Does anyone else feel like the ending to American History X was pointless? It feels like it's trying to make some grand statement, when it's just stating the obvious. Yes, hate creates more hate and you can't escape your past, we got it in the first 15 minutes of the movie
Does anyone else feel like the ending to American History X was pointless...
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>gets fucked up the ass
>becomes a liberal
Its just a fucking movie. You're not supposed to live your live by it. Faggot.
I actually felt that the ending where Danny gets killed was actually showing that Derek was right in hating niggas
Never said I was supposed to live by it. Did you even read my post?
the word "hate" has become a meme
now when the word hate is used it serves to apply a chilling effect on somebody's views and concerns which might be completely validated and logical
hate for hates sake does not and cannot exist but it is what we are told
many things deserve hate, do not let them force you into "acceptance"(submission)
The word HATE was not the point of the post
>that's racist
>ugh, the left has turned racism into a buzzword