This is fucked up. Yeah, she fucking kidnapped and recorded a toddler's death but how is this proper justice? Just throw the bitch in jail and throw away the key instead of subjecting her to this inhumane torture.
This is fucked up. Yeah, she fucking kidnapped and recorded a toddler's death but how is this proper justice...
>we do not forgive
>we do not forget
Well well, how deep and interesting
Dude, what if there was an app... instead of parents?
>how is this proper justice?
It isn't, the whole world is just as sick as she was. It's pottery or something.
It's called "The Veldt," it's a short story from Ray Bradbury
It isn't meant to be. But I think it is.
Aren't most black mirror episodes like that? Intriguing story with an edgy/shocking twist at the end?
Predictions what the new season might have.
Black Mirror could use a little more subtlety. This particular episode was about mob mentality, vigilante justice and voyeurism
Dude what if phones... were bad?
Have they tackled clones yet?
Robotic prosthetics?
I only got as far as episode 1 of season 3.
Yeah this is the most grating thing about the show. It's not elegant at all. The Waldo episode is the worst with its 'vision of the future' scene.
They do clones in the very first episode with Domnhall Gleeson and Tits McGee.
Prosthetics/Transhumanism could be applied to Entire History of You or the black soldier episode you havent gotten too yet.
You're referring to Be Right back? That was more of a science resurrecting the dead episode but now that I think about it the cookies in White Christmas do touch a bit on clone blues. For the prosthetics bit I was thinking more on the lines of getting prosthetics limbs/brain and seeing the dangers of them getting hacked.
Nothing in the show(of the episodes I've seen) comes close to exploring transhumanism.
Also, did they already do an episode of the Singularity?
The same concept applies to clones. As far as getting Jax arms or anything like that, no it hasn't been covered. Same with the singularity.
nah it's fine mate
A podcast style episode.
This is the weakest episode so far. Dunno why Charlie let other people write it. I loved Bryce and Alice but it's a no from me, famlam.
Also, these niggas gay as fuck.
What was the episode about? I only watched the vr game one and it felt way too on the nose and stupid even if it had a few cool parts.
>dude lets put our brain implant on wifi instead of just drawing a cable lmao
that's the point of the show retard
well gee, maybe if she didn’t kidnap and recorded herself killing a toddler, she wouldn’t be in this situation. no sympathy
San Jupenairo is the weakest
how the fuck that won an emmy and White Christmas didnt is beyond me
looks pretty heterosexual to me
I'm guessing some fates worse than death and a few edgy twists about how society is inherently bad.
it’s obvious. it won for “dude lesbians lmao this has never been done before so that automatically means it’s good”
>willingly marrying a gay man for brownie points
just like real life
Bravo Charlie
Dude, dude, what if there was an app... instead of food?
Dude, what if, like, Apple... was elected president?
Dude... what if... a phones battery was tied to your life?