in time...
Remember DCbros
Six time for each member.
...Snyder's children will keep dropping out from embarrassment
In time? Fucking when? MoS flopped, BvS was a commercial and otherwise financial flop for WB, SS was pathetic, WW was decent and JL is getting its ass beat by a goddamn Thor movie...
Does Marvel bleed?
I will not forget our Lord. I shall never forsake hi.
Synder is one of the most visually gifted filmmakers currently alive and has a ferocious spirit imbued with a respect for mythology, cultural consciousness and aspiring to something greater.
Somebody good just needs to team up with him on writing a tighter script that undergoes proper review.
It's the same thing every time.
Sprawling epic with big ambitions
Some plot points make no sense
Then it gets mangled when it's inevitably too long
In time DCEU will have a good movie?
I liked MoS but everything else has been disappointing to say the least
>Synder is one of the most visually gifted filmmakers currently alive
>Synder is one of the most visually gifted filmmakers currently alive and has a ferocious spirit imbued with a respect for mythology
>with a respect for mythology
He sat in an interview for BvS and straight up said that he didn't consider Batman killing people in the film to be really killing people, just kind of killing them because they're associated with bad guys. He actually fucking said that.
truly a master of the subtle art of cinematography
Marvel: See ya and never come back you loser!
DC:its...its KINO! *cries and fly alway*
Quick, Snyderbros! Spot the pyramid!
>Marvel will never be kino and will never accepted by Sup Forums
How do we fix Marvel to fit in on the Sup Forums crowd?
Stay plebby, my friend.
wtf 4 different shots I think BvS is capekino now
These shots are terribly lined up.
You seriously can't be this blind. And this dense.
enlighten me
what did he mean by this?
>how do we autismo-form Marvel films to meet the demands of literal retards and pedophiles?
Maybe this will help.
user, BvS isn't "too smart" for us. The allegories are hamfisted, we got it.
> has a ferocious spirit imbued with a respect for mythology, cultural consciousness and aspiring to something greater.
If only he had respect for the source material
holy shit this is the most cringe I've had this month
>bad guy pretends to be good
>quoting Shakespeare somehow makes this smart
Yes, I'm sure Snyder was thinking about King fucking Richard while coming up with the subtext of BvS...
We'll take you a lot more seriously when you actually learn what an allegory is. Nothing I've pointed out is allegorical on its own. In fact, it only has the most tangential of connections to the true allegories in the film, of which there are two - one pretty clear, the other more hidden.
>Maybe this will help.
Do the jolly rancher scene next. Explain how smart it is.
I want to hear about the masterful subtleties of the piss jar next
You're fucking retarded:
I'm talking about the hamfisted Christian allegory in BvS that you literal teenagers think is 4deep6me. Kill yourself.
still haven't gotten an answer for what the fuck those 4 shots are meant to mean
there is none, its a meme, go home
BvS is pure unadulterated capekino. No wonder it gets shat on this pleb board which is full of marvelcucks. pathetic faggots
Tell me about the jar of piss.
it's symbolic of the piss on the DCEU's grave
It's not about what the bad guy's pretending to be. It's how the world's perception of him shifts. They see the image he cultivates - the dutiful heir, the poor little orphan boy, the civic-minded philanthropist. That imagery all disappears once his true nature is revealed.
Bruce Wayne cultivates a different image, and he gets god,y imagery as well, just a different sort of god. The imagery surrounding Lex and the Batman is less clearly defined because neither of them command nearly as much of the world's attention as Superman does. As the Batman steps up and starts playing a larger role in the world, the imagery associated with him starts to sharpen and clarify.
i`m a huge batman fan, but holy fuck DCEU is a disaster, the castings are bad and I hope they just stop making those movies
B R A V O N O L A N was a good setup but thats about it. Marvel won.
>he's a quitter
Fucking kek that was great.
Yeah, sorry. That's not even remotely what I'm talking about, and if that's all you can see, you're a vapid fuck who just outed himself as such.
The third one is halo on Lex's head. That's all i got.
>It's not about what the bad guy's pretending to be
>proceeds to list the things he pretends to be
the semantics aren't fooling anyone
Are these your posts?
Because yes, there are allegorical messages in those shots, so you're sperging out about a word you have no clue about. It has allegory, it's just shitty allegory.
The World's Greatest Detective everyone
Lol there is nothing else to see in these fucking films you stupid faggot, they aren't complicated.
Meant for
His pretending isn't what put the halo on him. Mankind was doing that.
This is barely more than entry-level DC lore, by the way. It's the same stuff Nolan pays lip-service to with all his exposition about the importance of a symbol. It's also why the chthonic iconography is all focused on the Batman and not at all on Bruce Wayne.
It's also why the heavenly imagery is only ever loosely associated with Clark Kent, and even then only in the presence of the man he reveals his secret to.
Nice bullshitting, man.
i like the snyder is good meme, it's fun
>Mankind was doing that.
because of what he pretends to be...
I think this board is so autistic, that people on here are unironically defending Snyder.
No, the allegory I'm "sperging out" about can't be summed up in a few visual metaphors. What you're looking at is a manifestation of mankind's collective perceptions - nascent god-making, which, in case you missed it, was a theme that was introduced in the opening scenes of MoS.
Mankind is especially eager to see Superman as some sort of representative of a higher power, so the flying man gets pretty much every kind of sky god iconography you can think of thrown at him.
Yeah, that's a pretty simple concept, kiddo. Not hard to wrap my head around the "superhero and god iconography" thing. Are you under the impression that it's deep?
Wait let me guess. The different shots are supposed to represent Lex having a Halo.
In shots in the first one it's the basketball hoop two and 3 , the lamps represent the halo and in the final one it's design of the wall behind Lex that gives him the halo. So things that could be considered normal , that lasts for a split second and vaguely resemble a Halo and people are supposed recognize this while watching this film(unlike you neckbeards who analyze it frame to frame) and supposed to get the story and message.
Zaddy couldn't think of delivering his messages through a well told story. He sat there and thought , wait Lex standing under a lamp could indicate a Halo and through with that the audience should get what I am trying to say and not take the scene as just that a guy standing under normal house objects.
This is what you retards call visual storytelling. It's either hamfisted Jesus imagery or shit that barely resembles the image that it's supposed to represent.
I genuinely hope this is pure delusion because if Snyder actually thought this was smart or this was a good way to send his message he should stop directing.
Split some more fucking hairs, faggot. Bruce Wayne puts forth the image of the Batman being some kind of supernatural creature of the night, a force of retribution, and people begin to think of him as some sort of Lord of the Underworld.
One character even says, "Only people afraid of Him is those got reason to be." In other words, only the "sinners" fear "death."
MCU has some misses too (ie Thor 2) there's still hope for DC...
You're responding to the wrong post, bud.
Yeah, now tell me all about your Ancient Asgardiums. Did Disney ever decide whether or not the soccer moms would be offended if they made them real Norse gods?
What is honestly left after JL? Your flagship fucking's over.
I hope so. I like Marvel movies but DC needs some course correction to get back on track.
Yeah but I am sure the fanboy will take notice.
Then just respond to him? I never made the argument that it's deep.
>immediately retaliates with BUT MARVEL ISN'T DEEP AT ALL ;_;
Thor 2 was 4 years ago
Marvel have learned their audience inside and out and know what'll bomb and what will succeed now. Every now and then they experiment with the same formulas and a different audience (i.e. Black Panther's attempt to appeal Marvel to black audiences) to see what sticks but there's no high risks for them.
What are you fucking saying?
Bu-but you don't understand, only smart people are supposed to understand this. This is peak storytelling. You need an IQ of 250 to get this. That's what my friends in r/DC_Cinematic tell me.
so what's your fucking point? people idolise powerful people? ok, fantastic, doesn't stop BvS from being a smoking trainwreck
are laughing evans memes kino?
Is that why all you assholes ever talk about is the surface allegory, because you're so perceptive you dismissed all the deeper meaning?
You're not only a butthurt pseud, you're not even all that good at covering it up.
Disney don't try to make Marvel deep, they know their audience is just teens, kids and soccer moms so they play up to them
DC don't understand audiences so they try to "copy" Marvel now just like they tried to "copy" Nolan
All they see is surface-level "PEOPLE LIKED THIS MOVIE BECAUSE _________"
With Nolan that blank was "BECAUSE IT'S DARK, GRITTY AND DEEP" and with Marvel now in the wake of Justice League it was "BECAUSE DEY MAKE-A DA FUNNY JOKES"
Me responding to you was an accident. I just clicked the wrong post. Again nothing against you.
Yeah, Irespond to the dude spamming Evans images with a Marvel reference. Shocking, I know. With as far as you are above all this stuff, I have every confidence you'll make the connection in time.
Oh look more retards claiming they get BvS
Pic related is pretty much aimed for Snyderfags
Does anyone have the one with him and J Jonah Jameson?
It's my favorite but I accidentally deleted it.
>literally zero argument
>b-but marvel
this one?
>In time....
Oh so you mean before or after Gotham Sirens, Birds of Prey, and fucking Lobo?
This is hilarious, I'm being called a pseudo by someone who actually got duped by surface, intro to philosophy allegory. You WANT this film to have a deeper meaning to satisfy some sick effort justification but I'm not your fucking therapist, I'm telling you it's pathetic and that BvS is not even remotely dancing with complex ideas or concepts. It just honestly isn't.
I don't know what to tell you, son. The idea of deification in storytelling has been a thing for hundreds of years, what does BvS even attempt to do that is different from that? "Woah, Superman is like a god or something". Sure, we got it. A goddamn child could piece that together.
Don't you worry
I'm saying that Disney pretty much shitcanned all the important comics lore to appeal to a bunch of rock-fucking-stupid normie, and now this thread pretty much proves that beyond any doubt.
I especially like the way you dipshits act all dismissive of the things I point out, because you don't know the first fuckng thing about comics, just what Disney shits out on the big screen for you.
Thank you that's the one.
There is no deeper meaning, is the point. Even if there is, it's obviously accidental.
You missed retarded manchildren such as yourself
>it's an 'autist starts unironically pretending that BvS was a misunderstood masterpiece' episode
this is my absolute favourite part of Sup Forums
I agree with this user, WB doesn't know what direction they want to take with DCEU so they mix in dark and some comedy in, they seem to also tries to push the dark part more, since it's noticeable by my sister when watching jla
What'sthe allegory then? Spell it out. What's the extended metaphor that's so surface level. All you've referenced so far are Biblical echoes, not an allegory.
All they had to do to fix BvS was some simple fucking things
>focus on Batman solely, we've seen Supes' perspective in MoS, let the audience get to know this new damaged Batman
>completely fucking remove that final CGI battle, the film's final climax should have been something like the warehouse scene on a grander scale
>SIMPLIFY LUTHOR'S PLAN, making it overly-elaborate and having half his plan left to chance makes it completely retarded
>maybe change part of Luthor's plan where he still wants to make Doomsday but also wants to repair and use the Kryptonian ship
>end the movie on Luthor blasting himself away into space with his Doomsday creation still being made
>Justice League movie
>Luthor returns to Earth for revenge against Superman
>Kryptonian tech means he has his classic armour to fight Superman with now
>he's beaten towards the end so THEN he unleashes Doomsday
>end Justice League on Supes' death and have there be an actual uncertainty he could return
The art on Lex's T shirt is 'The Monkey Detonator'. I cant get what Snyder meant by that.
Wew, lad. Your fedora is on too tight.
is that loss
you know I can almost see it
Has Banks's ever said what he intended with that piece? I tried to look it up once.