>10 years
>18 movies
Was it worth it
>10 years
>18 movies
Was it worth it
That Homecoming poster is fucking terrible.
It was worth it because roughly half made for a breezy evening at the kinoplex with your mates
It’s not like anyone’s ever going to watch one of them more than once, but that’s not the niche their aiming for
If you want to see a real abortion, look at NuWars
Hulk is underrated.
Top row: trash Iron man 2 and Thor. Keep the rest.
Middle row: trash iron man 3, Thor 2, and AoU. Keep the rest.
Bottom row: keep Ragnarok. Trash the rest
considering only two of those movies are good, i'd say no.
I started seeing them in the theaters from Civil War onwards, I feel like it's been worth it.
They are all shit. Obviously not worth it.
You haven't even seen Black Panther yet.
Is the hulk movie the basturd child of the the MCU
rating is based on capekino and not kino in general
Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
Captain America
The Avengers
Iron Man 3
Thor The Dark World
Winter Soldier
Guardians Of The Galaxy
Avengers Age Of Ultron
Civil War
Dr. Strange
>haven't seen
Guardians Of The Galaxy 2
Spiderman Homecoming
>haven't seen
Thor Ragnarok
>haven't seen
Black Panther
>haven't seen
Ive seen the trailer though.
2 of the big "action scenes" briefly shown exposed stupid slo-mo shots using completely CGI backgrounds and characters. The fucking CG on Black panther looks worse than what was used for Spiderman in CW and Homecoming.
Plus, i dont think its necessary to watch a pseudo-origins story about a character who cant do jack shit against Thanos right before a big movie centered around fighting Thanos.
What's the chronological order of the MCU?
The order of release except for Guardians 2 which is set like months after the first one and Captain Marvel which will be set in the 90's.
Iron man1
Don't watch the rest
>iron man
yea no its the best of them all
>Was it worth it
Debatable. (Diversity Panther is only a prediction of mine)
First half or so is great but it gets quiet shit after that.
now this is autism
Exactly. It’s still the best of them all
Can you think of even one that holds together through the end? Shallowest decline is probably Doctor Beyoncé but it started low to begin with
But it's clear that Wakanda is going to feature heavily in Infinity War and it's probably the location of the last Infinity Stone.
>posters get busier and shitter as time goes on
It's poetic in a way
the edward norton movie is part of the mcu?
Haven't seen 5 of them
Yeah. The actor had disagreements with Marvel though so they kicked him out and replaced him with Ruffalo. I think we're supposed to accept Hulk as canon but ignore the actor change.
Yes I dont know why they replaced him with Mark "buffalo face" Ruffalo. Norton was way better.
Yes, RDJ appears in it as Tony Stark.
As I'm not an autistic manchild, for me these shitty films have ruined the big budget blockbuster. Unless you enjoy watching some faggot dressed up in Spandex fighting a goblin or whatever there is nothing to watch over the summer anymore.
shit taste
>nothing to watch over the summer anymore.
what did you watch before capeshit in the cinemas?
i can only think of fast and furious and Star Wars
Winter Soldier was pure actionkino right up until the last 10 minutes or so.
moneywise? yeah, but as movies i lump most of them together. there's only 2-3 that stand out
I'm talking 90s. Jurassic Park, Independence Day, Armageddon, Men in Black etc
We get the world we deserve.
Is Norton's Hulk canon?
>I'm talking 90s. Jurassic Park, Independence Day, Armageddon, Men in Black etc
these movies and the 80s blockbusters all spawned sequels and franchises though apart from armageddon maybe. It's always been like this it's just that capeshit didn't have the CGI capabilities back then to be done
What are yours?
are these milk lollies?
None of these movies will be memorable outside of GotG and Iron-Man
Let me guess. BvS was le kino xd
If you don't like Snyder's style there is nothing wrong (but at lest BvS and MoS have a style).
If you can put only 3 good movies (the Captain America trilogy) out of 18 there is definitely something wrong.
Nope.. Every movie follows the same template : amazingly good cheery humanistic super hero vs. le bad guy. This unevolved good vs. evil meme is equivalent to tooth fairy tales. 10 years later it's irrelevant and aged. Even the star wars franchise has moved beyond it.
idk, ask the investors
Thats cool and all, but CW already set up Black Panther, and wakanda(besides showing it).
The feeling i get with BP so far(and i hope im wrong) is that the main storyline is going to have very little to do with the big picture that is Infinity Wars. Im expecting some flashbacks to show BP's origins and maybe a nod towards an infinity stone or something. But i have a feeling the story will be self contained for the most part until the end or when the after credits scene shows his connection in the IW.
Im hoping im wrong, but based on the trailer it seems like BP is an unnecessary movie, or it should have at least come out earlier, like pre-CW.
>Thor: "Who the hell are you guys?"
>Starlord: "We're the Guardians of the Galaxy, but you're probably more familiar with my name, Starlord...."
>Thor: "Who?!?"
>Starlord: "Again? REALLY?!?!"
Yeah, but they all started as original films though. When was the last original blockbuster? Aside from the stuff Nolan puts out, there's pretty much nothing.
yes but they are missing their cherry syrup topping
>(around) Ten years has passed
>Shitload of movies about superheroes have been made
>Still Nolan's trilogy best superhero trilogy
>Still Raimi's Spiderman best Spiderman
Imagine living in a timeline like this. Must be horrifing.
>Haven't watched a single one of these capeshit atrocities.
feels good man.
Agreed except for Thor 1
People who think Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is any better than trash should be shot
I like that they tried Hulk twice (though isn't listed there) then decided to keep him as a side character.
Hulk 1 was better btw
How do I stop it?
The same can be said with Marduk and Odysseus.
Millenniums later, we just take the script and replace names, places, and monsters.
The Incredible Hulk is the most underrated movie from that list. Emil Blonsky must return to MCU, he is only character with enough charisma and power to beat the shit outta Cap, since they permakilled Vanko.
In hindsight, most of the big blockbuster movies in the 90s sucked too, I just loved them at the time because I was a kid. Jurassic Park, Speed, The Matrix, and maybe Men in Black are the only real exceptions that I can think of.
>10 years
>18 movies
> 0 memorable pieces of music score
apart from the first iron man, and (maybe) the avengers nobody will remember these films. nobody will watch them.
apart from nolan trilogy nobody will remember the dc films either. I don't count V for Vendetta because it's barely dc comic and it came right before the capeshit boom.
GOTG 2 is same as Thor 2.
It was enough to convince me Disney mind control is working.
>mfw I have given zero dollars zero cent to MCU
Thought This Was Great
>Iron Man 1
>Winter Soldier
>Guardians 1
>Civil War
Enjoyed It Overall
>Avengers 1
>Captain America 1
>Dr. Strange
>Guardians 2
>Thor Ragnorok
>Spider-man Homecoming
>Thor 1 & 2
>Iron Man 2
Thought This Was Bad
>Incredible Hulk
>Iron Man 3
>Age of Ultron
Yes, overall it was worth it. Why does this board constantly pretend it hates capeshit yet ONLY talk about capeshit?
Not one memorable sequence of film..
I hate capeshit but Snyder’s superman and it’s sequel where strikingly beautiful.
2003 Hulk has nothing to do with MCU
Universal has the rights for standalone Hulk movies so that's why there's only TIH.
Why was Norton replaced by Ruffalo?