Will it be kino?
Hollywood is making a Varg Vikernes biopic
do alt-righters really watch rambling videos of a fucking guy talking to a camera in his car for hours?
this stuff will never be mainstream and the man has zero production value. get your head out of your own ass people.
probably more leftist propaganda
He hates the alt-right and constantly bashes them in almost all his videos.
>the man has zero production value
Goddamn, he sounds like a faggot vblogger these days.
He should've OD'ed a decade ago.
>they cast a jew as Varg
is Sup Forums actually alt right? I thought the alt right doesn't exist
nice b8 m8
>this stuff will never be mainstream and the man has zero production value
why? he's not interesting outside of his role in the early 90s black metal scene.
Between Varg and an autistic mother his kids have no chance.
Feel kinda sorry for them desu
What you say user? There's a discord group called shareblue that tries to turn people on Sup Forums into soyboys? How embarrasing
>sion sono
if only
>Varg will never be that weird uncle of yours that comes over for the holidays with moose meat and other stuff he gathered from nature
>tfw born far too late and on the wrong continent to be part of the early BM movement
do you realize that you're just turning Sup Forums into /x/ 2.0?
the schizophrenics like you are retarded. it's not going to help your cause
why the fuck should political commentary have production value you dumb faggot? i get commies having to add overwhelming showmanship to their videos in order to make their retarded ideology more appealing, hbomberguy and contrapoints come to mind in that respect, also it's a sign of crypto-capitalism, which is what basically every political ideology except for the alt-right is
black metal was a one trick pony anyway and got stale quickly. Varg even admits this himself despite making the best black metal album of all time
>it's not going to help your cause
i don't have a cause.
t. mad leftist
Sup Forums is expansive, you're only right about the CBTS shit or whatever the fuck it's called, other than that it's been the same old it's been for years
Hollywood is creatively dead. No it won't.
Having a basic level of quality and respect for your work is standard. It's not to 8 year olds in school who deface their work with dicks.
Varg is a fuckwit Nordicist who belongs in the intellectual trashcan along with Afrocentrists
no it's about you being a pathetic manchild and not being able to pay attention to what the person is saying without a big colourful set and quip after every 5 words
>without a big colourful set and quip after every 5 words
Most political videos aren't like that, though. There's a difference between producing something of quality and a car vlog that shows you barely spent even an hour deciding what you were going to say before pressing 'record'.
>a caring full time mother who spends lots of time with them but doesn't molly coddle them either
>father takes them on trips to lots of historic sites in france for long hikes and adventures in their camo printed truck
>taught lots of useful skills
>get to play outside all the time with lots of brothers and sisters for company
>not exposed to cancerous millennial pop culture, social media and demoralizing school system
Their childhood looks idyllic desu. So long as they don't rebel and go all degenerate in their teens, I guarantee they will be more well adjusted and less jaded than the majority of modern youth.
Dr. Grishnackh, I'm Euronymous
>Most political videos aren't like that, though.
Contrapoints and Hbomberguys are. What matters is
>Good quality audio
>Good quality ideas
and a secondary would be good quality video, maybe a bit of of picture and picture stuff if you're going into data, not to say that Varg's videos have good quality ideas, they don't.
also that cast is seriously lacking in the diversity-department
>making the best black metal album of all time
which one would that be
>good at metal
LMAO I'll give him credit where credit is due but his metal escapades are laughable to say the least
The movie is based on a book about the norwegian black metal scene, is not only about Varg.
why is he so damn fat. is there a lot of candy in the woods
>making the best black metal album of all time
Eats too many twixes
he's developed his own aesthetic and you're braindead if you can't notice it
>mother is unironically autistic
>father is a narrow-minded lunatic
Sounds like a stellar combo. Can't wait see what their adolescence will be like.
he isn't wrong about how great Daddy Cool was though
Burzum is shit. Overlong and repetitive songs with some of the most laughable vocals in the genre. The only good album is the first one he made in prison because it sounds like Super Nintendo music.
>he doesn't appreciate the Elliot Rodger aesthetic
I could go either one of two ways. The kids rebel their amish-esque lifestyle and become degenerate causing Varg to go nuts and take his family hostage, with a Waco style police siege.
Or the children grow up to be the future ubermensch prepared to survive the collapse of civilisation.
He's not alt-right.
kek user did you save my webm from 8/tv/?
No he's not. He just cares about his people, but doesn't hate other people. Nothing wrong with that.
Fuck this dumb snow nigger vikings never did shit for the world.
Varg will be stabbed to death by one of his autistic children. His life will come full circle.
he has nothing to do with altrighters. Varg is all about "saving" Europe and almost all altright shitters are dumb americans
What do you think would be lost if Sup Forums were to win?
>This one is for Euronymous!
A lot of dead weight.
win what?
If Sup Forums's (and their fellow travelers) vision of the future came to pass.
putting a camera up and simply talking is a sign of anti-materialistic sentiment, you don't clog your videos with shit which means you have no real interest in pop appeal, forces the viewer to properly focus on you as a person as well as the idea at hand, also it feels much more genuine
His biggest impact on metal music was murdering an actually talented musician. He actually made metal WORSE by existing.
Wasn't Euronymous the fag that made a necklace out of his friend's suicide skull pieces?
High profit margin medical sectors, business law and the mass media would have a massive staff shortage.
yeah, he was a giant faggot, he definitely deserved to die
he should walk around public squares preaching his views
then some one should compare him to Jesus and cause him to commit suicide
Hollywood has nothing to do with it
Varg big guy confirmed
Varg's wife is CUTE
>Implying you wouldn't wear a necklace made of skull fragments from a guy called Dead.
Stop watching Varg's videos
Funniest thing about his murder is that everyone of his friends agree that he was acting like a douche and pissing off Varg and getting killed was completely his fault.
she is literally autistic
you can't get by and push ideas in the modern world without materialistic measures, the same logic is applied when people mock communists for using the internet and buying stuff, shit post desu
Is that the famed nordic beauty I keep hearing about? LMAO
dayum is that really his wife
shes french
No that is more like nordic average to below average.
>tfw no autistic french aryanoid wife to raise children with in the french countryside
do I have to make a metal band and kill someone to get one?
she's cute as fuck retard
Reminder that the only Varg videos worth watching are the ones about black metal history and the ones where he talks about his cars.
Caleb Landry Jones is a perfect young Vary. Sky Ferreira is also very edgy, not surprised she got attached to this
I've been too long on the chans - everytime someone writes biopic
I read boipuc
yea, you might be gay
Reminder Varg would get life in murca for what he did
maybe if you stopped jerking it to traps that wouldn't happen.
traps dont have a boipucci though
>you can't live in the modern world without being a hypocrite
>this is what hypocrites actually believe
I didn't come here to be learn anatomy lessons from a faggot, faggot.
lucky old dog
add some protruding teeth and paint her green and she'll look like a warcraft orc
People keep saying this but is there a source?
He has talked about it in some videos.
>varg's dad was an engineer for saddam hussein
and Varg's birthname is Kristian. his entire life is cuckoldry.
>strawman and hobble yourself so I don't have to think for 2 seconds about what you have to say