

QotD: What are your thoughts on the Avengers: Infinity War trailer?

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Why do Marvel trailers always lie about the tone in the trailer? Literally everyone knows there'll basically be a laughter track in it, why are they pretending we'll get something epic and broody when every time it's proven otherwise.

Because it's nearing the end for the Avengers flicks and they wanna build it up as a grandiose event that everyone should see

FUCK YEAAAHHH!!!! Time to do my Blu-Ray collection!!!!!

>QotD: What are your thoughts on the Avengers: Infinity War trailer?
Don't care that much. I lost interest in superhero movies. Fell behind on many of the recent Marvel films over the last three years and haven't seen a DC film since The Dark Knight Rises.
I've recently been gaining interest in early film and I was watching some stuff from the late 1890s. I really liked Monkeyshines, No. 1 and the 1896 Haunted Castle.
Moving on to the early 1900s now. What are some essential films from 1900-1909? I've already seen A Trip to the Moon a couple of times. I've also seen The Great Train Robbery and Le Cochon Danseur. Any other interesting movies from that time period worth seeing? I don't care if it's good or bad.

What do you think about The Adventures of Dollie (1908)?



I hope Slept was in the Oklahoma City Bombing

>logging Infinity War just to review the traier

What Best Picture winner deserved it the least?

The Greatest Show on Earth

>QotD: What are your thoughts on the Avengers: Infinity War trailer?


>What are your thoughts on the Avengers: Infinity War trailer?
capeshit is for nerds

Capeshit is for nerds, why don't you watch Science Crazed instead!!!!!!!

>A mad scientist injects a woman with an untested growth serum. She dies, but gives birth to a full-grown monster.


No best picture winner has in fact ever been 'best picture'


but Gone With The Wind is the highest grossing film ever made


You got me. I retract my earlier statement.

Sandra Bullock is also the greatest actress of all time.

no that would be Emily Bean

How Green Was My Valley (1941)

emily bean

Was deserved you pleb. Welles is a shit director. Not only did he do nothing new, most of his filmography is complete shit that just gets worse as it goes on. Citizen Kane is alright but nothing special unless it's the first film you've ever seen. Nonlinear story structure was already done in DW Griffith's Intolerance, shadows and low angles in sound already done in John Ford's Arrowsmith, invisible cuts and whippans in DW Griffith's Abraham Lincoln, deep focus in William Wyler's stuff as well as Jean Renoir's, and Citizen Kane's script is literally Power and the Glory which Preston Sturges wrote. Power and the Glory honestly looks a lot like Kane visually and was directed by William K Howard, who is a far better director than Welles could ever hope to be. But really what makes Welles shit is he lacks any subtlety whatsoever. He makes use of long takes and multiple events happening in the frame well, but his mise en scene is turned up to 11. A lot of his shots look like they were done by a film school freshman shouting for attention (which he kind of was since he was schooled on film history before directing Kane). Really, he's just a name easily impressed plebs that don't know their history lap up.

You don't really think you'll win, do you?



boy, you sure SUBMERGED yourself in crappy movies lol

We're in a jam!

is Public Enemies by Michael Mann good


Change that to 1/2, bucko.

Top three Mann. The digital cinematography in a period setting takes some getting used to but it ultimately becomes a strength and the film very affecting, the equal of Miami Vice in greatness.

more like Michael GIRL lmoa

more like Michael MANNLET lmoa

How Shit Is My Taste (PUNQ, 2017)

What happened to Gerardo Rivera's account?

What are you looking at, fuckface?

I wonder how Pete's mother reacts when he spends the whole evening screaming "FUCK YOU WHORE" and "EMILY JEEEEEEAN" to his computer screen.

Europoor pls go


is 300 good


name a better movie, you literally can't


Reminder to make your list for 2018 and post it here so I can follow you!!


Glad you enjoyed San Babila, if you get a chance I’d definitely rewatch with the commentary, really good commentary that added to my appreciation immensely


I await your replies...

who the fuck names themself Film Toaster

>rewatching justice league


I have moviepass and I took my brother the first time to see it. Plus, I'm a fan of Snyder and I wanted to pick out which moments where Whedon and the reshoots.

Recommend me movies about a someone sabotaging another's romantic relationship in the hopes of claiming them for theirselves

what a cool dude

Gene Saks had already, in the over two movies he had made — from Barefoot in the Park on up to THE ODD COUPLE — founded the art of light comedy; now he wanted to try something more than simply telling the story of two mismatched housemates who get on each others nerves. He had developed repartee and crosscutting in his earlier works, and in CACTUS FLOWER, he attempted to the story of a manic pixie dream girl and the man whose life she changes, crosscutting back and forth to Walter Matthau, Goldie Hawn, Ingrid Bergman and Jack Weston reaction shots. He was living in an era of experiments with light comedy in the other arts, and although he worked in a popular medium, the old light comedic concepts of one-liners and slapstick seemed too limiting; in his own way he attempted what Pound and Eliot, Proust and Virginia Woolf and Joyce were also attempting, and what he did in movies influenced literary form as much as they did. CACTUS FLOWER is a film symphony. No simple framework could contain the richness of what Saks tried to do in this movie.


Who made this


>Plus, I'm a fan of Snyder

Is /lbg/ past the point of no return bros?

PUNQ has wonderful taste!

wherefore art thou rooney

>Bruce is mad because Emma is going out with another man

Michael Mann is the best director of all time. He's far better than D.W. Griffith. Blackhat is better than Intolerance.

>new avengers trailer
>12.599.997 views in 1 (one) day

it's over guys

Cactus Flower is the greatest work of art ever made, with great use of the entire toolbox of artistic techniques. Plenty of peak-ins, clever uses of irises, soft focus, and depth for jokes to play out. And it executes flawlessly one of the hallmarks of immaculate art, unpredictability under the guise of believability. It's a culmination of the entire history of humanity.

Abel Gance and Riefenstahl are for numales

Who made this

kys and on 2

Overdose soyboy

Overdose soyboy


As God is my witness, I will never be hungry again!

Emily has a husky man voice!

>Favorite films
>The Exorcist II: The Heretic

>Rob Zombie's Halloween - 5/5
>Batman v Superman - 5/5
>Independence Day - 4/5
>Ang Lee's Hulk - 4/5
>A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) - 4/5
>Armageddon - 4/5
>Avatar - 4/5
>Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace - 3/5
>Terminator Genisys - 3/5
>The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) - 3/5
>Justice League - 3/5
>Suicide Squad - 3/5
>Geostorm - 3/5
>Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase - 3/5
>Pokemon The First Movie - 3/5
>Space Jam - 3/5

>Citizen Kane - 3/5
>Raging Bull - 3/5
>Blade Runner - 3/5
>How the West Was Won - 3/5
>Goldfinger - 3/5
>Fight Club - 3/5
>Drive - 2/5
>Hail, Caesar! - 2/5

You deeply sicken me.

>no response
Griffithfag BTFO! Mann wins!

Goldie has a husky man voice!

Michael Mann is reddit

>Now that I've seen this movie for the third and last time in the theater, as I eagerly await the news of some kind of extended cut from Warner Bros., I decided to compile a bunch of online comments I agree with in regarded to Zack Snyder and his vision for Justice League.

>Why would you pander to the people that hated your movies WB, now you've lost the love of the fans that were there for you.

>While pandering to the ungrateful haters and critics who don’t understand jack about filmmaking, why can’t Warner Bros. support the true director’s vision instead?

>Tweet at WB. Scream at them. Demand an extended cut with at least most of these scenes back in the movie. These Hack-Up-Jobs have to stop! I've had enough of Kevin Tsujihara, CEO of WB, and his demands for lower runtimes just to have more screenings. Now, the movie will most likely not make a billion and people will see it as a financial failure. All thanks to these idiots cutting down their movies.

>From JUSTICE LEAGUE - Official Trailer 1 - The whole bloody opening of that trailer is gone. No Bruce Wayne camping in the snow with fire, preparing his horse for the long cold journey. None of that.

>Great movie, 30 minutes away from amazing.

>I’m so amazed people care about Snyder so much that they want to see his cut. It makes me feel like I’m not alone in loving his films.

>I love this guy so much.

Wew lad.

not an argument

>reddit spacing

kys asap

Griffith is reddit, Mann is pure Sup Forums.

user, you just used "reddit spacing".

He's taller than your favorite director.

>Griffith is reddit, Mann is pure Sup Forums
That's the biggest lie I ever heard


no one cares

You do.

screenshotting "reviews" to get (You)'s on Sup Forums
how pathetic

Can Molly posting be the new meme?


Like this




audrey hepburn sucks


Reminder Mann is better than Griffith.

she loves big penises!
open wide!!!



The conventional American line on Renoir is that everything he made before Grand Illusion in 1937 is primitive and everything he made after it is decadent. Ironically, Grand Illusion continues to be preeminent in its obviousness

Don't make me throw up on you