Is it really that good?
Is it really that good?
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Critics AND the audience liked it.
Confirmed shit.
It was alright. Nothing special really. Pretty funny at times and cute. Not this good though.
Rushmore-core. If you like that, you'll like this.
Average of 8.9/10 aka a B+
Sounds like a fair rating
name 1 bad sersh film
Why dont you watch it yourself and form your own opinion of it?
Are you going to let rotten tomatoes control your opinion of every film?
Its trash.
Is it anti-Christian?
Anyways, I haven't watched it yet, so I have no opinion on it.
it's as good as you think it is.
lub sersh
this. it can only be kino when audience likes it and critics don't
It's better
It's alright, quirky catholic school girl with mommy issues experiences what being an awkward teenager is like. All the typical cliches of a coming of age movie, the director herself described it as a female "boyhood".
But she's super cute and fun to watch so it makes it worthwhile.
Please. In this time films like these are a blessing. You must support them.
I fell in love with a potato.
Post-modern communism is soyboy cancer.
If you like movies like this, you're a nu-male.
The trailer was pure cliche
Does the movie itself escape from them?
Bland as fuck, teenager drama shit. Guess nowadays 20-30 age people relate to teenage girls dramas.
Does it matter?
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
Oh no, Sup Forums's fried his poor little brainlet mind.
Sup Forums was a mistake
>critic score 100%
take a wild guess
Not really, most the movie stays away from religion despite a catholic school being the setting. She makes some comment on god not existing at one point, but it's not the focus of the film.
Sershie getting her dues
vile little gremlin you are
Vile? :^)
What ever do you mean by that?
If you are a 20-something female that was raised Catholic and moved out of your small town to go to college in the big city, then yes.
Otherwise, it's nice but nothing special.
i'm saying you deserve you deserve to be taken out back and put down you little runt
It's very good, but a film can never achieve kino status without having a rotten score (at least 3-5%)
Armond fucked up, he reviewed this movie early before realizing how high the score would get.
He's sold out, this would of been a perfect opportunity for him to destroy a movie.
I thought it was great, all the characters were fleshed out well, the dialogue was good, it was directed well, there's really nothing I can say I didn't like about it
Not really, the Christian aspect has more to do with the setting than anything. Unless you consider teenagers wanting to have sex anti-christian, but that happens everywhere. The nuns/priests in the movie are well developed like all the other characters.
>crucifix in the background
I'd bet my life that this game is an anti-Catholic film about a young Catholic girl or girls wanting to become sexual before marriage.
No, go see 3 Billboards.
Nah, stick to LB
How do I get a qt catholic schoolgirl gf? I'm 40 btw.
>post modern
You don’t know what you’re talking about nor do you know what that words means
You can always get a nun that teaches in a school, that's the closest you'd get.
Sup Forums never really knows when to use buzzwords, for example, they kept calling this movie mumblecore until master Armond btfo them
Sure showed me, user. I bet most of those negative reviews are "it didn't h-have an ending, 2 emoji eggplants out of 37 (lol I'm so xD rand0m))"
>trusting rotten tomatoes and critics
Get the hell out of here you disgusting normie
>negative reviews
Wtf you are talking about? none of those two movies have negatives on MC
Do you even metacritic bro?
of cause not
>Released on Nov 3rd (USA)
>Release date where I live: April 19th
I hate when this happens
What a fucking JOKE
I shall pirate this as soon as I can
why do i feel this warmth inside, user?
Get a load of this children
I'm worried, screeners for most of the awards season movies, including this, have been out at least for a week and there are no leaks ;_;
It's a limited release, only plays in a select few theaters.
Screeners have been less common recently because someone got busted leaking one a few years back. They put hidden shit in there to identify who owns the screener.
the only thing that matters is for this movie to win. I will probably never watch it, but for fucks sake somebody must stop Get Out from winning an oscar.
That is reason enough for me to not see it. Does she have sex, drink, and do drugs too?
Don't worry, I think there are many movies ahead of Get Out:
Call me by your Name
Lady BIrd
Three Billboards
The Post
Shape of Water
Get out will not lose Best Picture. It's a fucking shame but that's the way it works. This isn't about good movies user, this us about the most virtuous
Get Out lost Best Feature at this year's Gotham Awards, which predicted Best Picture well the past 3 years, so that bait is probably out of the way.
The Post won Best Film by National Board of Review, who has a bad track record of predicting Oscars, so THAT bait is probably out of the way.
Get Out is good though. It makes fun of Obama voting virtue signalers.
Death of the Author, fambolini.
Saoirse has a big head.
It's 3/5 at best
Saoirse has a big head.
The Post will win the Oscar because the Free Press is the new minorities.
Saoirse is cute!!!
I love her big head and her big eyes!!!!!
Fucking cuck
Sex scene in it? She has to do one soon.
OVERRATED AS FUCK. Massive backlash incoming, because this movie dont deserve 100%. Its nothing fucking special. Overrated because female directing it.
she looks like tranny.
What would you call backlash?
4 negative reviews out of 200?
she has puffy nipples
You fucking stop right there
she's perfect ;_;
>movie about a woman who wants to be a whore and throw away morality
>directed by a female
>100% on metacritic
You tell me.
Sweet mercy those calves
Those are almost certainly pasties user, but a man can dream
With that kind of dress she certainly has them, but let me fulfill that user's dream
disgusting fucking cucks taking a mudslime lover as their waifu
filthy fucking virgins
we can love you too user
keep your sullied alien, loser
Of course she won't interfere between us, user
I bet Greta bullied Sersh on set
like Dreyer bullied Falconetti
is it anything like greta's work with noah baumbach?
some people have been mentioning wes anderson, too
it's an above average mumblecore movie. And by above average I mean the actors and actresses aren't the directors' hipster friends who can't act. I guess the people going to see it are the types who only go to see one independent film each year, and then act like it's the second coming of Christ; i.e Nightcrawler, Drive, Boyhood, etc
This happens every year, whatever
This lighting coupled with her pallid, masculine frame, really reminds me of the site Trans500
This type of thought is actually a sin.
Same falseflagger in the 3 Billboards thread
Wait for Sweetness in the Belly
You know that movie has been postponed indefinitely? And that it doesn't have any distributor?
I mean, even if it's done, there won't be any ways to watch that.
So I'll have to wait for a future unknown project
Do you mean that as far as quality, plot, or early Wes Anderson style? Or all three?
No, it's being filmed. Likely at the beginning of the new year.
You mean when televised awards shows season is on its zenith?
Sweetness in the Belly
anything above 90% that isn't some famous classic is always shit
Shit movie, and Ronan is ugly feminist whore.
>rotten tomatoes
if high RT AND Armond white praises it, then its probably decent