>Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe.... but this does put a smile on my face
capekino coming through.
Avengers: Infinity War
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It's gonna be the final shot of the movie
I've been saying for year that this should happen and it looks like they're setting it up to be the case.
Is that the guy from Pawn Stars?
whats up with his chin lore wise?
His chin legit looks like a ballsack when you squeeze your nut too hard
will this scene with the glaringly obvious stuntmen be in the final cut?
I hope he wins, hes already my favorite mcu character of all time
You could at least give us a link OP
IT expands, like a frog.
that would be absolute kino
you ready white boy?
bump to annoy newfags
Based bump!
1) wasn't the gauntlet in asgard? how'd we get it?
2) it's been essentially established that you have to be super powerful to weild one stone, and basically no one can fuck with you if you have one. Wouldn't 2 already put him well over the threshold for what earth can fight against? why would he need all of them?
Gauntlet in Asgard was a fake according to Thor Ragnarok
what happens after this?
half of the human population dies instantly
If anyone tries and says Thanos looks any better than Steppenwolf they're fucking blind. Both look like shit.
Is Gollum still the only somewhat believable motion capture character?
DCEU is exterminated
So, the trailer shows he already has three gems (Mind, Space and Power)
That leaves:
>Reality, aka the magic red mist of doom from Thor 2
>Time, aka Doctor Strange's necklace
>Soul, not yet revealed
Reality is guarded by Benicio del Toro and Time by Benedict Cumberbatch, so they're as good as gone
I guess Part One will concentrate on Thanos creating the Gauntlet and Part Two on the Avengers taking him down
why do the biggest bads in DC/Marvel always look like shit?
how long do we have to suffer because of Jack Kirby?
Assuming he's in NY specifically for the Time Stone, AKA Doctor Strange
It's reveal in Ragnarok that the Gauntlet is a fake.
Hela pushes it to the floor.
The gauntlet is probably made to contain the power.
In the trailer Thanos has the Space and power gems on the gauntlet. So he can pretty much teleport where he wants and blow shit up with the purple one. Althought he might not want to blow a planet he is still standing on.
Stones get their power boosted with the other stones present drastically.
Why do they use swords in a universe with gods, laser guns and flying aircraft carriers?
Since soul is missing obviously what's going to happen is:
>Thanos gets gauntlet
>starts going on inifity stone quest 2018
>kills hero after hero while the remaining ones try to team up to defeat him.
>Movie ends with Thanos getting the 4 stones and seemingly clicking his fingers and killing half the universe.
Avengers 5 (or avengers 4 part 2 whatevs)
>Soul gem still missing. Somehow some fucker finds it.
>Gets all the hero back alive again. Not strong enough.
>Only manages to rez a few heroes.
>Make plan to stump Thanos and get the gauntlet.
> Final scene. Thanos gets a WHOOPS I DROPPED IT scene.
>Cpt. Muhrika picks up gauntlet: Puts soul gem with the others, yells AVENGERS, ASSEMBLE!
All the dead heroes come back to life and all start kicking, shooting, punching, slashing Thanos in some goddamn over the top montage.
Soul stone will be in black panther, that's why he communicates with his ancestors (that purple sky with the panther in the tree scene)
Soul stone won't be in black panther retard. I'm sure this is the fresh theory you latched onto after it being heimdall but you are still retarded. Cooler said he is keep out of all that
>>Movie ends with Thanos getting the 4 stones and seemingly clicking his fingers and killing half the universe.
This is a cool ending and true to the source though you know
>oh look another stone just happens to be on earth
No. The only reason this shit goes down in Wakanda to is cuz they are protecting vision (again) froma second attack from the black order. The soul stone is somewhere unknown in space
If you had exactly the same trailer with DC characters you'd say it was the worst thing ever made.
This looks worse than Justice League but will get 95% on rotten Tomatoes.
Maybe the gold people have it, hence warlock being there?
>Since soul is missing
it is not. It's in the Wakandan Tree of dreams and farts. It will show up in the Black Panther movie
>glaringly obvious stuntmen
as opposed to...?
Adam Warlock's gonna be in it. R-right?
he destroys half of the universe
more like grapekino
disney has everyone by the balls
I am actually ok with everything you posted, as cheesy as it sounds Scraming assemble and the dead rise and take out Thanos would be kind of epic.
Most likely
No, they stated he will be in GotG3, but no in Avengers 3
They're supposed to hire actors for no line having extras apparently.
That trailer was amazing.
I think we can officially bump ourselves up from Marvelchads... to Marvelgods!
(DCucks will always be DCucks cause they'll never make a Kino film living in our shadow)
So basically something like this but in a much larger and epic scale, right?
wakanda not on earth, its on different plane of color
So, what we thinking, 300 million opening weekend?
105 million of that DCucks who say they "hate Marvelchads"?
What did he mean by this? What's unbalanced?
He kills millions.
Nah, I guess 150-200, Avengers, AoU and Civil War had opening between 170-210M, so let's keep it real.
So Disney's leaving out his love affair with Death itself (the point of the Infinity War), but is leaving in all the dramatic quips and eyecandy. Leave it to Disney to gut a story of all meaning for the sake of flashiness and "DUDE I CANT BELIEVE HE JUST DID THAT" excitement
In the comics Death states there is too much life, too many beings alive. And Thanos wants Death-sempai to notice him.
That is unironically a fantastic line.
Still, it's the end of DC. They'll sell their rights over to Marvel.
It'll make more than any other Marvel movie. $230-250 million Domestic opening
So why doesn't he go kill aliens then.
>tfw every movie before was about preventing people from dying but apparently there's too much life anyways
Really makes me think.
>So Disney's leaving out his love affair with Death itself
>He could have this kinky prime MILF ass but Disney decided to kill her
To save billions.
To save billions
>destroy half the universe
He mostly killed aliens
DC are finished. At this stage, they should just cut their losses and give up ever making a movie again because the MCU will forever be the standard by which all superhero movies are judged and it's a standard they can never live up to.
>So why doesn't he go kill aliens then.
He kills half of the universe (Plants, microbes, viruses, aliens, waifus, etc...) right here in this panel I meant her, pic related
>Sweet MOMMY
>because the MCU will forever be the standard by which all superhero movies are judged and it's a standard they can never live up to.
Wonder Woman, Kingsman, Deadpool, Logan, DoFP and First Class were great comic book movies released during MCU reign (5 of them are Fox though).
So how do you stop him if he can just destroy the universe on a whim? Doesn't having the infinity stone make you essentially unbeatable anyways?
How much of this movie will I not get if I haven't bothered following the whole marvel universe thing? Last Marvel movie I watched was Avengers 2 and it was meh. Haven't watched Civil War, Guardians 2 or the newest Spiderman and Thor either.
None of those so effortlessly combined mythos, universe scale and pitch perfect delivery in a single package half as well as even a sub par MCU movie. There's always at least one element lacking and, in DC movies, usually more than one.
So who’s the new hope in the post credits scene? antman?
>Wonder Woman
L m a o
fack I never realized how much I like the avengers theme. AOU was complete shit but I'll see this for some false sense of completion
I'm in the same boat but guardians 2 is gonna be on Netflix in December so you could at least check that out
I don't like spoil things but this is how they have defeated him in comics
-In the first one after he fought the remaining heroes and killed them, he got tired go to his chair and Nebula take the gauntlet from him, and she undo everything he did.
-In his fight againt Spiderman he falls and let the cosmic cube fall off his hands
-In other comic he realized he did something terribly bad and he just gave up, then he goes to live in a farm
-In another one he realizes Death doesn't love him and will never love him so he gaves up once again
President Trump.
You need all of them and he still needs Soul. The black man will obviously have Soul.
The God Emperor, may he reign for 10,000 years.
Age of Ultron was utter shit just like most Marvel movies made after Avengers 1 so I don't see why I should be excited about this
From Star Wars, Episode 4: A New Hope.
Disney owns Star Wars too you know.
They need to put out a refresher of some sort before this comes out. Most people have seen a lot of these marvel movies but have no idea where everything’s at and who all these people are.
>let's bring a billion characters from a billion movies together for one epic final showdown
There is no way this won't be a cringey mess
cgi people? zack is that you?
These are jokes right? Almost didn't even feel spoiler worthy.
>Final act of Infinity War
>Avengers lie dead as Thanos prepares to incinerate the universe
>Suddenly forced into a headlock by previously unseen figure
>Trump: "Get off my planet"
>Thanos' face fills with fear, Gauntlet slides off his hand at the behest of its true master
>Credits roll
>Entire cast: "Don't forget to re-elect the real hero, President Trump, in 2020"
>World drowns in a sea of leftist tears
He wins, gets bored, then just sort of forgets about the glove which results in someone scooping it up and resetting everything he did.
The X-men, it'll be that surprising.
So who’s the new hope in the post credits scene?
Luke Skywalker.
Not joking, I don't think they will use any of these, but kinda showing how they could deal with him.
Vibranium swords
Already been established Vibranium is the strongest and most durable metal known to man. Hell, Cap's shield alone can deflect and block energy weapons derived from the Tesseract and Iron Man's repulsor blasts.
Imagine what a sword made of that stuff is capable of.
So IF was announced as 2 movies. Now it isn't. So is it 2 movies edited into one big 3 hour movie now?
Why not just make railguns then?
Is Thanos yandere about Death?
wtf I love trump now
prepare your anus for director edition 4h30min asswhiping
You are asking why a universe, both comic and cinematic, have some glaring gaps of logic and some bizarre asspulls...
You are definitely asking questions about the wrong genre.
Just accept that we are getting an army of Wakandans coming to the rescue and they are gonna be able to go toe-to-toe with whatever Thanos throws at them.
It's still two movies as planned.
The first one is called "Infinity War", the second ones name is not yet revealed.
They probably changed because they realized that Part 1/2 shtick hurts the box office (Mockingjay underperformed and Allegiant was basically cancelled)