I'll start
>Gal Gadot is a bad actress
I'll start
>Gal Gadot is a bad actress
i agree
> ITT: """""Unpopular""""" opinions
Thats a pretty safe option OP
user, almost anyone would agree
That's not the unpopular opinion about Gal Gadot, if we're talking about her looks now that is something up for debate
I think she's good looking, even with her weird forehead
She has a hideous anorexic body, her face is qt though
>There is oversaturation of comic book movies with no end in sight.
/x/ fag here.
This reptillian don't even know how to use his costume properly.
But it's true. Her head also does look like that
No one thinks she's a good actress, she's just well liked because she has charm.
I agree with this unpopular opinion