>slaps desk
>plays charades with Cameron Diaz
Slaps desk
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Good. This time replace him with an actual talented man.
Ohmigod this is so totally crazy... I'd like to introduce tonight's guest... we're super psyched to have her on... tonight's guest is Cameron Diaz... I can't believe this is happening... for you guys that don't know Cameron played Mary in this totally amazing movie There's Something About Mary... this is so totally crazy I can't believe she's here... I watched it like every day in college... this woman is a genius... I can't believe this is actually happening... this is so totally crazy... we're gonna play beer pong later... it's gonna be so awesome...
All late night talk shows are SHIT
This. Though I enjoyed Letterman and Ferguson interview with Larry David, they are all shit.
We don't replace them. Late night shows need to die already.
Watch 1791l's video on the damage late night cunts have done to America.
>tw I unironically enjoy the current year man's show
when he's not going full retard with muh drumpf he's actually pretty funny and entertaining
>alt-right pussy REEEEEEing for 8 minutes straight
>Support us on Patreon!
Kill yourself
Apparently late night audiences really DO want to hear nothing but Trump jokes on their late night shows.
>listen to this other guy's opinion on something because i'm too much of a fucking brainlet to make up my own mind
no thanks faggot
Patreon is an alternative to keeping good people afloat when corporate scum won't hire them. You'll pay for hating him for this one way or another.
I've made up my mind before watching this video. It's just a condensed package for you to consume.
Isn’t that the guy with the cringy exaggerated fake laugh who was never funny in his entire career?
It baffles me that he got popular in the first place
>Patreon is an alternative to keeping good people afloat when corporate scum won't hire them. You'll pay for hating him for this one way or another.
>his lead
So he's still #1? Why the fuck is this a story?
>I've made up my mind before watching this video.
This is the problem. You should always have an open mind.
All I see is cucks and numales using it to fund whores.
No one's ever going to top Carson. Only Letterman came close, and thats not saying much with Paul Shaffer's horrible forced laugh during cold opens. At least Ed was drunk.
Let it end.
t. beta
You cant possible be older than 18
The next accusation will be Jimmy Fallon, Seth Myers or another SNL guy.
They want an echo chamber. They want positive reinforcement of their mindset. They want to hear someone constantly saying that Trump is a nazi that hates anyone not white and hates all women. They want to believe the world is 100% against him, and that him being the president is some kind of crime that is going to be punished. They don't want buyers remorse. They want to keep living in their fantasy.
If the funny man on the tv at night says all that, then everything else they heard contrary to that during the day cant possibly be true...and they can sleep ignoring reality.
Wow sounds like literally everyone
>tfw I've never once watched a single episode of Fallon
Faggot ruined nearly every SNL sketch he was in, why in fuck's name would I want to see him interview people I hate?
yeah im not gonna watch some spergs youtube video when i can just think for myself ;)
Pick one, seriously alt-right is now just an overused buzzword for anybody further right than George Bush.
Have their been any blind rumours about any of the late night hosts? I want to see at least one and preferably multiple get what's coming to them
Wow, so Trump was the only politician to honor our fallen veterans...meanwhile Hillary was wishing people a happy ramadan? Thank god she's not president.
whoops, looks like you were lied to again
That's from 2016. His post was from 2017.
>brave men
>not brave men and women
it's ok user, you can call out the disinfo. have a little self resepect instead of just lapping up more bullshit
Yes, he honored the vets in both 2016 and 2017. That's what you're supposed to do. Still waiting on what hillary's d-day post from 2017...
lol 10/10 mental gymnastics, look at how far you had to move the goalposts from the original picture
>this person is legally allowed to vote
America deserves to fall
>They want an echo chamber. They want positive reinforcement of their mindset.
>They don't want buyers remorse. They want to keep living in their fantasy.
"projecting?... what's that?"
No goal posts were moved. You don't know what that phrase means. His picture is from 2017. His point was that Hillary and Bernie did not honor vets on D-day in 2017. You posted a picture from 2016. Post their tweets from 2017 and you win. It's that's easy. But you won't. So I win.
>Sup Forums isn't the cancer that killed Sup Forums
>His picture is from 2017
it very clearly is not >His point was that Hillary and Bernie did not honor vets on D-day in 2017
and he chose to prove that point by posting tweets from 2016, conveniently leaving out hillary's dday tweet from 2016 to create this "TROMP IS TWEETING ABOUT REEL AMERICAN HEEROWZ WHILE TEH DEMOCRAPS ARE BUSY KISSING UP TO TEH MOOZLUMS" narrative.
>Post their tweets from 2017 and you win. It's that's easy
post their tweets from 2017 and you've moved the goalposts but failed to realize itbecause of how pathologically you need to believe that you're not being influenced by dishonest people like whoever made that picture of the 3 tweets
>it very clearly is not
Yes, he honored the vets in both 2016 and 2017. Unless you want to post his tweet from 2017 to prove me wrong. It's that easy.
nobody was arguing that point, that's just where you moved the goalposts after you objectively lost the ability to stand behind the picture
doesnt it feel bad to know your own side is doing things like this to you? dont you worry about what their motivations might be?
>So I win.
>nobody was arguing that point
Yes, you were, when you said the post was from 2016.
>bernie and shillary do the sensible thing and honor the few good muslims we have
>trump is an attention-whoring faggot and "honors" something else on purpose
alt-right losers are the biggest manbabies on the planet
are you fucking blind or something? are you under the impression that these are 2 different tweets?
>are you under the impression that these are 2 different tweets?
I've only explained that to you twice now. Do I need to tell you a third time? Again...post his tweet from 2017 to prove me wrong. It's that easy.
i mean... if you really need that badly to be slapped down then here you go, this look like the tweet from the picture of the 3 tweets to you, mr brain genious?
or are you just gonna take the "victory" of having proved that trump tweets about dday EVERY year, like that's what literally anyone gives a fuck about
You're sitting on a film discussion board arguing the nuances of the holiday tweet from a politician you dick ride and clinging to how much better his holiday tweet is than another politician who he defeated in an election over a year ago.
Fucking kill yourself. You are useless.
lol you actually looked it up. Thanks!
Substitute Trumps actual tweet from 2017 into that picture and tell me how the meaning is changed
yes, i did the 3 seconds necessary to show just how embarrassingly wrong you are
>still ignoring the hillary dday tweet
man, you guys are just putty in the hands of these fucking right wing hucksters, it's fucked
She tweeted about it in 2016, not in 2017, the original picture features Hillary's tweet from 2017 and Trump's tweet from 2016, but Trump tweeted something almost identical this year, while Hillary didn't. I don't give a fuck what anyone tweets and making a fuss about it is stupid, but trying to play gotcha about what is essentially a typo that doesn't change the meaning is stupid
>the original picture features Hillary's tweet from 2017
holy fuck lol once again, wrong. hillary clinton didnt tweet at all that day