supported or at least tolerated this kind of terrible mindset and seeing them torn asunder by it and hoisted by their own petard is causing massive schadenfreude among their detractors.

The right doesn't control Hollywood and hasn't codified deferring behavior to the feminist court of public opinion.

the left enabled this kind of bullshit in the first place


Remember how aggressive he was being towards Cory during the pedophile allegations interview a few weeks back? I had said he was being a bit too aggressive, he knew it was coming he was taking out his anger on Cory. He knew he was marked.

It's the new Red Scare, and it's just beginning. No male is safe.

Matt Lauer best interview

We don't even know if the story is real and he got immediately fired from a 20 year job.

Hollywood is pushing men out to make room for more women, and men are just rolling over and taking it. Fucking disgusting, really. Not that I give a shit about any hollywood elite, but there's clearly an agenda here.

>implying the red scare was bad
all commies need to be hunted down and killed

Aside from Cosby has any of the recent accusers been against a black guy or any other ethnicity? Seems like white dudes are the target. Gotta open up that diversity quota slots osme how

He was cheating on his wife back during the winter Olympics in Canada

oh man shoulda called the cheating police

Yeah, but it’s mostly left-wing hypocrites being exposed.

So fuck ‘em.

Conyers is black and may actually go to jail for it. (He used campaign money to pay off accusers in violation of federal campaign laws).

That is what John Edwards went to jail for.

>We don't even know if the story is real and he got immediately fired from a 20 year job.
That's what happens when you're on the side that supports LISTEN AND BELIEVE. Looks like leftshit men are finally figuring out why 'innocent until proven guilty' is so important.

Problem is a good half of the GOP is as spineless given they keep reflectively going wishy washy whenever flak comes at them before they remember they can use their balls for more than just punching bags. It's kind of funny watching it happen over and over. It's almost like a dog that keeps getting scared over and over before creeping back out from under the bed.

NBC statement said they investigated the claim and found it could be substantiated. Other stations are reporting that multiple news outlets were working on stories about Lauer including NYT and New Yorker. NBC was getting out in front of it.

Isnt this getting out of hand? How many people have to get fired over relatively minor things?

True, but before the Trump wave the number was like 95%.

I bet Tom Cruise is loving this

>Matt Lauer fired for being a pervert
>Katie Holmes playing Hag ex wife in Logan Lucky movie, looks like a sad old bulldog
>Tom Cruise plays CIA agent drug smuggler plane flying hotshot in American Made and looks pretty good in his new wig.

Did....did....Tom win?

It's part of the progressive cultural revolution happening right now. Just look at what's happening in universities where many students are going full on Red Guard.

Normally you get fired for that when you're representing a major news network. Kinda brings some bad press.

Yes. Praise Xenu.

Im just going to stop talking to women then. they dont really care what I have to say anyways


Jimmy fallon
Is the illuminati.
Wake up sheeple.

>be a famous person who worked hard to build their career
>literalwho female who doesn't have to provide any proof whatsoever can destroy you with an unsubstantiated allegation

this is the future the voters chose when Obama got 8 years.

>Hollywood and the media destroying itself

wtf I love Obama now

I only know this guy from his dumbass commentary on Olympic opening ceremonies

>Other stations are reporting that multiple news outlets were working on stories about Lauer including NYT and New Yorker. NBC was getting out in front of it.

In other words, they looked the other way for years and only fired him now that others have exposed him.

thats what the left does. but it effects everyone in the end, not just hollywood. pretty soon dating anyone you work with be be illegal

Regular people have been walking on HR eggshells at work for two decades.

What’s happening now is that the rules are finally applying to powerful left-leaning institutions, exposing them as hypocrites and further eroding their credibility and moral authority.

Overall, this is a very good thing.

Say it with me Sup Forums


Goddamn it feels good to be a female

>Overall, this is a very good thing.

No it isn't, it will affect everyone even men. The domino will happen to males

>female takeover of Hollywood and media

I hope so, that would make them almost irrelevant

That's why firing him is significant. It pretty much says, yeah we've known about this for a while, but finally someone is willing to put their name down for it, AND that this isn't the only time this has happened.

We will just pay underage kids to say you touched them and never go to court.

>wanting to achieve power by means of a tidal wave of victim complexes rather than actual merit
Yeah, it's pretty obvious you're female.