A decade of build-up.
An assemble of talent never seen before.
Can create worlds from nothing with the power of CGI.
Hundreds of million dollars at their disposal.
Possibly billions to be made.
They end up at yet another airport scene, where the heroes run at each other while the audience feels nauseous from 40 cuts per minute.
Think about that for a moment.
And no, DC isn't any fucking better.
A decade of build-up
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I never understood the meme of the airport, I can't find anything wrong with it and honestly just DC fanboys make critics on that scene
At least Hulk is there this time. I'll see it six times
Russo Brothers are the worst directors Marvel has going. ZERO creativity, interest, acumen. Just tv directors, and worse than even the CW.
This looks better and with a bigger scale than ANYTHING in Justice League, stupid "I swear I'm not a" DCuck
If you want good film making, you will not find it here.
This flicks are for comic book fans.
Snyder dick lickers want the airport scene to suck soo badly but it doesnt.
they're the best action directors in the mcu
>Okay we want this film to score "diversity" points so we're going to set it in Africa
>Let's find the most ooga-booga tier Africans we possibly can and depict them as normal
>Heaven forbid they be depicted with modern weapons, let's just make them fucking Zulus or something
This shot was presented in slow-motion and for less than 5 seconds. For all you know they could be running towards an exploding volcano or some shit.
it was the only good thing in civil war, and at the same time it was stupid as fuck and ultimately pointless and did nothing to drive the story of the film.
Kek, I'm so happy it's them and not Whedon like originally planned
>front line comprised entirely of normal humans
>not the giant, indestructible monster man
All 6 of the heroes in this picture are physical fighters so it makes sense here. What else would they even do
and its going to be as hollow as JL, but everyone will jerk it off because they are herd people.
Oh wow, so you already saw the movie? Tell us more.
DC IS fucking better you retard.
It's shit, looks like shit, and doesn't do shit for the story.
Kill yourself but eat your infinity shit first.
it's a popcorn flick, never was anything more than that. these movies are not deep or thought provoking, they are just something you have fun for 2-3 hours in the theater and discuss for about a week and then forget about it.
Except for War Machine there.
It looks pretty good OP
What you bitching about?