>your best frosty flicks for the incoming cold season
Your best frosty flicks for the incoming cold season
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I often watch Girl with the dragon tattoo or Fargo at like 4am on snowy nights. Comfy as fuck.
>tfw live in the fucking desert
>never seen real snow in my entire life
came here to post this, definitely belongs in cold kino
>5 months of winter where I live
>last thing I want is to watch winter movies
Fortitude tv show
The thing thread?
Childs did nothing wrong
can't unsee that they are in front of a fucking painting
>live in florida
>last time it snowed here it was a year before I was born
I have only seen snow once and that is when I went up to South carolina to see my aunt and even then it was just a couple of small dirty patches.
Neither of them is the thing.
why don't you just travel?
The Grey
>mcready is playing chess with white pieces
>pours whiskey on the computer as he's about to lose
>ending scene, mac is white, childs is black
>mac passes the bottle to childs
What did carpenter mean by this
Holy shit that frame looks horrendous
there is snow outside my house right now
Let the right one in
>live in finland
>half the year it's snowing, wet and cold and daytime lasts 4 hours
you don't want this
I live in the great lake region and its snowing right now. It wont be nice again until late May at the earliest. Snow sucks.
The IS hasn't conquered Europe yet.
Yeee buddy I always watch The Thing on the first substantial snow of the season, then Fargo on the next one.
I think I watched this but I don't remember, how does it end?
not particularly comfy in any way, but v very high on the feels-scale
this one is pretty gud
Check this thread:
>I will never live in a small town in a country where it's snowing all the time and live a comfy life with a decent job and a nice girlfriend
Why even live
I just played with my dog in the snow.
>you will never actually winter over at Mcmurdo or places more remote and get in drunken fights with your fellow campers out of boredom and be one of ten guys who variously fuck one of the few women available and pop your Thing cherry with other Antarctica Thing Screening virgins per camp tradition and realize that the movie is way scarier when you're actually stuck there and you get shivers when Windows calls "MCMURDO, URGENT, OVER." because you realize that you're next
Comfy Cage kino.
I didn't like that movie because I couldn't understand why people bullied him so much just for reporting the weather.
Snow is fucking amazing. People are plebs
The main character takes his friend on a walk in the mountains.
A ringing endorsement...
It's not the movies fault that user has shit memory.
I remember how it ended and so do most people who watched it.
Unironically best christmas movie ever
>The Thing
>The Grey
>The Revenant
>Encounters at the end of the world
>War for the Planet of the Apes
>Kumiko the treasure hunter
You can have snow in deserts. Antarctica is a desert. A desert is defined by its annual precipitation.
Tbh the Christmas scenes from the first 4 movies are always comfy
incredibly comfy
snow is nice until you go outside and you're instantly uncomfortable
Disagree. The only thing that bothers me about snow is walking in it for extended periods because it forces you to position your feet in a particular way with every step that makes them sore pretty quickly.
Shut up faggot. You know damn well what I meant.
Disagreed. Snow is really pleasant. The problem is wind.
watched it for the first time last week and thought it kinda stunk desu. it's four years old but the animation was blocky and lame. moana was better. hell, finding dory was better.
What's some good Christmas kino?
Garbage day?
One of da best
What do i win?
Why does Ron look like an albino nigger?
Watch this film if you haven't already
Harry Pottee Uno and Dos
Reindeer Games is underrated Theron kino.
Whatever you do don't watch The Grey, it's shit.
I got memed by Kojima. Should have figured.