>sci-fi movie
>Sun is called Sol
Sci-fi movie
>sci-fi movie
>Earth is call Terra
>this is completely fine because Sol is the Latin word for the sun and over the past 2,000 years Latin terminology has outlasted everything else in academia, so it makes sense that the sun might be called Sol, earth called Terra, and so on because it is useful terminology that has existed longer than centuries of languages that were born and died
>Main character gets a phone call
>”There’s something you should see.”
>Cut to scene where some fag monologues exposition
>travel lightyears to a new star
>calls it solar system anyway
>sci-fi movie
>other star systems are called "Solar systems"
>not terra-prime
I don't remember a meme in recent history being as painfully forced as these braindead wojacks.
Isn't that the actual name of our sun?
>sci-fi movie
>it's a trapped on a spaceship with an alien episode
so it takes place in portugal? neat, i'll be an extra next time
>sci-fi movie
>future Aunt Diane stills says, "Don't do it, Jimmy."
>Not Gaia
>I don't remember a meme in recent history being as painfully forced as these braindead wojacks.
>project to save humanity called the Lazarus project
>character accidentally fires a weapon and is surprised
>"you know how to operate this thing, right?!"
>tfw when isn't going to take part in the exploration of space
>tfw when we won't be able to trade intergalactic slaves
>tfw there won't be an Epic Poem written about the valiant portuguese courageous acts
>tfw there isn't going to be 5th Empire
>sci-fi movie
>colony is called "Eden"
if you browse flag boards, the amerimutt meme is forced WAY more and it's even less entertaining
The soyboy meme by far
>Protagonist calls the antagonist
>"You're a real piece of shit, you know that?"
t. burguer
>sci-fi movie
>moon is called Luna
The soyboy thing makes sense though. The wojacks don't, they ruin the whole point of the original meme.
>sci fi anime
>earth is called earth
>Time travel movie makes fun of person from the past because they don't know how to use anything.
> sci-fi movie
> ship is called Icarus something
>sci-fi movie
>earth is called terra
>not tellus
> sci-fi movie
> earthlings are called terrans
>sci-fi movie
>other planets have only ONE species named after their homeplanet
It makes sense for latin-based language which is a big part of the world.
For instance, in French they have
sun = soleil = sol
earth = terre = terra
moon = lune = luna
english is all fucked up because it's a mostly germanic language
Braindead 56% soyboy detected.
>Sci-fi series with a plethora of alien beings
>they are all bipedal humanoids with facial prosthetics
Damn, good one.
No it still sounds stupid as fuck
t. frenchfag who studied latin
You got the all mistaken
>futuristic movie
>guns are just modern guns with lasers or computer gizmos on them
Isn't it ironic that the ones who push these memes so hard are neckbeards with sedentary lifestyles?
For that matter, why is it that the greatest champions of the white race are always the worst examples of it?
>anally aggravated amerimutt acknowledged
>sci-fi movie
>it was all a simulation twist
Dunno. To me the use of "sun" and "solar system" as colloquial terms for "star" and "star system" is ok. But it's true, people should either stick to scientific nomenclature or to colloquial terms, but not to the shallow bullshit you see in pop sci-fi.
> futuristic movie
> guns are just guns
>the soyboy thing makes sense
hello soyboy poster.
>sci-fi movie
>Sci and Fi never appear
>sci-fi movie
>Moon is called Luna
>sci fi film
>turns into a flick at the end
>sci-fi movie
>is really just a futuristic flick
>expecting americans to know this
>expecting americans to care about knowledge
That is the name of our sun.
>expecting americans
>sci-fi movie
>music from the present is playing
>Kazakh sci-fi movie
>Mars is called Қызыл жұлдыз
>futuristic sci-fi flick
>characters use modern colloquiallisms
>sci-fi movie
>ship hyperjumps through static objects
>ship time travels to the past
>crew reacts to hits against shields but cannot feel any acceleration
>more power out of nowhere
>crew doesnt beam nukes to alien ship
>ship doesnt ram ship that lost shields
>target the reactor
>target the weapons
>target the life support
>all ships aligned according to one surface
>weapons too powerful or too weak
>gravity everywhere
>all planets have earth gravity
>cannot detect life signs
>You got the all mistaken
>sci-fi movie
>British still have shitty teeth and weak chins
>sci-fi movie
>there is no fresh food
>sci fi film
>characters never poop
Is weak chins a British thing?
>sci-fi movie
>there is fresh food
how is reposting a joke "forcing" something? Is there a correct way to meme?
It's a Kug meme
>no currency at all
>Space Dollars
>lefty pulling knee-jerk reverse nonsense
Why are you quoting a shitty little comic?
>sci-fi move
>message comes in
>that's old Morse code
Where the fuck is your chin?
>sci fi movie
>any info printed on the screen like on an old computer
>t. idiot frog poster who needs to think before they type stupid shit that wastes our time
>Space Bucks
>naked aliens
>humanoid aliens
>no radiation in space
>ship never runs out of fuel
>spaceship pilots when AI can pilot things better
>spaceship captains when the reaction time from captain receiving the situation, analyzing it, giving his command is so slow, the ship would die 1000000 times
>no robot scouts before every mission
>no brain implants enchancing the memory of every person
>no nanorobots repairing ships
>sci fi movie
>its a fantasy movie
>inb4 SW
>tard finishes the quote anyway
>credits or no currency at all depending on the episode
good ones
>futuristic movie
>guns are called gats
>no currency
>magic machines that produce everything
>there are shops
>scifi something
>they come up with a retarded name for something that is already well named
amerimutts are buttmad about that meme regardless of the board they are on tho
> sci-fi movie
> Terrans are called Earthers
Yes. As per tradition, OP is a faggot.
everyone knows that in the future they will be called
sun = sonne
earth = erde
moon = mond
:^) we wuz kaisers
>sci-fi movie
>guns are called ray-gats
>not Grounders
>no borders
>no nations
>jews arent in charge
user, you got 20-30 years tops left on German before Turkish becomes the official language of Teutonic Turkey. You're not going anywhere near the stars with it.
>alien races have greetings and names full of apostrophes
>their "hello" is a paragraph in English
>they're just painted humans with stupid foreheads
Sol Invictus
That's something I love about Star wars. Planets have multiple species and they're not named after the planet.
>sci-fi movie
>wormholes are explained by sticking a pen through a folded piece of paper
>scifi movie
>alien shoot second
>sci-fi movie
>is a SyFy movie
we should talk about this more.
>not an orange or apple
>black hole
>time machines