Jesus fucking christ what a disgrace
*breaths in*
Look at the top of his head!
did he just finish a session at the gym or something?
Look at this dude.
he reminds me of some actor
>trying this hard to force OH NONONO onto marvel
DC, just like their movies, are transparent.
Both Marvel and DC are *braths in* oh no no no tier
Damn Rich Piana really did himself go...
They gave him Brolin's eyes/brow
Have to admit he lost momentum. He looked far more menacing on GOTG.
Disney should learn of Vader. Never get the character outside of character. Limit his appeareances most you can.
All these "HAHAHHA" posts like all of you aren't going to see it on opening night lol.
Movie is going to break so many records. CAPE HATERSS BTFO
Never paid for a single capeshit movie in my entire life
Your move Potter
only Dc is tho
you'll see it 3 times
>he said after completing the #sixforthesix challenge
>will make a billion more than JL
Harvey Weinstein?
>Have to pay RDJ $200m
>Not enough budget left to make your big bad look half as good as a trashed vidya flick
Boy I hope the quips are good at least
Who is this guy? After 20 origin films I still dont know what or who this is
I dont know man, Im tired of marvel shit to be honest familia
Grape juice man, wants to fuck a black lady
>No helmet
I don't know why they fucked him up so bad. He looked just fine in Avengers and GOTG, no need to change perfection.
He's not gonna wear all that every time. He's kicking ass on casual friday
Why do they change his skin color in every movie?
He could have been a good addition in the Warcraft movie.
I feel you. I've even read the comic and I still have not a clue. I think he wants to fuck the goddess of death or something.
Looks better than Batmans fat face.
>Never get the character outside of character
Shut the fuck up you absolute nigger. Both DC and Marvel are pure fucking cancer at this point, stop pretending they're not.
Michael Bay is a secret genius who makes kino in his off time
Marvel isn't, I hope that spergs you out.
Disney should hurry up with that merger so we can get some real villains
Anyone have a screencap of when it showed him at night? He looked really good there
did valve pay for product placement?
i have no dog in this fight but why the fuck would they change his look for this movie? he's already been on screen in 2+ movies and now he looks completely different. bizarre.
Why did they take his hat? Why is he wearing a wifebeater?
Marrrrrge! I'm in a marvel movie!
You do realize this is only the first movie?
Bruce Willis?
fucking capeshit loving faggots
Infinity War is only in 2 parts.
It really bothers me he has pupils and doesn't have a perpetual shit-eating grin or scowl
I like it, it's like Earth is so pathetic that he couldn't even be bothered to put on a shirt
Not how it works, tho. Why spend good money on something that was already established in the masses and will be eaten even tho it was made by outsource chinese animators? Riches stay with their money.
No need to force it, he looks ridiculous. Whoever made the decision to lose the helmet needs to be shot.
I have absolutely no idea who thanos is and why is he scary, but the looks of him are ok i guess. Gives a good old lumberjack vibe.
But Thanos looks ridiculous already. Seems autistic to complain.
Glad to see Rich Piana got his big role in Hollywood before passing.
>trying this hard to force OH NONONO onto marvel
People have been doing this to both Marvel AND DC for years now, dipshit. You need to go back where you came from.
Come on guys please be proud of my dad for making it into a Marvel movie.
You need to watch more films.
Comparing clusterfuck that Suicide Squad was to something like Ragnarok is blatantly wrong.
Fucking idiots didn't even play MvCI. Thanos loses his shirt and helmet after being consumed by the Satsui no Hado. This means Infinity War Thanos is Thanos in his final form. Can't wait for him to Shin Shoryuken the ever living shit out of Iron Man.
I love this meme that if you enjoy Marvel films, you can't possibly enjoy anything else. Do you honestly believe that?
No, you're allowed to enjoy Marvel films. I enjoy some of them myself, as it's dumb entertainment after all. But defending them like they're actually "good" or oscar worthy is embarrassing.
*breathes in*
This doesn't look bad to me...
Marvel fags are literally brainwashed at this point, I point how dumb and how much he looks like the guy from Pawn Stars to my friend, and he's like "Which one?". Like how would you not know which guy from pawn stars I'm talking about without mental blockers installed which stop you from making fun of Marvel capeshit. How can someone possibly think this dudes face looks good?
I never once mentioned the Oscars you assmad faggot, but they aren't bad films. Just because they do something different from Oscar bait or arthouse, doesn't make it "bad". Movies do different things, in the context of what these Marvel films DO, they are successful.
Sounds like he just doesn't watch Pawn Stars and you had a sperg fit.
>imagine being this autistic.
Except he did, and like 90% of people would know that dudes face without even watching an episode of the show anyways, nice try though.
Why do you people bitch and moan about black people all the time but constantly quote a video made by a black dude?
>nice try though
Lol nice try what retard? No, you're right. Ir's obviously because Marvel capeshit flicks literally brainwashed your friend into not knowing that the fat faggot from Pawn Stars vaguely looks like a purple cartoon man. My mistake, I'm the silly one here...clearly...
I prefer this version.
Holy shit why can't Marvel fags accept criticism of their cartoon characters, this is hilarious.
t. soyboy
was it rape?
needs the blue eyes
And that's why Disney/Marvel will never match the master.
Not even meming, that literally looks like a fucking video game screenshot
Why did they use such a bad picture for her?
>Marvel films are different
Top jej
Why are his eyes so bright?
Why are you having arguments with yourself? Did you even read what I wrote?
Cameron is gonna be dead before 3 even hits theaters...
Yes, different movies set out to do different things. Do you have trouble understanding this?
Iron Spider suit. It's metallic with LED eyes.
Do they have any idea how to light a person’s face?
>half of her in the light
>half of her in the dark
>this was the last time they spoke as friends
>DOOM is the original BRAAAAP poster
Only Dc has failed in every sense of the word, you double nigger.
Kill Mode
??? He never got any screentime more than 2 minutes combined so far??? DCucks trying too hard again.
You really think DC would hire people to come to Sup Forums and shitpost
Nobody gives a fuck about Sup Forums or their opinion so that would be entirely futile
Maybe if it was a site like Reddit or tumblr that gets high traffic and isn't on the verge of closing down
>“You humans are all so weak,” that voice Peter had taken to internally describing as ‘if goosebumps watching a horror movie alone in the dark were a sound’ said. Thanos, that was his name, this guy—thing, grapefruit-monster-alien hybrid. “But you, little one, you especially. It almost offends me that they’d think the likes of you would be a match for the power of even my forefinger.”
>Peter had a comeback. Peter always had a comeback. But he had no air to get it out, and even if he could, he’d tongue-tied by that look Thanos was giving him.
>He’d seen that look, the look of creepy older guys coming home from the library a little late all alone, the look that kicked his survival instincts into overdrive even pre-Spidey Sense. It was the look that meant “remember what Aunt May said about staying safe.” But it was hard to do that, stay safe, getting the air pushed out of him by this guy.
>“I deserve a bit of fun,” Thanos said.
>His hand, the one with the gauntlet on, was moving behind the black edges around Peter’s vision.
>Then — then — there was that thing, his thing, Thanos’ dick swinging around, heavy-looking like the pendulum of a grandfather clock except purple, a deep-dark purple like the eggplant emoji. Peter would’ve laughed if that eggplant emoji weren’t so close he could estimate it was bigger than one of his legs and that it was getting bigger.
Why isn't her hair red